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Everything posted by Krevin

  1. Krevin


    I still find it funny that people are more offended when you use slightly offensive words that normally describe mentally handicapped persons and homosexuals, respectively, than they are when you claim to be the creator of the universe, which you clearly probably aren't maybe.
  2. E Gadd had officially been chopped and screwed.
  3. Urbandictionary, 4chan, 7chan, 420chan, Anontalk, and any forum you have ever been linked to ever.
  4. onemanga.com Volume 347 comes out tomorrow, I think.
  5. Shoulda strapped yo Nikes on, dawg.
  6. I've got a little bit of time to kill. Anybody wanna go a couple matches?
  7. Woah shit, where did the last hour go? Well if you still wanna go at this, I'm down.
  8. Why are people saying who they WANT to be taken out of the Smash series? That's just stupid. I mean, I understand saying things like "Lucario probably won't make it into the next game", but how could you benefit from a character not being in SSB4? It's already almost guaranteed that they'll nerf Dedede's stupid dthrow, fix Snake's hitboxes, give MetaKnight some attack lag, etc., so whatever characters you can't play well against will probably be easier to play against in the next installment. Edit: That being said, I think Lucario will be replaced by a new human-like Pokemon with a third jump that doesn't hurt enemies and a neutral special that's identical to Mewtwo/Lucario's. If Toon Link stays, I think they'll bring Young Link back (with a unique-ish moveset), but I think they'll replace him. Whether it's to replace TL/YL or just as a new character, though, I really hope they put in Deku Scrub Link. I also think that Sonic WILL be returning, simply because so many fanboys would get butthurt and not buy SSB4. Ike's out, the next sword-wielding Fire Emblem lord will be replacing him. I don't care whether or not they were planning to make Roy return, they didn't, and that's just fucked up to get rid of the toppest-tier character in Melee (yes I'm trolling) and keep the low-tier Brawl replacement. Also, Ike in Brawl is slow, and he uses fire, and his Aether doesn't heal him, and the majority of his attack animations from FE10 were left out, despite the fact that they'd make perfect smashes/tilts, so you know they fucked him up too much to let him come back. Also, as much as I hate to admit it, I think Olimar might be on the chopping block. Most casual players see him as "that character that sucks and just spams pikmin" and most competitive players see him as "that character that might be kinda fun to play as but I don't want to take the time to learn him", which means he's getting a lot less play than he deserves. ROB will return, despite what everybody thinks. He was put in for the same reason as Game&Watch, so that the older crowd would still play. They'll probably add a couple more classic character like Donkey Kong Jr. (unlikely, but that'd be cool) or Pac-man (a bit more likely).
  9. I need to get better. Anybody wanna help me train?
  10. Falcon's Side B in Melee is predictable as a mothafucka, and it doesn't come out very quickly (which is why it's so predictable). Besides, it doesn't connect into the knee very well, last I checked. And I think OliKirby might just be better than FalKirby. Top 2 Kirby powers, at the very least.
  11. Yeah, some doucher took two of my stocks at a tourney on Monday with just his suit pieces.
  12. Oh lawd, I can't do shit against Zamus any more.
  13. Pichu's Usmash, Dsmash, ftilt, dtilt, utilt, nair, bair, uair, bthrow, dthrow, uthrow, and standard A didn't hurt him, and his Thunder didn't hurt him if it didn't hit him. It's easy to get by with just those moves and an occasional fsmash for kills and Quick Attack for recovery. Not saying Pichu's a good character or anything, or even saying that he's not the worst character, just saying he's almost usable.
  14. I voted no, for the simple fact that you ASKED.
  15. This thread looked so promising, but considering your circumstances are a minor incovenience at best, I can't be arsed to convince you that suicide on webcam is the only way out. :/
  16. Turn off caves of immortality and Spear Pillar would be fun.
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