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Ice Dragon

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Everything posted by Ice Dragon

  1. You can identify which game most playable Beorc characters come from just from their designs. It's faster to list the characters with no easily discernable change than the reverse. From Akaneia, you can identify which game Marth and Hardin come from, and everyone else is identical. Yep. Definitely comparable. And exactly which source game icon would TMS be combined with? Three Hopes has an obvious choice; TMS does not. The backpacks are still only backpacks, and unlike Three Hopes, the lead characters for the TMS units aren't even from the same world as Akaneia or Awakening. And as far as I can tell, the Mirage characters don't appear to even be the same person as their namesake in the first place anyways.
  2. Haar was actually the character I was going to use as an example. The scalloped pauldrons are clearly from Radiant Dawn. Path of Radiance Haar's pauldrons are convex upward throughout. Radiant Dawn Haar's pauldrons are convex upward in the middle, but concave upward on both ends. The fact that they slant downward in Heroes is inconsequential. Gravity exists, and clothing can shift when you move. The Heroes art clearly matches one and clearly doesn't match the other. Your argument that it's just a difference in art style would hold more water if the Heroes art fell somewhere in between or was significantly different from both. Also, while the art styles of the in-game sprites are different, the art styles of the official arts are not, and the design elements match within their respective games. One of those is not Three Houses, and its existence is irrelevant to my statement. The statement was specifically a response to you saying that Academy Arc and War Arc have different character designs and are split in CYL. I don't know enough about what Three Hopes's relationship to Three Houses even is to make any sort of educated comment on it, but based on the fact that it's a spin-off game and that they clearly aren't intending to release a large number of units with it as their source, it makes enough sense to lump it in with Three Houses. Especially when the two games have the exact same subtitle in Japanese, with the only difference being that one of them has Warriors in the main title (Fire Emblem: Fūkasetsugetsu and Fire Emblem Musō: Fūkasetsugetsu). Basically like Fates.
  3. More likely the English localization realized they probably won't be able to make any of the rest of them fit. I assume "Hero-King Sword" is pretty close to the limit for skill name lengths. Even when drawn in a completely different art style to either game, almost every Beorc character at the very least has a change in their outfit that makes it identifiable which game the design is from. In contrast, while the Akaneia remakes made some larger changes compared to the original games, characters in Mystery Book 1 are generally not distinguishable from the same character in Mystery Book 2, and characters in Shadow Dragon are generally not distinguishable from the same character in New Mystery. Again, excluding differences in art style because the art style of the game has no bearing on the art style of the Heroes art. Three Houses doesn't get two source entries because it isn't two games. Never heard of them.
  4. And the usual translation notes: Ike's epithet, "Of Radiance", is "蒼炎の紋章士" (sōen no monshō-shi), "Emblem of Blue Flames". This is Emblem Ike's epithet in Engage. As usual, "紋章士" (monshō-shi), "emblem warrior", is the term used for Emblems. "蒼炎" (sōen), "blue flames", comes from Ike's epithet, "蒼炎の勇者" (sōen no yūsha), "Hero of Blue Flames", and from the title of Path of Radiance, "蒼炎の軌跡" (sōen no kiseki), "Path of Blue Flames". Emblem Ragnell is "蒼炎の勇者の剣" (sōen no yūsha no ken), "Sword of the Hero of Blue Flames". As mentioned above, "蒼炎の勇者" (sōen no yūsha), "Hero of Blue Flames", is Ike's epithet from Radiant Dawn. Great Aether is "覇克・天空" (hakoku: tenkū), "Supremacy: Aether". This has the same name as Ike's Engage Attack in Engage in both languages. It does not share its Japanese name with Ike's Final Smash in Super Smash Bros., which is "大天空" (dai-tenkū), "Great Aether". Laguz Friend is "不動" (fudō), "Immovable" or "Steadfast". This has the same name as Ike's Engage Skill in Engage in both languages. That's because it's actually possible to identify which of the two Tellius games most of the Tellius characters come from based on their appearance, which is something that cannot be said of the Akaneia games. Also, Marth is the only character that makes sense as a source game icon for both Shadow Dragon and Mystery, so you'd just end up with 2 Marth icons anyways.
