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Posts posted by Krevin

  1. What I meant, is that Metaknight also suffers from the disadvantages you just summed up. Nearly in the same degree even.

    His advantages (broken recovery, able to gimp well, no lag) just outweigh that.

    Eh, enough about him.

    Eh? MetaKnight's sword means he doesn't have a range disadvantage and his speed means that he's harder to kill. Lightweight becomes just a way to keep your opponent from comboing and decreases the efficiency of chaingrabbing, since he can keep away from strong attacks. His lack of projectile is truly his ONLY flaw, but it's less of a flaw than it is for characters like Marth and DK because MK is so zetta fast, and he can get past projectiles pretty easily because of his speed and smallness.

    Kirby is good. Not broken. Not too hard to learn. Still good. Beginner's first choice, but able to compete at high level play.

    I think Ike is more of a beginner's first choice in Brawl, then they think they're (lol alliteration) the shit because they can kill at low damages. Then they get raped by those of us that played Melee, and then they learn that MetaKnight is the toppest-tier character and they start playing as him, then think they're so good at Smash because they can spam dsmash and whorenado and they wag their e-peen in everybody's face because they place in tourneys without having any tech skill or mindgames.

    Likely best Falco counter, too.

    It's either Kirby or G-Dub. Both counter laser-spam, both are small and light so they can't be chaingrabbed and are hard to hit, and bot have great vertical recoveries so those super-cheap dair gimps aren't gonna work.

  2. I don't know. They probably put it in because dashing was overpowered and walking was nearly obsolete, except you can do all ground attacks out of a walk and not out of a dash, but in melee you could do it anyway because you were able to cancel your dash with a crouch.

    I don't really mind it, you just have to be more careful with dashing, it has saved me more times than it killed me.

    old joke :(

    (btw tripping means bananas, bananas mean diddy kong, diddy kong means metaknight's worst matchup.)

    I always thought that was Snake

    I thought Falco was considered MetaKnight's worst matchup right now.

    Also, there are no official match-up ratios yet. The MetaKnight boards on SmashBoards say that Meta vs Yoshi is a 60:40 match-up in Meta's favor, whereas the Yoshi boards say that it's either 50:50 or 55:45 in Meta's favor.

    I rarely get lag myself, so it feels the same as IRL, but I agree with your points about lag making things unfair.

    I have a fucking beastly connection, but most people get a decent amount of lagfrom their connection, so you're almost guaranteed to have a laggy battle on WiFi.

  3. Yet no one has yet mentioned tripping yet... The person who thought of tripping, and the people who LET it go through should be fired from their job.
    That's because MetaKnight uses Whorenado to move, and no other character exists in Brawl, so it's not a problem :P
    Melee is more fun. I like 64, but not as much as melee. The shieldstun is so high that people can just keep poking it until it's gone. I don't mind not being able to shieldgrab, but still. Melee has quite a lot of things you need to think of all at once. They all do, but in my opinion, more-so melee. Due to the dash dancing, wavedashing, as well as a ton of other things, there are so many options that a player has. In brawl, it's really all about spacing and getting in random hits. Metaknight can punish and follow everything up, and he's really the only character that can do that easily. Snake is REALLY easy to use, though he gets raped by Dedede and Falco. All you need to know is techchasing, jab-f-tilt locks, mortar sliding, and grenade tricks. Add in a few tricks like having his forward-B follow him on the way down so people don't try to punish his recovery (a nice trick Ally uses). I don't really play SSB64, but it is pretty fun. IMO Melee > 64 >>> Brawl. For the tiny amount of time that I've played 64, I've enjoyed it more than brawl.

    64's only real flaw was how small of a game it was. There's only 12 characters, and only 5 (6 if you count Sector Z) tourney-legal stages. The lack of aerial dodging means you're gonna rely more on groundgame, so dash dancing, pivot dashing, and grabbing are your staples until you catch your opponent in a combo.

  4. It kinda does.

    Not really. Lag will throw off timing. Some players can deal with lag better than others, and some characters get raped hard from lag, while some characters can even benefit from it. For example, I was playing 2bTop on WiFi today, and IRL if I play Snake against his Falco I can hold my own, with about a 50:50 chance of winning, but on WiFi he 3-stocked me with just, like, 40 damage on him, and I know I could have at least taken a stock from him without lag, even if we were on a shitty stage (Lylat) and I wasn't at the top of my game. Then he started picking IC's and the only reason I didn't get 3-stocked every time was because the lag kept him from efficiently chaingrabbing me. Also, on a side note, if any of you get a chance to play 2bTop IRL, look out for his IC's.

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