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Everything posted by solrocknroll

  1. I will 100% force my lifestyle on others. I haven't come out as gay or atheist irl, but you can be damned sure I'll let everyone around me know how much I hate them. I will force myself onto them until they realize that I cannot be silenced. I will stand strong even as the heteronormativity and assumptions try to break me down. I've actively cut all Trump voters that I know out of my life. Right now, that includes getting into a verbal argument with my stepdad and unfollowing all Trump supporting friends on social media.
  2. There's literally no reason to live without gay marriage. I'd rather kill myself for the good of my people that have any regressive anti-LGBT legislature passed. This is a dark day for my proud and strong community. I can only look back at the traitors who voted for Trump in our community, and I guarantee many other minority groups are doing the same thing.
  3. Yeah, that logic is insane. People live their lives with their own purposes. No one was put here just to show you how great you can be, especially someone with a serious disability.
  4. Except Makaze is right. There's zero reason to publically call out Phoenix for responding justifiably to what Jotari said.Jotari has since explained their statement, but until that point, Phoenix was obviously right. You can't tell someone to "keep an open mind" when science is the most open thing available. Also, this is a public form so conversation is not a binary thing. Makaze can easily jump into a conversation after reading it. They also put time and effort into explaining why that logic does not suffice, and yet you immediately brush it off? I'm obviously not the one qualified here, but you seem to do this quite a lot.
  5. I would consider that lion at least kinda bad. Taking pleasure after killing anything from any species bothers me. It's why I'm often more sympathetic to herbivores.
  6. I don't think they deserve to be murdered. I meant on a scale of if athey're going after an animal like a lion and end up getting hurt in the process. That was said as an extension of Dwalin's point about hunters facing actually dangerous animals. In my personal opinion, all lives are equal. But I know that that isn't the way the world works, and I'm not going to force that in any judicial manner. It is a fact that people's lives technically matter more than animals' lifes. I just personally feel that animal lives should e elevated to the same status.
  7. Except I don't recall saying anyone deserved to die. I said that I would choose an animal over evil people, but I wouldn't say that hunters are actually evil. There's a callous factor there, but it isn't really "evil." I do still consider them similar to serial killers, but only in practice. In morality, those are entirely different beasts, because the life of a human and the life of an animal are pretty different in worth. Killing things for fun is pretty barbaric, that much is undeniable. Even if you're doing it to fix the ecosystem, such as having an overpopulation of deer, that's still not strictly for fun. For fun is when you brag about how you killed a lion in a far off country. Cecil the lion's case is the culmination of what I speak of. There's literally zero excuse for something like that to have ever happened. Which is why I said "typically" in my first statement. I maintain with 100% certainty that that man is legitimately evil.
  8. Why does that matter? Why should intelligence be rewarded with life? Just because humans are smarter and more capable than a ferret or something doesn't mean that the life of the ferret is somehow inferior. There are more evil humans than evil animals, and I'd rather remove bad people from the world than any animal, even something like a bug. Animals are here to be protected, not to be callously trampled because only power matters.
  9. So if you say all serial killers are bad people, is that not also a "blanket statement?" So why are serial killers and animal hunters different beasts? I don't consider the life of a human being any more valuable than an animal. In fact, you're the one making "blanket statements" here. To someone who is an animal rights activist, hunters are the same as serial killers. Just look at all the big animal rights organizations.
  10. *clap emoji* Sport hunters are typically extremely vile people. If they die, that's no skin off my back.
  11. Alexander is ♀ Class: Dark Flier Hair: Azure Eyes: Ice Blue Height: 162 cm Extra: Underdog lol Alex was totally an underdog, he was the first bi US political
  12. Not very often, but I'm not opposed or anything. I just never get particularly mad or anything When I'm singing I tend to swear a lot though.
