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Posts posted by Suichimo

  1. 14 minutes ago, LordFrigid said:

    So I was all set to just start saving all my orbs for future use, but I caved and let a friend of mine do one more pull, and this happened:Last Pull.png


    The only logical conclusion is to have your friend do all of your pulls from mow on.

  2. An increase to the stamina cap definitely needs to happen. Stamina costs here are worse than they were in Brave Frontier.


    Feathers need to be much easier to get. Even if it is just a weekly feather dungeon, or something. It shouldn't take several weeks, even for the top arena participants, to take a single unit from 4* to 5*


    Easy multipulls would be nice. Specify the number of pulls and your color priority, higher priorities get picked further into the pull.


    Make ranks matter to the appearance of characters. 1* - 3* Raigh is a Dark Mage, 4*+ Raigh is a Druid, etc.


    Battle prep/defense screen. We all want the prep screen back, I just want a screen to arrange my arena defense as well.

  3. Just now, Anacybele said:

    Then how are you supposed to get a high rank? It's not possible to score that high in just seven battles.

    Multiple featured characters running Advanced arena matches. I hit 3091 in the first arena season, 6 advanced and 1 intermediate matches.

  4. 9 minutes ago, Anacybele said:

    I think I do. I barely got by the last couple of story maps I did and it took me several tries to beat them. And it's not even really so much that, it's that there are a couple five star units I'd love to have regardless (Ryoma, Takumi).

    Nope. You need 20,000 of them to upgrade a four star to a five star and you have to get an insanely high rank to get all that in one arena season. I don't even have 2,000 yet from the last arena one because I'm weak thanks to my shitty luck. Also, your arena score stops going up after while. I don't know why, but it does. Mine stopped going up even though I did a few more arena battles to get more points.

    The arena only counts your highest win streak.

  5. I'm torn between pulling now or waiting for the new banners that will be here next Tuesday, at least I assume there will be new banners. I'm fine with the core of my team, but I really need a good fourth member to pull it all together. Most likely, I need a mage of some sort, as I'm completely physical right now.


    3 hours ago, Anacybele said:


    STILL NOT A SINGLE FUCKING FIVE STAR. In fact, all I get are repeat three star units and the occasional four star. I'm no longer summoning. It's a waste of orbs.

    I'm just really frustrated... Everyone else seems to be swimming in five star units and I won't ever have any.




    Summoning is still the best use of orbs. Remember, your chance to pull a 5* increases every time you don't pull one, until you're guaranteed to get a 5* on the 120th pull.

  6. 1 minute ago, Rezzy said:

    It seems that healing was really usefull at low levels, but has been getting more weak as I level.  Does it not scale with Atk or Level?  If not, I might bench Maria, but don't really want to, since she was so useful until now.

    Yeah, the enemy healing I've seen has been set numbers(heal - 5, mend - 10, physic - 8 @ range).

  7. 2 minutes ago, Rezzy said:

    Your team is similar to mine.  I had Takumi, Camilla, and Maria, since they are my 5* units.  I originally had Roy, but replaced him with Lilina due to the aforementioned liability, and also since I was lacking Magic power.

    I replaced my 4* Lilina with Takumi. I find there, both, isn't enough time to use healers effectively and that healing is really weak to begin with.

    2 minutes ago, Galactaray said:

    Can I ask what the your score should be to get a rank in arena? Around 3,600 offensive points

    You're a good 500 points higher than me, I dropped to around rank 16000 over night.

  8. 9 minutes ago, Rezzy said:

    DO you find Roy's Weapin Triangle Skill as a liability?  I've ran into trouble if there's a Blue unit, since he's basically dead weight on the team, at that point, and can't even deal chip damage or landing a killing blow on a weakened opponent.  The bonus against Green units is nice, but I feel the downsides outweigh the good, since you only get 4 units and can't cover for weaknesses as easily.

    So far, I think it just emphasizes his strong and weak match ups. He was already beating the axe users, but now he does so an attack earlier, and he wasn't beating equal level lance units to begin with, that is what Camilla is there for. That being said, I wouldn't mind if it just took away his lance weakness.

  9. 22 minutes ago, carefreejules said:

    It's important to take into account of the weapon triangle too. To be completely honestly, I've only been taking into account of the weapon triangle for Axe, Sword, and Lance for quite awhile until I realized "oh shit I should probably just go by the colour..." because of the different coloured tomes and stuff and I've been dying a whole lot less after doing that  (I'll admit it that I'm very careless hahaha)

    Even though Camilla is good against magic, she's still gonna be vulnerable to red magic.

    Does WTA cross the str/mag divide in this?

  10. 4 minutes ago, eclipse said:

    Have you tried switching the difficulty?

    I'd do the five-character pull.  I heard that you're more likely to get the rarer characters the more times you pull consecutively or something.

    From what I understand, the longer you go without pulling a 5*, the better your chance for one, and the further into an actual pull, the better the chance at a rarer character.

    1 minute ago, Smog said:

    I don't know if this question has been answered before.

    Is there any level limit? What level is the highest level a unit can get? I noticed some people in my friends list have units over level 20. 


  11. 1 hour ago, Dayni said:

    Ok, so it is pretty high, at > 500 MB for me since it came out, though I've certainly played quite a bit so far (up to Chpt. 5 and quite a bit of grinding). I'm far more concerned at the fact that this sucks battery life like a vampire. 

    I'm lucky with my mobile contract's high caps though, so no big deal for me.

    Is that including the ~400MB in patches that we've had since launch? As I said above, I've used single digit MBs so far, and I played for at least 6 hours last night.

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