  5. On the one hand, I'm happy we finally get a banner where Elincia shares a color with the new unit (since her previous rerun was Camilla's release banner), and Embla is always worth grabbing more merges for. On the other hand, this means Seidr is dodging me again and will probably end up in never-going-to-get-merged hell. It's 40% of the damage taken, which is decidedly percentage damage reduction. The effect also attaches to the Special skill, which means the damage reduction can't be nullified anyways since Deadeye-like skills can only nullify percentage damage reduction from non-Special sources. Its name comes from his Engage Skill in Engage. It cuts the unit's own percentage damage reduction in half in exchange for flat damage reduction and additional damage and charges the unit's Special by 2 before the opponent's first attack. It only activates if the unit's Special has a maximum cooldown of 3 or more.
  6. Jotunheimr Hana is next: While Hana's weapon is outdated at this point, her stats aren't too bad. With the Resplendent stat boost, she has 45+/43/44/31/34- with maximum Dragonflowers, which is just a point behind Flavia (43+/44+) offensively. Compared to other 4-star units, she's stronger, but slower, than Kamui (41/44+) and Guy (40/46-) and slightly behind Inigo (45/46+) and Lapis (43-/47+). And although her weapon is outdated, it isn't entirely unviable, as the effective damage against armors gives it a sizable boost to Atk against armors, and it still has a serviceable +4 Atk/Spd, though only on player phase. She can run it with No Quarter + Emblem Marth + Velocity 4 (once it's released) + Null Follow-Up 3 and probably do decently against slower armors. Duo Chrom, after all, still does quite well in a straight-up fight against a lot of armors despite having stats and a weapon that aren't significantly better than hers. And here's what we now have so far for this calendar year: Nifl Ilyana Askr Brave Veronica Hel Soren Embla Brave Celica Embla Selena Nifl Brave Hector Jotunheimr Hana Prior to this, Jotunheimr was the theme with the second-least-recent release, with the last unit being Nephenee on August 10 of last year. Only Ljosalfheimr was less recent. Additionally, this now puts Nidavellir one more unit behind Jotunheimr as the least- and second-least-used themes.
  7. Despite still only having 18 open spots in my barracks, I decided I may as well pull on the Ascended/Rearmed banner since I'd only need to pull through a single spark. Or so I thought. 55 pulls, sniping colorless: 1 Grima 1 Tana (+1 spark) 2 Chrom And somehow getting as many Chroms as colorless focus units. Grima was the only focus unit I pulled before the spark. Then I got Chrom on the immediate next pull and Tana and Chrom in a single session shortly after. So in the end, I did end up with a no-longer-below-average 7.3% focus rate.
  8. Last week's free Arena ticket got me Brave Celica. This week's gets me Tiki: Only able to clear out 18 spaces in my barracks, so I'm just doing the banners that are about to expire. 41 pulls on the Hall of Forms banner: 1 Ethlin (+1 spark) 1 Julia The Ethlin that I pulled is identical to the one I already had, with [+Res, -Spd]. What the hell, game. 44 pulls on the Seiros remix banner: 1 Seiros 2 Plumeria (+1 spark) 1 Thrasir 1 Alm 1 Grima 78 pulls on the Dagr remix banner: 1 Peony 4 Tiki 2 Dagr 0 Sonya (+1 spark) Peony really, really, really doesn't seem to like me for some reason. It looks like I'll have to wait for her next rerun to get my last merge for her and just hope that the banner's line-up isn't too bad.
