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Everything posted by Drgnquester

  1. I'm always dressin' nice. I didn't want to be that stereotypical, unpolished nerd in school so I always kept up with the latest trends and styles. Now that I'm a working adult I can afford to slack though :P
  2. There's also Say'ri vs Walhart (1st battle, not sure about the 2nd battle)
  3. Ah, my Streetpass was mainly for an anime convention in North Carolina. I appropriately named it 'Animazement 2013', before that, they were 'The Squad'
  4. Post pics or type up your streetpass team here. May give other members some combinations/ideas for their own! I'll just link mine: http://puu.sh/2JlMV made this team months ago, since then I've gone through like 5 more playthroughs, lol. Gotta make a new one sometime. This was back when I didn't realize the glory that was forged braves, so I have a lot of regalia on my team (that and I forgot that you can't buy regalia... ooops). I also capped everyone's stats a while after I took the screenshots. My team is a little... awkward, to say the least. Dread Fighter Chrom and Swordmaster Stahl being some of the more bizarre class choices. But my headcanon won't let me change Stahl to a rider class anymore :P And don't worry, Inigo doesn't have Galeforks on the actual team, that was just an oversight on my part
  5. Fixed up my Priam!Morgan a while back by marrying him to Lucina. His skillset is primarily for my Streetpass team. I'd do Vantage/Luna over Vantage/Vengence, but then his set would be just like his dad's, lol.
  6. Alright so the other Morgan has to come from another timeline in this case
  7. At the end of TFP after you beat Grima with the children surviving. In the localization male MU acknowledges both Morgans by name, while the Female MU only acknowledges male Morgan
  8. I don't ever marry any of my avatars to 2nd Gen characters, simply because it feels... morally wrong, in my opinion. Whenever the Male Avatar talks to one of the female children characters that he's not the father of, it feels veerrry pedophilatic (lol made a new word) in nature, even if it's body size 2 it just seems odd and strange. Same goes with the female avatar, make her seem like a cougar on the hunt >_>
  9. Finally beaten all the routes in SMTIV, it's back to Awakening/New Mystery for my portable gaming.
  10. MU x Say'ri for me, I really like Say'ri's character and personality, she's the best thing that's happened in the Valm Arc in my honest opinion, had to marry my character to her, now it's hard to see Morgan as any other woman's child than Say'ri's
  11. MU x Say'ri Chrom x Olivia (more so Inigo than Olivia) Chrom x FemMU Stahl x Panne Lon'qu x Cordelia all of the other pairings are fair game.
  12. I have a theory as well, it's sort of like Airship Canon's theory, but here goes: The Future Past happens after the main game if Lucina and co. DIDN'T travel back in time, or were killed before they could meet with their parents, etc. The gang in the DLC are the children born after the main game (or in Lucina's case, the baby Lucina we meet at the beginning of Chapter 12). 2nd gen Morgan, sibling or no, comes from this timeline. It would also explain how 2nd Gen Morgan can be from this timeline if their parents are the likes of Gangrel or Emmeryn for example. In this timeline, Robin unwillingly becomes Grima, as made apparent through out the DLC. The Morgan that's Robin's child in FTP is actually named Morgan, while the other Morgan could simply come from a seperate timeline, but that adds to more confusion when Female Robin doesn't acknowledge the name of female Morgan, only referencing her male Morgan. I'm going to assume this is some translation error, unless someone with the JP script proves otherwise. If Morgan is 3rd Gen, obviously they don't come from this timeline, but an alternate version of this timeline where Lucina and co. DO travel back in time to defeat Grima, which the main storyline. And what about Morgan's sibling? Morgan's sibling comes from Lucina's timeline, but their Morgan was probably lost or killed before they could get to her/him (in Lucina's case). They might actually acknowledge this fact, but refuse to believe it.
  13. If you're going to maximize their magic you should go for +Mag/-Str, since aside from -Spd, -Skl, and -Def, MU's magic is completely unhindered with a +4 modifier, however his Skill becomes a -1 so ending as a Sorc is a pretty bad idea.
  14. Basilio has gotten: Skill + Res 18EXP and an Alm's Blade (I'll take that off his hands) ...Okay! Back to the bench with you, buddy.
  15. Osaps, it's Inigo's Birthday! for me he got... a Surge of Skill and Speed 16EXP ...and a Ladle.
  16. I voted Say'ri. Do what I couldn't this run. (You never know how much you miss someone until their gone... I miss having Say'ri as my waifu ;_;)
  17. I honestly think a sequel to Awakening should be based off the Future Past storyline. For example the new protagonist can just be a new recruit, kinda like FE12, where he/she's asked questions regarding the 12 heroes, like who their parents were and such before they're introduced. Maybe not all at once but as the story progresses. That way shippers can still have their OTPs be 'canon' in a way without making everything default and ignoring that side of the fanbase. An example could be >Hey, isn't that Lucina? Her father was the previous exalt, Chrom. Her mother was... uh... >A Dancer >A Noblewoman >A Pegasus Knight >His Tactician >A maiden (pardon the greentexting)