  13. That's assuming that what the Bible says matters. Which it doesn't. I mean, innocent people live in Israel, so nothing bad should happen to it. But it's not by the will of God that it should be protected. Hillary is no Bernie, but she's not going to be Caesar at all. I wouldn't even call Trump Caesar. The US has far too many allies for it to randomly fall. The UK. Japan. Germany. Any possible WW3 is open and shut. Russia is surrounded by people who like the US far more than themselves, and no first world nation is stupid enough to go to nuclear war. If Russia nuked NYC, they'd immediately be slammed by the entirety of Asia and Europe. Russia is the enemy here anyway. http://www.japantimes.co.jp/news/2016/10/28/national/politics-diplomacy/putin-opposes-setting-time-limit-signing-peace-treaty-japan/?utm_source=feedburner&utm_medium=feed&utm_campaign=Feed%3A+japantimes+(The+Japan+Times%3A+All+Stories) Putin actually still wants to play the WW2 game with Japan, since it never ended. This type of behavior is unacceptable in any way, and we should have a president that will crush Russia for trying to drum up drama.
  14. Swords are 100% worse than guns because the death is so much worse. If anything, I'll say that guns are at least more merciful than close range weaponry. I believe that all animals are innocent and deserve life. Hurting animals is worse than hurting people in my eyes. [This topic was split from tangents in the White House thread generated from this post which is being provided for context.]
  15. If I was in your shoes, I would especially desire those people to be punished. Jews are just as discriminated against throughout history. People shouldn't just tolerate hate speech. It's disgusting and dare I say deplorable. Even if they don't get jailed, destroying their reputation or business is cathartic enough. I don't even believe in guns, so whatever. Guns are evil and bad and should never have existed. Especially since people use guns to hurt innocent animals.
  16. nice job invoking Godwin's law, but I'd call anyone who doesn't approve of trans people "literally Hitler" I start arguments with even some of my teachers in class every single day solely because they might disagree with who I am and who I support. I will never tolerate anyone disapproving of my people because of who they are. You seem equally obsessed with anti-semitism, so I think we're pretty even here.
  17. I don't agree. I believe the only way to answer hate is hate. I shouldn't have to bow down to people who feel superior because of one thing about themselves. I mean, marriage equality and bathroom equality and discrimination rights should be an open and shut thing. Conservative Christians trying to take my rights away are laughable. I will always choose to "spit vitriol" because that's all people who don't approve of the LGBT community deserve.
  18. You don't get the right to free speech if you use to to trash another person. Everyone is special, and no one deserves to have bad things said to them without any proper provocation. If someone does something bad, criticize them for it. If they do something good, they're good. If we don't operate on that wavelength, I don't believe in free speech. No one has the right to dislike anyone.
  19. Lol I would hope an admin would have better things to do than pick a fight with "children."
  20. No, your post was plenty condescending. It was very obvious you were looking down on people.
  21. I'm gay, and I've earned the right to defend myself. I'm not a heterosexual LGBT supporter, I'd go as far as to call myself an SJW. If you don't respect someone for any reason that they can't control, you are 100% in the wrong. No argument will be taken. I have Christian friends, they just support LGBT people. If they didn't, I would probably refuse to even speak to them. Until my people are truly free, me and others like myself will never stop. Religion isn't inherently bad, only if it teaches others to hate.
  22. I agree with Phoenix. Religion is used to hate innocent people who only want to live and be themselves and to love others. If you justify the awful treatment they get, you are the problem. I will not rest as a person until every single LGBT person alive is safe and sound. All religions that choose to futilely fight us and stand on the wrong wide of history will one day be mowed over. That goes not just for Christianity, but for every religion. And funnily, you assume that Phoenix is attacking ypu. Yet Judaism and Islam are also what Phoenix disagrees with, among others. So why do you have to be the victim here?
  23. Why are player lists RNG determined? Wouldn't first come, first serve be more fair?
  24. Lol Life treats transgendered people like non-humans This is not a "team sport" and it's why Raven is always right without fail. Hillary is perfect solely because she'll protect LGBT rights. Literally nothing else matters to me.
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