  9. As long as you plan on pulling more copies of Ginnungagap. Special Fighter 4 is currently the standard B skill for slow armors that already have a guaranteed follow-up on their weapon (and aren't running Hardy Fighter), provided there isn't too much overlap in skill effects. Fast armors have a few more options (Savvy Fighter 4, Gambit 4, etc.), though it still mostly depends on what skill effects are overlapping with other slots. D/R Far Trace is also the standard C skill for slow Far Save armors. You typically want to run D/R over either of the Atk options unless you're extremely confident about the defensive stat you're not getting.
  10. Remote Sparrow is the safest A skill for ranged units, even when they have access to Flared Sparrow and even when they're running Fleeting Echo. It's always up to you how much bulk you're willing to sacrifice for damage and vice versa, and there isn't really a right answer. It is worth noting, though, that Remote Sparrow has significant distribution (1 unit in the standard pool, 2 in the Legendary/Mythic/Emblem pool, and 7 Special Heroes) compared to only 2 units with Incite Atk/Spd (1 in the standard pool, 1 in the LME pool), so skipping out on being able to duplicate Remote Sparrow isn't too big of loss. Arcane Eljudnir is always worth considering giving to slow sword units that don't have an exclusive weapon or have an outdated exclusive weapon if you're using one. Atk/Def Clash 4 currently competes with Atk/Def Prime 4 for the A slot on slow melee cavalry and fliers and will also compete with a future Flared Sturdy. However, Prime 4 is only really competitive on units that have a means of not dropping dead to magic (or if you can ensure they'll only fight physical units on enemy phase), and Flared has no effect on enemy phase, so despite the fancy alternative options, Clash 4 is always going to at least remain competitive with them.
  11. As a reminder, Desaix is still not in the game despite all of the hype for him getting 791 votes in CYL 7.
  12. Added Kashim's weapon and Nidhoggr's epithet and weapon to the translation notes. It's really weird hearing Nidhoggr voiced by Toyosaki Aki.
  13. I can see Def/Res Pledge + Atk Oath Echo being good on a lot of slow dragons since they'll naturally want the Res to activate Scowl and the Def for standard tanking, which makes those 2 stats the 2 most important for them. Slow melee tanks that run Distant Counter and slow ranged tanks can also run the combination as long as their C slot is free to do so. Yeah. That's because it doesn't. "Still inflicts penalty on foe" refers to the "additional penalty to foe's Spd/Res = 6 - current penalty on each of those stats during combat". The neutralized stat penalty remains neutralized. This line is in the description because the single-stat Seal 4 skills have their additional penalty only apply if the opponent doesn't neutralize their stat penalties to that stat, whereas the double-stat Seal 4 skills don't have that restriction. It's worth noting that the Japanese skill description for Framme's weapon only uses 1 named variable for the whole description because Japanese is better at being concise with descriptions of values and can therefore just put the description of the value in the formula instead of having to pull those out to be explained separately.
  14. On strictly enemy-phase units, yes. On dual-phase units, it depends. It has Bonus Doubler 4's effect of being able to borrow stat bonuses from nearby allies, which means you can make up for any of your nullified stat bonuses with an ally's stat bonuses, but that requires you to stay near your allies. If you're relying on teleportation effects, like Guidance 4, for mobility or using the unit more often on enemy phase with only a little player-phase use, then there's very little downside to Distant Bonus Doubler, but if the unit is running off on their own too often, then you probably want to run Distant Solo just to be more consistent. And then there's the fact that Distant/Close Bonus Doubler is almost certainly going to be restricted to infantry since Bonus Doubler is restricted to infantry, so all other movement types will still have to settle for the other Distant/Close Counter variants. In combination with Pledge or Incite (or any new skill series with similar effects) once all of the stat combinations are released, you're always going to want the 2 most useful stats in the C slot and the third most useful stat in the Echo slot. So only if Def and Res are the unit's 2 most useful stats, this combination will be optimal. On units that aren't running stat bonuses in their C slot, such as if you're running Time's Pulse 4, Infantry Pulse 4, Rein Snap, Deadly Miasma, etc., Atk Oath Echo is optimal if Atk is the unit's most useful stat (assuming we eventually get the other stats for the Oath Echo series). Given that Pulse Up is probably only going to have an Atk/Spd variant and a Def/Res variant due to its naming scheme, Pulse Up: Shields + Atk Oath Echo will be optimal for units that don't need Spd once Pulse Up: Shields is released.