  18. Chrom x Olivia one of my many OTPs. I can't see Inigo being any other man's kid other than Chrom's.
  19. [spoiler=Chapter 1 - Unwelcome Change] Turns: 6 Units Gained: Sully, Virion The first turn I have Frederick trade his Wolt's Bow for Eight's Bronze Sword, and pair him up with Chrom and place him down by a fort. I have Frederick attack the Risen nearby and he levels up, gaining HP, Strength, Skill, Speed, and Defense. I have Eight and Lissa hide out somewhere as I end my turn. Turn 2 Sully and Virion join, I mark the Hammer Bro and pair them up and send them off to go hide. During the enemy phase, Hammer Bro misses and Frederick kills him, nawt bad. Next few turns is just cleaning up the enemies around us. Frederick levels up again and gains HP, Strength, and Luck. Frederick wastes the Risen Chief Turn 5, and I have Virion pick at the Archer for a few turns while Eight swoops in and finishes it off. I plan on making Sully a Paladin, and benching Virion with magnificence by endgame. Chrom and Fred obtain support level C, Lissa and Eight obtain Support C as well. Everyone's stats: Chrom: Lord, lvl1, 86 EXP, 7str, 1mag, 8skill, 8spd, 5lck, 7def, res1 Eight: Tactician, lvl 2, 80 EXP, 8str, 5mag, 5skill, 9spd, 5lck, 5def, res4 Lissa: Cleric, lvl 2, 2 EXP, 1str, 6mag, 4skill, 4spd, 9lck, 4def, res5 Frederick: GK, lvl 3, 13 EXP, 15str, 2mag, 13skill, 11spd, 7lck, 15def, 3res Sully: Cavalier, lvl2, 0 EXP, 7str, 1mag, 8skill, 8spd, 6lck, 7def, 2res Virion: Archer, lvl2, 20 EXP, 6str, 0mag, 9+2skill, 5spd, 7lck, 6def, 1res Onward to Chapter 2. Early Lunatic mode starts getting cheap
  20. Even though I like Gaius!Kjelle more than Donnel!Kjelle, I think you should do Donnel, especially for Apotheosis. Since she gets the Trobadour tree, she can nab Dual Support+ to make her an effective support unit alongside Dual Guard+. however if you're doing Gaius!Noire, prepare for a max 41 luck without LB which hurts her hit and avoid. I personally go Donnel!Noire to negate that, and allow her some use of Armsthrift, Galeforce, and Dual Support+. Vaike is best fathering Nah in this scenario, since Nah can become a physical powerhouse with The Vaike as her dad. Luna and Armsthrift for days
  21. All righty then, without further ado, let's begin~ Let's start with my Avatar's name, build, and d.o.b: Name: Eight Gender: Male Build: 01 Face: 01 Hair: 02 Hair Color: 15 Voice: Male 1 D.O.B: October 25th [spoiler=Premonition - "Invisible Ties"] Turns: 3 Units Gained: Eight, Chrom Alright, so Premonition. Not much to say here. Thanks to +Spd I was able to double Validar, shame Chrom didn't jump in for another attack. With Validar down we start the main story... I plan on making Chrom a Dread Fighter and Eight a Sorceror. [spoiler=Prologue - "The Verge of History"] Turns: 14 Units Gained: Frederick, Lissa First turn of the prologue I paired Chrom up with Frederick, and had Freddy take on the Myrmidon closest to us. Once he was down I paired Eight and Lissa together and hung out in a safe spot until turn 2. Turn 2 started with a mage in a good position, I sent Frederick to kill him while I took care of one of the Barbarians. I knew I could survive an attack from the remaining Barbarian, but what I didn't count on was Eight missing during the enemy phase, which wasn't too bad but I took a hit without returning the favor... leaves a bad taste in my mouth. Turn 3 I waste the Barbarian, and with the next few turns, I spend it healing Eight and Freddy. I had Freddy get a Wolt's Bow from the shining tile Turn 4, which kinda sucks. On Turn 9, everyone was healed, I placed Freddy on the attack range of a Myrmidon while positioning Eight behind one of the stands, just in case. Turn 10 I get Eight out of harm's while while Fred takes down a Myrm and the Mage. Come turn 11, I have Chrom take down a Barbarian, while Eight defeats the last one on the Enemy phase. Eight levels up, and gains Speed, Luck, and HP. Turn 12 I have Chrom get the last glittery spot, which gives him EXP, Turn 13 I have Lissa heal Eight, and place Chrom in front of the boss for him to do some damage during the enemy phase. Chrom eats 10 HP worth of damage. During Turn 14, Lissa levels up after healing Eight, gaining HP, Mag, Luck, Defense, and Resistance. With her level up out of the way, I send Frederick to finish off the boss. I plan on making Lissa a Falcon Knight and Frederick a Benched Knight by Endgame. Everyone's class, level, exp, and stats: Chrom: Lord, lvl 1, 66 EXP, 7str, 1mag, 8skill, 8spd, 5lck, 7def, 1res Eight: Tactician, lvl 2, 35 EXP, 6str, 5mag, 5skill, 9spd, 5lck, 5def, 4res Lissa: Cleric, lvl2, 2 EXP, 1str, 6mag, 4skill, 4spd, 9lck, 4def, 5res Frederick: Great Knight, lvl 1, 94 EXP, 13str 2mag, 12skill, 10spd, lck6, 14def, 3res Chapter 1 up later, gonna see if I can reset abuse Frederick to get strength, speed, and defense on his level up
  22. ...Looks like it's been decided! I will be doing the +Spd/-Def set listed above, I'm also adding a new restriction, No Avatar Logbook, for the extra challenge.
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