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Shadow Mir

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Everything posted by Shadow Mir

  1. 20 uses ftl. Also, getting Roy to 20/20 requires blatant favoritism.
  2. Rolf needs enemies to be lowered to 1-4 HP so that he can kill them. As for the BEXP card, I knew you would try to play that. Too bad that Mist and Marcia, both of who join it that very same chapter, would like some of that BEXP. Sorry, but your BEXP argument is a rather poor one since BEXP can be given to anyone.
  3. Rolf? Great in PoR? DOES NOT COMPUTE. He requires OBSCENE amounts of babying just to become good, and even then, he doesn't turn out good enough to justify all the trouble.
  4. I suppose she meant that Edward was terrible in Hard mode.
  5. Also, my biggest gripe with Ike's part 3 chapters is being forced to field Ranulf. Cat laguz, to be blunt, fail completely and utterly in Radiant Dawn. Worst transformation issues in the game ftl.
  6. Edward is probably my least favorite DB member. And this is coming from someone who likes the DB. Axe users have hit rates of 60+% on him in Normal mode. With WTD on him. That's... disappointing, to say the least. Also, I don't see what's so special about Boyd. He's pretty much your typical warrior if you ask me. Specializes in HP and Strength, but takes quite a bit of damage (and often due to not being very good on the evade front). And I never really liked the Warrior class, aside from Nolan. Also, wyvern riders have never appealed to me, aside from Miledy, Haar in this game, and Jill in PoR (to a lesser extent).
  7. Sure, there's always not using them. But I hate it because Tormod, Muarim and Vika (Some Laguz Emancipation Army...) are forced to be fielded for no reason whatsoever.
  8. Yes. Which is why Oscar can't use it. Not that it matters, because again, Longbows, to be blunt, fail utterly in Radiant Dawn.
  9. Tales of Vesperia Left 4 Dead Mirror's Edge (Is that on the 360? I don't remember, though I'm sure it is...) Eternal Sonata Call of Duty 4 And I'm getting a 360 for Christmas myself. Funny thing is, I already have Tales of Vesperia.
  10. 1-8. So many forced units. 4-4. Look, it's Tormod & co.! Too bad they're pitifully weak and die to even a light breeze! (Or at least Tormod and Vika.) And why the hell are we even forced to field these failures after they've been gone for so long?! Ugh.
  11. Oscar can't use the Silver Longbow though.
  12. Sorry, but I strongly disagree. Once again, Jill and Zihark will be underleveled if they join the Greil Mercenaries, they're going to have more and better competition than if they'd stayed wihy Daein, and if they joined the mercenaries, I'd have to kick out two (more likely good than not) units to field them. So what we have here is a situation where all three parties involved lose more than they gain (The Dawn Brigade loses two of their best units, the Greil Mercenaries lose two units of their own just to field an underleveled Jill and Zihark, and Jill and Zihark themselves lose whatever supports they had before defecting [unless they were supporting each other, that is], in addition to a guaranteed spot on the DB maps. Where is the benefit here? Long story short: There isn't any, or at least there isn't enough to counteract the sacrifices each party has to make.).
  13. 5. Micaiah (110 kills) 4. Fiona (110 kills) 3. Marcia (118 kills) 2. Calill (127 kills) 1. Ilyana (157 kills) Not really sure how many kills Marcia and Calill actually got.
  14. Where are you coming from with Kieran being great??? He isn't that good. "Glass cannon" doesn't fit Nephenee. She doesn't hit hard enough to be one. She's more of a fragile speedster. Personally, Lucius (different game, but still) screams glass cannon to me. And I hate Nephenee's low defense and strength. Sure, she's fast, but she doesn't dodge well enough to make up for her low defense. And while she doubles often, she doesn't really do that much damage other than against mages, but anyone can off them easily. As for Jill, I never could bring myself to give her a chance, except once. And that one time I DID use her was on Easy mode. I ended up not taking her to Endgame that playthrough. Jill's base HP, at a mere 24, is lackluster, especially for her level. Come to think of it, that base HP is closer to what you might expect from a pegasus knight than from a wyvern rider. And there's the fact that she can't hit the side of a barn, which is my reason for not liking most axe users (they tend to lack skill; I'm looking at YOU, Dart).
  15. 12000 gold for the Silver Longbow? That screams rip-off to me. Longbows in Radiant Dawn, to be blunt, suck. A loss of 30 accuracy from an already inaccurate weapon just for 3 range? No thank you. Oh, and Oscar can't even use it. EDIT: Dammit, how did I forget the Silver Longbow was 12000 gold? No matter. It's still a rip-off.
  16. False on both accounts. I know nothing of Gaiden, but all non-HP stats capped at 20 in FE1 and FE3, meaning Marth wasn't in any real danger of being outstatted since even promoted units capped at 20. And Micaiah suffering the Crappy Lord syndrome? If you want to discuss crappy lords, Roy's your boy (lolcwutididthar). He can't do anything right. And he doesn't promote for a LOOOOOOOOOOOOOOONG time. When he finally promotes, most of everyone else is leaps and bounds above him.
  17. I've been mostly playing FE10, though I mix in some of FE7 and FE8 when I can. I'll be getting Shadow DRagon when that comes out as well.
  18. And that's all he's good for, honestly. Especially in Radiant Dawn...
  19. Indeed Arcard leaves, then he gets replaced by Flaer, then Flaer getrs replaced by Aine the mamkute.
  20. For me, Jill and Zihark stay with Daein. As I see it, they need all the help they can get (and there's the issue of them being underleveled if I get them to defect). I barely use Jill beyond 1-6 anyways. The Greil Mercenaries already have their hands full simply trying to provide for themselves, but giving them two more mouths to feed with what little resources they have?? No. Just...no. It just doesn't sound right. Though I will recruit Zihark in 3-E just to get him some EXP for Part 4.
  21. While that's true, Lords usually promote at the tail end of the game (the only main character who had a halfway decent promotion time was Ike in Path of Radiance).
  22. * I gave Mist Alondite. * Avoid Nephenee like the plague. I dislike her for whatever reason. * Recruit everyone, even Oliver. * Avoid using laguz for the most part, aside from herons. * For whatever reason, I could care less about Urvan, the Vague Katti, Balberith, or Rexcalibur. (In other words, I don't use them in Endgame.) * Avoid using the royals in Endgame. * Avoid using Jill. For whatever reason, I never could bring myself to like her.
  23. I meant relative to his PoR self. Rolf needed an obscene amount of babying to be useful in PoR. And it didn't help that you had units like Mist and Marcia that joined around the same time period as Rolf did.
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