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Everything posted by Krevin

  1. Unless you can magically land a bair -> utilt -> flutterfeet, there aren't a lot of good damaging or killing combos with bair -> utilt. Sonic's fsmash -> grab release is cool too! /sarcasm
  2. Wow, I haven't seen that much lag since the last time I tried to Brawl "With Anyone"
  3. 64: Sacred combo 64 (fthrow -> Falcon Punch) Isai combo (Pikachu, uair-uair-uair, etc, bair) Krevin's Sexy Fox combo (Dair -> Quickshine -> Fsmash) Melee: Captain Falcon's Dair -> Nair -> Knee of doom WOMBO COMBO Any combination of dair, shine, and bair with Falco Brawl: Well there's not very many real combos in Brawl. I like Yoshi's bair -> ftilt -> flutter feet and bair ->utilt -> uair -> uair -> egg toss (instant death if executed perfecetly from the top platform of BF). I also like chaingrabs that aren't uber, such as Peach's, and I like anything the Ice Climbers do. Banana locking is fun and can almost be considered a combo, but I used to hate it back when I played Nannerless Diddy.
  4. IIRC there are options to turn off the display of avatars, signatures, and user-posted images, which would make mobile browsing much, much easier, I might try it with my PSP. Still, I prefer the convenience of computers, if ever I can't access one then I'm probably doing something more important than lurking forums.
  5. I haven't had time for FFTF the past week or so. Did I miss anything important?
  6. Don't worry, none of the pokes after GSC are worthy of being in this game. @Starwolf: They'll probably make it so that your Porygon needs to know a certain move for it to give birth to a Porygon Beta, and that move would be total garbage and make it so that you need an extra Porygon lying around to get a Porygon beta, or a really good TM that nobody else deserves.
  7. Yeah I totally saw that, I was just checking to make sure you knew.
  8. Care to explain your reasoning? Obviously you're not trolling, since Link is debatable for Middle Tier...
  9. No, it means somebody who actually wants us to have fun will continue the Smash series.
  10. For me, it's such a close call between 64 and Melee that I really cant decide. I voted 64, since I win more often in 64 than I do in Melee or Brawl, but it's close. I like all three of 'em a lot.
  11. This. All of it. I also like Falcon, Sheik, Samus, Pikachu and Pichu.
  12. Marth is guaranteed a spot in SSB4. Ike and Roy are both likely to return, but putting in the next sword-wielding FE Lord will be the much, much more important to Sakurai
  13. No, I like to keep a lot of variety. In Brawl, I play Yoshi and Samus quite frequently, but I also play ROB, Peach, and Toon Link pretty often.
  14. Dr. Mario was middle tier, and considering there were only 4 characters in top tier and 4 in high tier, that's an accomplishment.
  15. Which still makes no sense to me. Chicks make more of a "fap" sound than guys do when they're masturbating IMO. No YOU'RE wrong. Futanari.
  16. Krevin


    I don't hate him, I just wanted to keep that quote as proof: he's self-aware.
  17. Based on the pictures of yourself you posted last night (or maybe it was the night before), Lott.
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