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Shadow Mir

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Everything posted by Shadow Mir

  1. In other words, Katua. Hint for mine: Redhead, in love with a former thief, and titled "Frontier Saint". Also, my avatar.
  2. Once had the name of Anna, the redhead girl who appears throughout the Fire Emblem series. EDIT: That was referring to Ananke.
  3. Recently completed his playthrough of FE3
  4. His favorite Fire Emblem game is Thracia 776.
  5. Toras. Shooters are weak as hell in FE3 and easily taken down once you're in range.
  6. Actually, FE6 is where axes sucked ass. The most accurate axes had only 65 base hit (and that's ignoring Divine Weapons). OUCH. IT doesn't help that most axe users that weren't Gonzales were fairly sucky. EDIT: I mean characters that used primarily axes.
  7. *throws rotten fruit at Pete Steele* And this is not for the reason you may be thinking it is. That aside... 1. Mist 2. Marcia 3. Calill 4. Ilyana 5. Astrid 6. Elincia 7. Leanne 8. Micaiah 9. Laura 10. Fiona
  8. Wow. Just...wow. As if we needed more proof of how much he sucks...
  9. My username is derived from Fayt Leingod (the main character from Star Ocean 3) and Monica Raybrandt (female lead from Dark Cloud 2; She's a princess from 100 years into the future).
  10. This. The only high resistance enemies that have low defense are mages and bishops, and even then, you're still doing more damage with a magic attack.
  11. I wonder how the hack's going....How much of it has been completed?
  12. As do I. However, that goes down the drain whenever Thieves are present (or appear as reinforcements), as I hate enemy thieves running off with my treasure. As for classes, I generally prefer Pegasus knights to wyvern riders (only Haar in RD and Miledy impressed me, plus the speed cap in the GBA games and Shadow Dragon is just plain awful. Makes me really want to connect to Wifi and get an Elysian Whip...) I also rarely use axe users (by that I mean Fighters/Warriors) in general. The only fighters I liked were Nolan and Barts. I also tend to use my favorite characters. I hate Great Knights.
  13. Ridersbane. It's not even a contest. Manaketes are rarely seen on wifi, and even if you see one, ranged attacks own them. Their caps also suck. Paladins and Horsemen are way more common.
  14. But that support is rather iffy, if I say so myself. And without it....Goodbye 15 accuracy. Hell, Dart's support list is rather unimpressive. His supports are either archers (Wil, Rebecca) or join late (Karel, Geitz, Farina).
  15. What are you talking about? Mantle has the effect of Fortune.
  16. I agree. Idoun and Fomortiis were easy as hell. Roy and Fa can one-round the former, whereas the latter has about 8 weapons that are effective against him (not counting Slayer) and spends his first turn summoning monsters. But Idoun is still easiest.
  17. Hmm... Serra, Farina, Florina, Fiora, Isadora, Sain, Priscilla, Erk, Lyn, Louise.
  18. Training her as a Cavalier is WAAAAY easier than training her as a Knight. 7 move and 2 weapon types >>>>>>>>>>> 4 move and being locked to lances. Oh, and PEMN.
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