  15. The localization of Akaneia's everything names still confuses the fuck out of me. And the usual translation notes: The name of the banner, "Attuned Caeda & Ascended Merric", is "響心シーダ&開花マリク" (kyōshin shīda & kaika mariku), "Echoing Hearts Caeda & Blooming Merric". As usual, "響心" (kyōshin), "resonating hearts", is the term used for Attuned Heroes, and "開花" (kaika), "blooming", is the term used for Ascended Heroes. Caeda's epithet, "Marth's Faithful", is "英雄王の理解者" (eiyū-ō no rikaisha), "The Hero King's Support". Pure-Wing Spear is "純白ウイングスピア" (junpaku uingu supia), "Pure-White Wing Spear". D Bonus Doubler is "遠反・強化増幅", (enhan: kyōka zōfuku), "Distant Counter: Bonus Amplification". As usual, "遠反" (enhan) is an abbreviation of "遠距離反撃" (enkyori hangeki), "long-range counterattack", which is the name of the Distant Counter skill. "強化増幅" (kyōka zōfuku), "enhancement amplification", is the name of the Bonus Doubler skill. "強化" (kyōka), "enhancement", on its own is the term used for stat bonuses, but not Bonuses as a whole. Believe in Love? is "愛する人がいますか" (ai-suru hito ga imasu ka), "Is There Someone You Love?". Def/Res Pledge is "守備魔防の信条" (shubi mabō no shinjō), "Def/Res Conviction". Guard Echo is "響・キャンセル" (kyō: kyanseru), "Echo: Cancel". "キャンセル" (kyanseru), "cancel", is the name of the Guard skill. Yumina's epithet, "Princess of Grust", is "グルニアの王女" (gurunia no ōjo), "Princess of Grunia". Sunlight is "サンライト" (sanraito), "Sunlight". Ellerean's epithet, "Mage of Khadein", is "カダインの魔道士" (kadain no madōshi), "Mage of Khadein". Lightburst Tome is "激雷の書" (gekirai no sho), "Tome of Extreme Thunder". C Bonus Doubler is "近反・強化増幅" (kinhan: kyōka zōfuku), "Close Counter: Bonus Amplification". As usual, "近反" (kinhan) is an abbreviation of "近距離反撃" (kinkyori hangeki), "close-range counterattack", which is the name of the Close Counter skill. Merric's epithet, "Wind Pontifex", is "風の司祭" (kaze no shisai), "Bishop of Wind". "司祭" (shisai), "priest", "pastor", or "minister", is the name of the Bishop class, which is Merric's promoted class in the original Akaneia games. Note that the actual Japanese word for "bishop" is either "司教" (shikyō) for Catholic bishops or "主教" (shukyō) for all other denominations of Christianity. Tender Excalibur is "柔風エクスカリバー" (jūfū ekusukaribā), "Soft Wind Excalibur". Sacred Wind is "神聖風" (shinsei-fū), "Sacred Wind". Seal Spd/Res is "速さ魔防封じ" (hayasa mabō fūji), "Spd/Res Sealing". Kashim's epithet, "Loving Son", is "タリスの猟師" (tarisu no ryōshi), "Hunter of Talis". Vulture Bow is "禿鷹の弓" (hagetaka no yumi), "Vulture Bow". Nidhoggr's epithet, "Quieting Dose", is "毒の葬り手" (doku no hōmuri te), "Silencing Hand of Poison". "葬る" (hōmuru) means "to bury" or "to hush". I'm translating it here as "to silence". Dosing Fang is "毒の葬り手の牙" (doku no hōmuri te no kiba), "Fangs of the Silencing Hand of Poison".
