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The Objection!

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Posts posted by The Objection!

  1. I find you slightly scummy currently. However, I don't have anything new to add that hasn't been said.

    I explained my scorri/Shinori opinion here.

    My opinion of scorri right now is affected by Shinori's action. Having no reads (nor even posts...) For over half the game is pretty bad FMPOV. Coasting is the word to describe it if I'm not mistaken. There's also the Kay kill to be concerned about. However, as I mentioned before I have better opinions of her right now. (but not completely good)

    Probably should've added this.

    As for the Shin vote, I find it bad that he didn't mention a defense against scorri's points against him even though he acknowledges as 'valid'. Is that a sign of surrender?

    Also, apparently I missed a piece SB outed. So, I would like to take back my BigBang(M) theory about the Kay kill being WIFOM.

  2. The reason I'm pushing BBM instead of Strege is because Strege was already pushed by scorri while BBM wasn't pushed by anyone.

    My opinion of scorri right now is affected by Shinori's action. Having no reads (nor even posts...) For over half the game is pretty bad FMPOV. Coasting is the word to describe it if I'm not mistaken. There's also the Kay kill to be concerned about. However, as I mentioned before I have better opinions of her right now.

    As for Shin, I agree with scorri's point about the "hypocrisy" of voting Shinori for inactivity after attacking Elie for scumreading Kay because of inactivity.

    I really don't have much more case against BBM since he responded quite well, so I'll switch to Shin for the reasons stated above. ##Unvote ##Vote: Shin

  3. Adamant 252 SP.A Virion @Leftovers w/CM using Silver Bow vs 252 HP/252 SPD Calm Grima

    88.4% - 104%

    Which is quite a high chance of OHKO with SR support

    Compare this with

    Modest 252 SP.A MU @Life Orb w/NP using +3 Thoron vs 252/176 SPD Calm Grima

    51.5% - 60.8%

    The difference is liek, massive here

    Virion >>>>>>>>>> MU

    Pokémblem. Give Virion Guillotine, he can have 100 accuracy with this many waifus.

  4. I'm still new at this, this is my third real mafia game and I never got this far so I'm still pretty confused about the things I should've mentioned.

    So, I think the mafia has little to no benefit in killing Kay which leads me to the conclusion that Kay's kill has been randomized/chosen by the mod. You can call this a mildly supported gut but I think it's highly probable that the mafia are inactives. With Kay dead, well you know the rest of the story. I suppose the other member of the mafia might have send in the nightkill but so it is also a possibility they didn't. This theory is probably flawed though...

    As for reads, here we go...

    scorri made some valid points with Shin, reasonable with Strege, and a bit meta but okay with the others. I suppose that's a plus so I'll leave her alone for now. Still leaning slightly on scum though... (thank someone responsible)

    Shin, as I stated above was bombed by scorri. Has a new light of scummy, but I'll go for something else right now.

    BBM is a bit of defensive towards Strege based on a gutread even though he attacked Elie for finding Kay scummy based on a gutread here. What exactly is your take on gut reads? The Kay kill could be WIFOM if he's mafia.

    The fact that Strege found >half players scummy the whole game is off, but I'll leave him in the hands of more expert people.

    My order of scumreads right now would be BBM/Shin > Strege > scorri

    ##Unvote ##Vote:BBM Some of you may say OMGUS but this is just how it is in my opinion.

  5. @Strege, I never really felt better about Elie, I just never felt worse. I just considered some players more lynch worthy than Elie.

    A Kay kill? Maybe the mafia was to inactive to make a nightkill and Neko just decided to take advantage and kill the inactive?

    As for reads, I don't know if Shinori is scum but I suppose it's highly possible. Can't really say more because there's not really much more to say with him being an inactive and all... I'll have to reread others a bit, but nothing stood up to me quite yet.

    My best bet is BBM, but even then it's not really that good now that I think about it...

    Vote will come later after I do a bit of rereading. If there's even somebody worth voting who had more than 3 content posts if you can call Shinori's no-evidence opinions that.

  6. I'm still alive!? Yarr, this is unacceptable!! Somebody bring me a bottle of rum!! I need to mourn my un-dead-ness.

    Is un-dead-ness even a word!? Yarr, thought you can get me in my thoughts can ya' ?

    And e'en worse, my night action, not my kill yarr, ends up being useless because the target died!! Or maybe that's what my night action's supposed to do, yarr! This game is so confusing, I want to slash it open with my sword!!

    Do we still use our posting restrictions?

  7. "Ah, it's been a while since I get to enjoy nature like this..." Hendrick thought as he lies from his injuries.

    "It still kinda hurts but it also feels kinda good lying in this patch of grass... Maybe if I pretend to die, they'll leave me alone?"

    Just then, Hendrick notices that he's not the only one lying on the grass, she seems familiar but Hendrick can't remember.

    "Hey, still hangin' on there?" Hendrick asks her.

  8. late to the party scrub, that boat left ages ago

    now get with the dying or else

    Who do you think you are telling the boat has left? I'm captain here and I'll decide when the boat leaves yarr'.

    Now start scrubin' my back of the ship or you'll be meetin' the sharp end of my sword!!

  9. WHO TOLD YOU TO TAKE A NAP, SONNY BOY!!? Git back o'er here this instant and cast off the sail! Aye, thinking 'bout quittin' are ya? I'll make you walk the cannon, I mean plank! Who do you think you are to be laughin' at me? You think you can do a better job bein' the captain?

    *lifts a bottle of rum* Ya won't be laughin' so hard once I split yer head in two with this swo-- WHO TOOK MY SWORD!!? And how did it get to my table!? Ya think yer funny Twinkle Twinkle Little B****!?

  10. This thread goes so fast, reminds me like that battle on the flying dutchman. My crew were a bunch of idiots just like the people here... I can see it now, the flying dutchman sailing across the seven seas.

    THUNDERATION, I need to read through all this? The treasure had better be worth it or you'll be walking the plank!

    Onward men, let's show this idiots how it's done!

  11. Is Shinori and Kay('s sub) posting anytime soon? Also I don't see a reason for last hooker to delay claiming anymore.

    Time to comment on a few things:

    - I don't quite like Elieson's response to the Kay part where most of the reason is gutread(?). I suppose the Strege part is reasonable though...

    - Still not sure of what to think about Strege, I'll give it some more thought.

    Finding BBM slightly scummy for:

    - Voting an effectively empty player slot (Kay) over and over again when it's apparent that she's not coming back.

    - A little contribution from this:

    Kirsche- I don't think there's scum intent in engineering a plan that could lead to a third of the game getting cleared, even if it cost the town most of their roles.

    While I don't particularly agree or disagree with the plan itself, I don't think that coming up with it would clear someone. While the plan could clear a few people, it could be a waste of a few roles that are actually useful for town.

    Yeah, on that note I think ##Unvote ##Vote:BBM is in order. Still waiting for an explanation from Elieson's side though...

  12. Still expecting more from Shinori and Kay...

    But yeah, not much I don't have that much reads atm. But one thing that stood out to me was:

    Vanilla d2 here. Neko should retitle the thread to d3.

    I don't always sheep kirsche

    But when I do it's when he's probably right

    ##Vote Strege

    Kay is probably scum too

    Spot the reason for the vote! But Objection did it with Darros...

    Well, this is kinda different I guess.... The reasons in this one is purely sheep, sheep, and sheep. And that bit about Kay, what? why?

    I wouldn't say that Elie's definitely scum but this calls for an explanation!

    ##Vote: Elieson

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