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Everything posted by Chelone

  1. Might be a bit early, but I would love it too!
  2. I've been getting a lot of Bond Units lately, will I eventually run out of character slots? I still need to recruit most of the children units too...
  3. Does it cap at a certain chapter? I'm at 21 and it's doable but I rather not make it much harder.
  4. I just started doing all the paralogues at chapter 21 (I wanted to get lvl3 Rod Shop first) and I'm having trouble with most of them. If you want it easy you really need to do them earlier.
  5. I would love it! But it would need to be a special mode/side story for it to work. I remember playing Advance Wars with my friends and it worked there.
  6. Got dragged into it because of Kingdom Hearts Unchained... would love to join too (link expired) and feel free to add me! StiX #3914
  7. I backed the game and I do enjoy it. It's certainly not the best game out there but I don't think it deserves the negativity it's getting...
  8. Yes! That's what I mean. But I can't seem to find a chart for it. Might just need to look everyone up individually and I would prefer to get all the child units.
  9. Currently planning my pairings in Revelations and having most of my characters marry 'cross faction'. I've heard this could be a problem though... what exactly could go wrong? Which characters are not compatable?
  10. Let's make some bond units! Castle adress: 13589-79984-65573-23007 Castle Name: Chelone Route: Valla
  11. Only got one bond unit with my sister but would love to have more and help others out! ​ Castle Adress: 13589-79984-65573-23007 Castle name: Chelone Route: Valla (edit)This is a US thread? ​Thanks!
  12. Just started my Revelations Playthrough, will the Hidden Truths DLC contain spoilers? (I've heard some dlc does).
  13. Voted for Shura. Don't know him that well though... didn't get enought time with him in birthright
  14. When does​ the Beach Brawl DLC take place? Just finished birthright and started conquest but it's realy weird to see them interact like they are in the dlc!
  15. I actually started all my runs on Lunatic but ended up tuning it down... mostly because I wanted to know the story. Planning on doing a lunatic run once I know the characters better. As for tips, almost every decision counts. Take your time and focus on a small group of characters.
  16. I'm on my second playthrough of Birthright but I really want to start revelations. Would I be really confused or would I spoil the story if I would "skip" conquest and jump straight to Revelations? ​ really want to save Conquest for later and take my time with it. Don't want to ruin the challenge by rushing through the game on a lower difficulty just to play revelations.
  17. total time played: 66:29 times played: 16 (dont turn off my 3ds much) average play time: 4.09 on my second birthright run now. will start conquest soon with revelations afterwards.
  18. Anyone has aptitude for Mitama? I went to castles earlier but screwed up. Would also love Rend Heaven or Male Kana skills! don't have much to offer yet myself, bunch of MU skills and Aptitude on Asugi. (all on hold).
  19. Just got my CE yesterday and only at CH12 right now (birthright) started on hard/classic but had to tone it down to normal/classic... really hoping I can get back into it and start the other paths on hard.
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