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Posts posted by Krevin

  1. I can join pl0x?

    Character's Name: Kevin

    Forum Member: Krevin

    Character's Class: Mercenary

    Character Replacing: You didn't really specify which game. If 6, replacing Wolt. If 7, replacing Sain. If 8, replacing Gilliam or Franz

    Character's affinity: Wind

    Character's Level: 1

    Character's Stats:

    HP: 18

    Str: 5

    Skill: 7

    Spd: 6

    Luck: 5

    Def: 5

    Res: 2

    Con: 7

    Character's Growths:

    HP: 70

    Str: 45

    Skill: 65

    Spd: 60

    Luck: 40

    Def: 30

    Res: 30

    Weapon Levels:

    Sword - D

    Starting Inventory:

    Iron Sword


    I have a mug, too:


  2. Gave:

    Flashlight for my dad (because he's always complaining how we never have flashlights in our house)

    "Stand By Me" DVD for mum

    "Office Space" DVD for my brother

    "Hancock" DVD for my step-brother

    Transformers blanket, Buzz Lightyear action figure, "Number One Grandpa" flashing keychain, 10 packs of gum, "Hook" DVD, and a couple mix CDs, all for friends.

    Went halvsies on a stuffed animal for my half-sister with my mom.


    200 dollars in ones and a Nerf Gun from "Santa"

    Some books, clothes, and an RC car from my parents

    "Donnie Darko" and "Team America" DVDs from my brother (didn't see my step brother today, but probably got more movies from him as well)

    100 dollars total from all my grandparents (biological dad's side = 50, step-dad's side = 20, mom's side = 30)

    25 dollars from my aunt and uncle

    and a bunch of gift cards to the movies and In-N-Out, as well as random candy and trinkets, all from God knows where.

  3. ok. would everyone chill the hell out

    I'm pretty calm, if I do say so myself.

    i joined this forum so tgat you idiots would stop constantly flaming me.

    Flaming? The closest thing to flaming going on is you calling us idiots. And if you're trying to get away from people, protip: A lot of members that are active on one Fire Emblem forum are, at the very least, existent on several others. Nevertheless, I'm not gonna post anything else on the subject unless I absolutely have to. This isn't the Empire, it's not my place to moderate you. If the SF moderating team is half as competent as it was when I was active, then I'm sure they'll take action if need be.

    and you guys have got to get a life, i mean seriously, everytime i say something, post something or friggin do anything you tards are here to annoy the hell out of me.


    Tards? Again with the childish name calling. Is it really necessary? ._.

    Anyways, I'll gladly admit that I've got nothing better to do. School's out on winter break and I don't work much during Christmas time, so I have to find SOMETHING to fill my time. I can't speak for everyone else, but it's the internet. If you don't like that so many members of other FE forums are on every FE forum you run into, then I guess you either have to deal with it or stop joining FE forums.

  4. and i don't quite understand the whole 2 accounts thing

    my neighbor probably was using my IP again...hes a cheap bastard

    Not to bring our forum drama onto SF, but this is just ridiculous.

    Requesting somebody else to make a mug that 100% fits Azrael's personal photo, having the same IP, acting the same, Azrael posting in your thread on FEEF trying to support you... It'll be a cold day in hell when all of that can go on out of mere coincidence.



    I don't want to get into a huge debate over here on SF about things that happened on our forum, though, so in closing let me just say, "dude, wtf."

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