  16. Bleh, only one spark despite having two premium unit types in different colors. I guess I'll just wait for Merric to pity break me later since Ascended Heroes have this odd habit of doing so for me anyways, and I'm not in a rush for his Floret or skills. On the other hand, we're finally getting another human melee infantry skill duplicator to join Ganglot. Guard Echo is... okay, I guess. It's a bit annoying that the Guard effect is already on half of the good skills that armors have access to, which means if you want it for the damage reduction effect, the Guard effect will be useless, but there aren't many other passive skills that are usable by both armors and non-armors that would grant damage reduction as an Echo skill. I guess armors will have to wait for Quick Riposte Echo or something to get something with both a useful primary effect and damage reduction. Decent for other movement types, though. But also a bit annoying that the Guard effect also overlaps with Arcane Eljudnir. The Bonus Doubler Distant/Close Counter variants are pretty nice, though we have a decent number of units that nullify stat bonuses, which means it's less reliable on player phase when you can't always rely on nearby teammates to make up for any nullified stat bonuses. Seems nice for pure enemy-phase units, though, but it's presumably restricted to only infantry due to having Bonus Doubler.
  17. It's really hard for me to decide if it would be better for me for the new Emblem Hero to be red or green. While this is Camilla's first rerun banner, if the new unit is red, this would also be Elincia's first rerun banner where she shares a color with the new unit, as her first rerun was on Camilla's banner. Additionally, I do want more merges on both Embla and Seidr. As for Hall of Forms, I'm not aware of there being datamined info on it yet, so these are the most recent units we've gotten (last 5 Halls of Forms), sorted by the units' release dates: 2022-12: Winter Black Knight 2022-10: Halloween Female Corrin 2022-10: Halloween Male Corrin 2022-06: Summer Micaiah 2022-06: Summer Elincia 2022-05: Fallen Lilith 2022-04: Young Soren 2022-02: Valentine Lucina 2022-02: Valentine Owain 2022-01: Desert Nailah 2021-12: Winter Artur 2021-11: Marcia 2021-05: Fallen Male Morgan 2021-04: Young Innes Fodlan units that fall in (or near) this range are: 2023-03: Spring Ashe, Bernadetta 2023-01: Desert Male Byleth 2022-12: Winter Annette, Dorothea 2022-09: Holst (Grail), Monica, Male Shez, Female Shez, Ascended Hilda 2022-08: Jeralt (Grail), Brave Female Byleth 2022-06: Summer Claude, Dimitri, Harmonized Edelgard 2022-05: Fallen Rhea 2021-12: Winter Ignatz (Grail), Manuela, Harmonized Lysithea 2021-11: Ninja Shamir (Grail) 2021-10: Winter Rhea, Duo Sothis 2021-09: Aelfric (Grail), Balthus, Constance, Hapi, Yuri 2021-08: Brave Gatekeeper, Marianne 2021-06: Summer Ashe, Caspar, Mercedes, Leonie (Grail), Duo Hilda 2021-05: Fallen Edelgard, Dimitri I'm honestly half-expecting them to give us Summer Claude, Summer Dimitri, and Fallen Edelgard. It's actually kind of funny how there are basically no viable Edelgards for them to pick since the only ones in the likely time range are Fallen Edelgard, who falls at the extreme far end of the outlier tail, and Harmonized Edelgard, who is unlikely to be picked due to being a Harmonized Hero. Fallen Edelgard would also just be an awful unit to pick for Hall of Forms anyways since she literally has a complete skill kit already, and the only new skills that actually improve on it are Armored Blaze (which isn't available yet) and Assault Troop. As usual, I don't actually care who's in the event as long as there's a Grail unit, but given the options, it's hard to see them actually picking one over all of the other available options. Holst is unlikely due to sharing a color with Sothis, which really just leaves Jeralt, Shamir, and Ignatz.
