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Lissa's Husband

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Posts posted by Lissa's Husband

  1. Your vision of these as flame wars by clowns is pretty equivocated. If you're implying it's triggered by 'clowns'.

    This is the first time I post in a topic like this.

    Hi, before it gets worse.

    It's gonna get worse with the amount of people sucking Rey's dick.

  2. who th'fuck is soc

    is he that shadow of chaos weeb

    /fuck/ that guy

    it's world war three because you're throwin' around the maturity of a 10 year old claimin' t'be 13, not realizin' that yer botherin' people and keepin' on like it's no one's business

    go back to yer elementary school girlfriend fer christ's sake

    Elementary school? Jokes on you, I live in the UK and in Year 9 at high school.

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