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Status Replies posted by mewyeon

  1. tfw bord enough to update my profile

    1. mewyeon


      If you're bored enough to update your profile, perhaps you will check your message inbox? :3

    2. (See 2 other replies to this status update)

  2. You're in exams? Are they the IB exams? I noticed on your profile! DUUUUUDDEEEE I DID IB TOO!!!! I'm a diploma alum ;) I understand your pain

    1. mewyeon


      How can you get into medical school right away from just your IB scores? :O And dude I didn't get a 43....LOLOLOL I don't know hardly anyone who did so I guess they all won't ever get into medical school. OH WOW you're doing them in Australia??!!! Do you live there (not in a creepy way)?!!! That's super cool! I think if you just say that you have an 'supervisor' for those sports, I'm sure you'll be fine.

    2. (See 4 other replies to this status update)

  3. Military class? What is that exactly?

  4. You're in exams? Are they the IB exams? I noticed on your profile! DUUUUUDDEEEE I DID IB TOO!!!! I'm a diploma alum ;) I understand your pain

    1. mewyeon


      Oh are they in November? Ours were in May, I think. DUDE why do you need a 43??? That be crayyyyy. What are you doing for your CAS project? It's not too bad though, I don't think, as long as you put in the time. Catch up on weekends? :O

    2. (See 4 other replies to this status update)

  5. Wow I almost didn't recognize your username! hehe ;) I get all confused whenever people change their names. ANYWAY just wanted to see how you were doing these days!

    1. mewyeon


      Ohhh...what's a Touhou? I did take the midterm! LOL if I didn't that'd be disastrous. I wish it was still high school-esque where we could arrange re-takes later if we were sick on that day, but in college it's like '...NOPEEE!!!'

    2. (See 3 other replies to this status update)

  6. Wow I almost didn't recognize your username! hehe ;) I get all confused whenever people change their names. ANYWAY just wanted to see how you were doing these days!

    1. mewyeon


      No! What made you change it? ;) and me...I've been sick. YAYYYY!!! Actually it's more just that I have throat issues and feel tired all the time. Just in time for a midterm on Friday :D :D :D

    2. (See 3 other replies to this status update)

  7. Hello there! Just wanted to see how you were doing :) haven't talked to you much!

    1. mewyeon


      swamped with school DX what have you been up to these days?

    2. (See 1 other reply to this status update)

  8. Thank you! hehe I don't know you personally but it was sweet of you to post anyway :) hope you're having a lovely day!

    1. mewyeon


      are you still on the group chat on skype? i'm not on frequently, but i'll be sure to look for you if so!

    2. (See 2 other replies to this status update)

  9. Thank you! I know I haven't been on skype chat much, but some time, when I'm on break from school, I will! Hope you're having a lovely day :)

    1. mewyeon


      Oh no! I got the 'breezy' part of your name confused with 'woozy' D: Forgive me! You say everything is not going well for you? :( I won't pry, but I'll continue hoping things will turn out better for you :)

    2. (See 3 other replies to this status update)

  10. Thank you! Hehe oh I know, I haven't been on skype chat for some time now, but...maybe once I get a break on school? We chat happily and freely! :D

  11. helloooo there! hehe just checking up on how you're doing! :D anything exciting going on this summer at all?

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