  18. The team is missing a unit with either overwhelming damage output or sufficient bulk to deal with modern Save tanks and other annoyingly bulky units. The issue is that there aren't many that are particularly easy to get and merge. For damage output, you're looking for someone like Duo Seidr, Wind Claude, or possibly Legendary Elincia. Brave Gullveig might also work, and you might be able to get away with a well-built Spring Ashe. Duo Micaiah has the damage output, but I'm not confident that she can take a counterattack since her weapon has no defensive effects whatsoever. For bulk, the first unit that comes to mind is Rosado, and the second is Spring Maria. However, you might be able to make Areone pull this off if you can get him Wyvern Rift from Rosado, though Areone doesn't have any defensive effects on his weapon to synergize with it. Alternatively, you might want to run a debuffer or other support-heavy unit, which might let you get away with offensive units that aren't as oppressively strong to deal with bulky opponents. Rearmed Plumeria and Halloween Sophia have the high Res to run Sabotage-Ploy builds, and Hortensia has a variety of buffs and debuffs on her exclusive C skill. Duo Micaiah can probably serve double duty here as an attacker as long as she isn't dying to counterattacks, as can Ninja Camilla. If you don't mind discarding her exclusive weapon, Spring Plumeria can also do this with Spring Linhardt's new Carrot Bow, though the optimal B and C skills to pair with it don't exist yet (Sabotage A/D 3 and Spd/Res Ploy 3). With Areone already granting the party Charge, other mobility support effects are a bit less important, and even more so if you give everyone Atk Oath Echo. Soaring Guidance is okay, but since it doesn't grant any boosts to the user, you should ideally only give it to support units (namely Peony on this team). Hortensia also grants Canto (1) to allies, which can also be useful if you aren't running Trace skills on your other units (or if you want to run something other than Trace, like the tier-4 Poison Strikes).
  19. It completely escaped my mind that Gambit 4 is usable by Peony and only has weapon-type restrictions and no movement-type restrictions. As such, it's probably the best B skill Peony has access to that she can give to human melee infantry, though that still comes with the caveat that Gambit 4 requires specific skill effect combinations to function.
  20. New update, new skills added to Hall of Forms. This month, we get skills through Mythic Lumera and Emblem Marth. The most notable skills being added this month include: Nabata Lance+ Nabata Beacon+ S/R Far Trace 4 Atk/Def Bulwark 4 Potent 4 Pulse Up: Blades Atk/Def Oath 4 Which means if you want to try to run Potent 4 on Dancer Eldigan, now you can. Not sure I'd recommend it over, say, Aerial Maneuvers, but it's certainly an option.
  21. I only have 15 spaces in my barracks right now, but this'll have to do for the time being because I really don't want to do any more barracks cleaning right now to find 5 more spots. 40 pulls from the Hall of Forms banner: 1 Female Corrin (+1 spark) Got literally nothing until pull 31 with a 4.5% pity rate and nothing else after that. On the bright side, this was my first copy of Corrin with a Spd Asset, which means I can finally switch my merge base. Corrin will be +7 once I level up this new one and merge all of my copies together. 170 pulls from the Legendary Alear banner: 5 Alear (+1 spark) 5 Gullveig 1 Gotoh 1 Plumeria 1 Harken 7.6% focus rate is about 1 and a half pulls below average. However, 2.9% Alear rate is basically average (before accounting for the fact that not all pulls were colorless), so the below-average overall pulls were basically all copies of Gotoh. Overall pretty good haul. I'll be feeding one copy of Alear off to Rearmed Grima to duplicate Dragon's Roar, so he'll end up +4. Unfortunately, I won't be able to transfer Bulwark 4 and Pledge, but I'll be able to grab Pledge off of the AHR banner, so it isn't a big deal. The best copy of Gullveig I have right now has an Atk Asset, so that'll have to do for the time being. If I merged all of my copies of Gullveig, she'd be +7, but I'll probably use one copy to give Occultist's Strike to Rearmed Ophelia since she's currently the easiest source of it. So she'll end up +6 for now. Gotoh is now +4. This copy of Plumeria has an Atk Asset, which is better than my current neutral copy and will bring her to +1 once I find someone to give Death Blow Echo to. This is my first copy of Harken, and he has an Atk Flaw because of course he would.
