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Shadow Mir

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Everything posted by Shadow Mir

  1. I love Pegasus Knights, Mages, Paladins and Valkyries. I hate Wyverns. I wasn't really impressed by any wyvern not named Haar in RD or Miledy. I also loathe Trueblades and Warriors (Astra fails horribly, and aside from Nolan, I never found Warriors likable.) Oh, and I also despise Great Knights. Way too many weaknesses, and I never was particularly open to a cross between a paladin and a general. Also, cats. Their transform gauge drops faster than a ton of bricks.
  2. From the Chapter Data section: Ashera has varying attacks that she can use during her turn. They are as follows: Turn 1: Multiple-target physical attack (Range: All, Might: 52 - [3 x Number of spaces between user and enemy], Hit: 100) Turn 2: Single-target magical attack (Range: 1~Magic/2, Might: 50, Hit: 100, Weight: 20) Turn 3: Multiple-target magical attack (Range: All, Might: 50 - [3 x Number of spaces between user and enemy], Hit: 100) Turn 4: Single-target physical attack (Range:1~Magic/2, Might: 50, Hit: 100, Weight: 20) Turn 5: Multiple-target Silence attack (Range: All, Hit 100) Turn 6-9: Same as Turn 1-4 Turn 10: Multiple-target Stun attack (Range: All, Hit: 100) Turn 11+: Cycles through all the above As for the spirits...I dunno if they stop coming. I would guess yes, but I always defeated her before I could find out.
  3. Except Rennac is a crappy unit. And assassins also blow chunks. To be honest, I really don't see the worth of Silencer over not needing keys or lockpicks to open chests, and I'd rather not boot a good unit for Rennac. Bingo! Ho ho ho ho!
  4. Though that's not saying much, considering that Super Trainees aren't that great. Anyway, I was disturbed at Colm the Assassin and Rennac being among soul1112's best characters.
  5. FE1-5: Never FE6: Twice. Second playthrough incomplete. FE7: Can't remember. FE8: Can't remember. FE9: 5 times. FE10: Technically, I'm on my second playthrough, but I've played it about 7 times. And Red Fox, how, I'm trying to figure out how to customize my sig so that I can display my sig picture. I'm a bit confused on that. Could you help?
  6. Same here. Although I send Joshua to do the job.
  7. Hmm. I worry more about Valter than Caellach, though I still kill Caellach first. Valter activating Pierce and getting a critical hit in the same attack is no fun, ja? Also, you can't use anyone who'll get doubled by Valter. And Red Fox, I want that picture you had in your sig earlier. I just like it that much. Where did you find it?
  8. Easiest: 2-3. I favor Astrid and Marcia here since I don't care about the others. Or the BEXP for leaving the enemies alive, for that matter. Hardest: 2-1. Curse you, Nephenee, and your low defense. Also, curse the crapload of ranged attackers. 3-5. I want that Energy Drop. 4-4. Not really that hard, but...
  9. Nope. Still extra cash. It's not like Boyd or Nolan would have much trouble killing when Colossus activates.
  10. Also, slax, Warrior or Berserker + Forged Poleax = Bye-bye Horseman. And Berserkah2DaBladah, maybe you're thinking what I'm thinking about slax.
  11. Con doesn't affect Attack Speed. It's Strength. Because of that, Statue Frags are basically extra cash.
  12. I like it. It looks great. I've been wondering when we were going to get another skin.
  13. I voted for Ranulf, Tormod, Muarim, and Vika. Ranulf reverts too fast, and I have a burning hatred for cat laguz in RD. I feel they're worthless. Tormod, Muarim, and Vika...Why in the world are they forced in 4-4 again? By that time, they're completely useless, not having shown up since Part 1 and they FINALLY decide to show up right before Endgame? Some Laguz Emancipation Army they are. As much as she sucks, I'd use Sigrun over the Tormodic Triad of Failure.
  14. I'm adding 3-10 to my most hated chapters. It's chapters like that one that make me detest the ally AI. The healers seem to like strutting up into enemies' attack range just to heal, which is especially aggravating since they have Physic staves. Then you have the fighters getting out there and either sucking up exp, dying or even both. I hate that one because you're trying to protect Elincia, and she finds it smart to be heading to the east section of the map. You know, the same section of the map where they got all these bow users, including a crossbow and the boss himself (who's packing a shiny Silver Bow). Ugh. Oh, and who in the world thought forcing Ranulf to be deployed in this map--or, better yet, almost all of Ike's maps after he joins--was a good idea?
  15. Vika....one of the best characters in the game? Instead, I'll do just like Black Luster Soldier and say: HAHAHAHAHAHAHA no. When she comes back, she is doing piss-poor damage (or none at all!) and she dies to a breeze. And she, just like Tormod and Muarim, has only 4 chapters before endgame, and 3 of those are in Part 1. If you ask me, Lucia has it better with availability despite showing up for only 3 chapters. At least she ends up with the right team. And that brings up the question: Why the hell are these three failures forced on me for 4-4? I'd disagree on 3-6 being the hardest. Beastfoe and a Bowgun on either Leonardo or Nolan = Let's rock baby! Though I give that to Leo since Nolan's working the frontlines for me. 2-1 is much worse if you ask me.
  16. Which one? 1-8 or 4-5? Though I'm guessing 1-8. I hate the fact that they force so many units on you. You can only choose 4 out of your 12 units.
  17. I prefer Rebecca and Sain myself. As far as Bartre and Dorcas are concerned, Geitz > them both.
  18. I'd have to agree that Levin swords aren't that great. In fact, mages as SMs is not an idea I'd condone. Mage Nabarl...? How good is Nabarl as a Mage?
  19. I use the Wiimote on its side, since I got used to it having played Super Paper Mario, though I also use the Gamecube controller. And Black Luster Soldier, how much is the recharge kit?
  20. I've played FE6, FE7, FE8, FE9, and FE10. I'm looking forward to playing Shadow Dragon.
  21. Red Fox of Fire, Mist gets +5 Strength from her promotion.
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