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Posts posted by Suichimo

  1. You're the best. You know that?

    However, I'm very excited about Mass Effect 3 for the Xbox 360, although it's true that it's also for the PS3 and PC.

    Its also been implied to be coming to Wii U. The developers seem to be interested in the Wii U itself and when John Riccitello was on stage at Nintendo's conference, Shepherd was in the collage of faces on the screen behind him.

    Eh, I didn't think Sony's was all that great. But thats mainly because I don't have a Ps3 or anything so I don't really care about them.

    hmm..someone's mention of Nintendo trying to make the Mushroom Kingdom gave me an idea. Nintendo should open theme parks like Disney World and instead of the Magic Kingdom they can have the Mushroom Kingdom!

    I'd go to that.

  2. I have it on good authority that Wii U is not actually a new gaming system, it's a plot by nintendo to take over the EU. Because the translator speaks Engrish, he translated it to We-U instead of EU.

    They already have Japan. Are they attempting an actual Mushroom Kingdom? The Netherlands would make sense to have at that point.

  3. They're supposed to be announcing more stuff over the week as well, they still have two round tables to get through. I imagine we'll see some stuff out of that.

  4. Yes, Wii U is a completely new console. You can actually see it in the shots of the TV, its that little rounded white thing in the bottom right. They just decided to focus on the controller for now.


    Dimensions are 1.8 inches tall, 6.8 inches wide and 10.5 inches long.

  5. At this point, Barioth, Deviljho and Lagiacrus are my only fears.

    You're afraid of Lagi? He's a pansy, admittedly I haven't fought HR Lagi but thats only because I don't have a connection at my house for the game, I have satellite, so I have to find time to go somewhere else if I want to play online.

    Barioth can go die in a fire though.

  6. Chapter 11: Heroine of the West

    I changed the title because Echidna is an female Hero. That and 'Hero of the West' is more cliched than a villain monologing when he can easily kill the hero.

    Isn't Hero of the West referring to Roy as he takes his army around liberating the Western Isles? It has nothing to do with Echidna as far as I'm aware.

  7. http://nintendoscene.com/2011/05/15/project-cafe-leaked-games-list/

    Launch Games

    * Extreme Sports Cafe (New IP, Combines 1080 and Wave Race + Other Sports)

    * Pikmin Cafe (Interfaces with Pikmin 3DS)

    * Endless Ocean Cafe

    * Nintendogs Cafe Kennel (Interfaces with Nintendogs + Cats)

    * Mii Explore (New IP, Multiplayer Adventure Game)

    Launch Window

    * Kirby’s Epic Yarn 2 (Launch Window, Multiplayer)

    * Wario Ware Cafe (Launch – Launch Window?)

    Future Games

    * Super Mario Cafe (Late 2012/Early 2013, Paradigm Shift a la SM64)

    * Legend of Paper Zelda (Mid 2012, Paper Mario version of SNES Zelda)

    * Fire Emblem Cafe (Late 2012)

    * Retro Studios IP (Late 2012, New IP)

    * Project Sora IP (New IP)

    * Monolith Soft RPG (New IP)

    * Miyamoto Game (New IP)

    Third Party

    Launch Games

    * Battlefield 3 (Extra Content)

    * Street Fighter X Tekken (Timed Exclusive)

    * SSX

    * Super Monkey Ball Cafe

    * Tony Hawk Cafe

    * Ridge Racer Cafe

    * Mass Effect 3 (Possibly with ME 1 + 2)

    Fake all over.

    I just can't see Miyamoto working on two different Pikmins at the same time. I don't see them doing an Epic Yarn 2, and I'd much rather see them going back to the old Kirby that we know and love like they are doing with this newest game. They definitely aren't going to take Zelda into the paper route, give Nintendo all the crap that you want about recycling ideas but I don't believe they'd do something as blatant as that. Where will Zelda go, who knows but it won't be paper. If we hear anything for Monolith, I'd be more expecting news about Xenoblade. And, as mentioned before, isn't Miyamoto's project currently Pikmin 3?

    As for third party stuff, a lot of that seems possible but Street Fighter X Tekken being a timed exclusive for the Cafe? Thats pure bullshit right there. I just can't see Capcom or Namco, well maybe Namco, announcing a game for other systems only to come out and say "Oh, also this game is going to be an exclusive on this console that hasn't even released yet".

    I wouldn't trust Neogaf if they told me the sky was blue.

    This post should be at font size 80. Freaking Neogaf doesn't trust Neogaf. That should give you a clue on how trustworthy this is.

    I've just got to ask, why wouldn't you trust NeoGAF?

    As for "NeoGAF doesn't trust NeoGAF" that is because they go ahead and ban anyone who posts false information like that. Pretty much, from what I've seen, the only way to get off without a ban for your rumor is for it to have a valid source or if the proof is really damn good. Albeit, I haven't been let in yet but I lurk there a lot.

  8. 01: Shinon

    02: Arthur

    03: Eliwood

    04: Cormag

    05: Cecilia

    06: Titania

    07: Femina

    08: Karin

    09: Lester

    10: Isadora

    11: Ike

    12: Katua

    13: Marth

    14: Sain

    15: Percival

    16: Meg (Bye)

    17: Aideen

    18: Athos

    19: Leanne

    20: Haar

    21: Echidna

    22: Aless

    23: Alm

    24: Nephenee

    25: Pent

    26: Oguma

    27: Clarine

    28: Gerik

    29: Gonzales

    30: Lute

    31: Volke

    32: L'Arachel (Bye)

    33: Othin

    34: Mia

    35: Sothe

    36: Sirius

    37: Trabant

    38: Miledy

    39: Dieck

    40: Gale

    41: Levin

    42: Brunya

    43: Raven

    44: Rath

    45: Radd

    46: Lakche

    47: Rutger

    48: Boyd (Bye)

    49: Priscilla

    50: Roy

    51: Nanna

    52: Calill

    53: Tomas

    54: Parn

    55: Kyza

    56: Lloyd

    57: Caesar

    58: Hector

    59: Tiltyu

    60: Aimee

    61: Lachesis

    62: Sigurd

    63: Alvis

    64: Volug (Bye)

  9. I love it so far. I've picked up SSFIV, I'm crap at it, and Samurai Warriors Chronicles, I love the Musou games. I plan on picking up Zelda, Kid Icarus, Mario, and basically any of Nintendo's main franchise titles when they come out. As for third party stuff, that will be things like Tales of the Abyss, both Resident Evils, MML3, and other things. Really hoping Capcom brings out some version of Monster Hunter for it.

    As for when to get stuff, I'm a launch day person. But that is completely up to you. Obviously it'd be smarter to get some things when they launch rather than wait for them, anything by Atlus and maybe stuff like the Tales of series.


    If you have a DSi/XL, you can go ahead and trade that in, if they still have the deal, at Gamestop to get a pretty good chunk of the price knocked off. I traded a DSi XL in, that I won in a contest, and got $100 off of my 3DS, so it was only $150 for me. But yeah, it is a little pricey.

  10. Ten is still my favorite, but the Eleventh Doctor quickly found a spot for himself.

    I thought this meant that someone actually did die, but the video doesn't show anyone dying. So... what am I missing?

    Thats the entire point of the quote. For once, everyone lived. Nobody dies.

    Not even the guy who flies off on a suicide mission.

    P.S. Oh, and Amy is the best companion out of the new series, which is all I've seen.

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