  22. The next Resplendent Hero is being announced early again, and to no one's surprise, it's Brave Hector, but this time he's in a Nifl outfit: Nifl has always had the most drab-looking outfits, and it's nice that this one actually looks visually interesting. Thankfully, they've been getting better at this recently, it seems, though it's still a bit hit or miss. I'm also glad we have Nifl armor that looks normal instead of like Fjorm's and Hrid's solid metal bricks. Hector's stats have certainly seen better days, though he's still plenty viable for PvE content. The Resplendent stat boost brings him up to 55/44/29/46+/35- with maximum Dragonflowers, which is a little bit bulkier than Valentine Rudolf at the cost of losing out on a sizable chunk of Atk. On the bright side, Maltet is actually comparable to Arcane Qiang, granting an additional +1 Atk/Def/Res and stat penalty nullification over Qiang in exchange for losing +5 Spd, +1 Special charge rate, and the extra HP and additional stat from a stat refine. While it is less recommended to run Hector as a Far Save tank nowadays due to his lower Res and the insane damage output of modern offensive ranged units, his Ostian Counter is still better than all of the alternative Distant Counter options for the slot outside of Atk/Def Prime 4 with significant team support to get the necessary stacks on it to activate Distant Counter. That said, it probably is still better to run him as a Near Save tank now and leave Far Save to more specialized units. This finishes off all of the CYL 2 units. It also brings Blazing up to tie with both Tellius games as the titles with the largest completion percentage at 60% of their eligible units: Nifl Ilyana Askr Brave Veronica Hel Soren Embla Brave Celica Embla Selena Nifl Brave Hector It's also worth noting that Blazing now has as many units with Resplendent outfits as both Tellius games have eligible units combined.
  23. What do you mean girls don't like BOLD lines?
  24. I'm a bit surprised since Peony's team gained fewer votes during the first same hour. I wonder if it's because Alear's team's disadvantage multiplier was more recent so that the team had fewer ballots available. Regardless of how the win came about, the result is perfect for me. Peony has the most value to me as a free unit, and the banner is going to be all green, which makes orb spending a ton more efficient.
  25. When used as a wall breaker, she can always land Deadeye on her follow-up attack with any Pulse effect in her C slot (Time's Pulse 4, Pulse Up: Blades, or Infantry Pulse 4) or Emblem Marth if the opponent can counterattack. If you don't mind your Special being stopped by defensive Tempo, Pledge will also let her land Deadeye, Dragon Fang, Ignis, or Astra on her follow-up. With Pledge and Emblem Marth, she can even land Aether. And if you want to play it safe, she always has access to Ruptured Sky + Tempo 4. Getting your cooldown drained by 2 points after combat is not an issue when builds that let you land 3- and 4-cooldown Specials in every round of combat are commonplace and no longer need to rely on Special Spiral. While normally I consider the +3 Atk/Spd in combat from the tier-4 Oath and Rouse skills to be worth using even if the visible +6 Atk/Spd overlaps with an effect on a different skill slot, Fallen Corrin has to deal with the fact that he doesn't have access to a premium 2-cooldown Special. He doesn't have access to Ruptured Sky at all, and he doesn't have the Slaying effect to run Dragon's Roar with 2 cooldown. He also can't reliably activate Aether without both +1 Special charge rate and a Pulse effect. As a result, if he isn't running Emblem Marth, a Pulse effect in his C slot is more useful to him than the extra stats from Incite.
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