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Posts posted by Ranger

  1. Well,to keep it simple,I am looking for specific sounds and animations to use for my hacks and/or fan games.


    Flash: (the flash you see,when holy weapons are being used)

    Beta Eliwood doing a critical attack with Durandal

    No Damage

    Sound effects:

    Horseback riders walking/landing 9like the ones they used for the paladins)

    Critical Multi-strike: (Example,when Lyn/blademasters do a critical attack)

    Quick Spin (Like when the peg/Wyvern Riders/lords spin their weapons overhead)

    All magic sound effects (Both normal,and critical)

    If anyone can forward these to me,I will be greatful. I got a few basic FE SFX,but I need the ones I listed,here.

    Look on Tatics Universe, it's called FE editor adv. Enter the animation w/ sounds, remember, the Docs are your Gods!

  2. I have been busy all summer and now back to hack.

    But I can't find out how to get FE Editor ADV to load.

    Java isn't working. I try to download it, but I get an error. It can't unzip the files.

    Help please.

  3. Define "everything".

    How big of a gap is there between each palatte?

    I've looked in there looking for palette's under E02000 and the other number.

    I haven't found any palette's.

    Everything = Characters palatte's not overly far below that number.

    Soryy for these questions I just have a hard time understanding things in words.

  4. Whenever I enter in the value offset for image control it automatically goes to 1743. Should it not be doing that? If so what should it be at?

    Also, ya I've had trouble with "Read-only" but it wasn't on when I tried. And also I made sure I hit it as soon as I changed the colour. I did notice a subtle difference in the look of his armor though. It's a bit blurry now.

    And If able I just wanted to change Eliwood to Blue hair black armor and Hector red hair black armor. So if you could help me figure it out that would be great.

    Right now I'm just using a 1998 Fe7 Rom non edited (besides with the editor of course). So I don't see how anything could interfere with it either.

    you mean E02000?

    If so then it should go there.

  5. I remember Blazer making a Nightmare module that has pointers related to battle sprites and one of those is palette pointer. The pointer table is at 0xE00000, so if you are interested, you can edit default colours by finding the palette pointers in there, though only every 5th pointer is palette pointer. As for personal palette's, 0xFD8000 is where you can find those pointers.

    Think you can give me a pic. of what I am looking for?

    I just can't figure it out...

  6. Does anyone have any problems with palette editing? I released a bug-fix 6 days ago, so make sure you have the version 1.1 before reporting. It's quite a bit less tested than graphics editing, so suggestions and feedback would be much appreciated.

    I've read the read me, but I still can't figure out how to change pallette's.

  7. Wouldn't this be the second project you mentioned Ranger? I haven't looked into map insertion yet, I cannot help you.

    This one already has everything, just needs to be moved. I can get all except the maps

  8. Hey, if it's so easy to hack in shining force, why don't i see more hack of it then ? I mean, i don't know anything about the difficulty to hack this game, but i liked it, and i would love to see some hacks of it ^^

    Anyways the idea sounds cool!

    I like it too, but I simply can't insert a map. I've tried and failed.

    Can someone do that part?

  9. I would assume there is a pointer within the animation code (part of "data2" in older method) that points to what noise would be played, but I've no clue about sound pointers to test this. If such was possible, I'd assume it my only answer.

    I've not had much play time with Zeld's editor to be any good at inserting animations. It's on my to-do list, though.

    If you give me the file, I can mess with it if you like, might find some way to help.

  10. Only asked 'cause it sounded odd.

    When I make a my game (probobly start it in a couple months) I want to make mario a Lord

    So I need a mario battle sprite

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