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Everything posted by Shahrivar

  1. I don't get the Mega-Luke hate. Of course he's strong and a great lategame sweeper but he's incredible frail and gets oneshoted by a lot of mons. I know why they banned MegaGengar (Perish Song trapper), but the ban was stupid imo - the endless clause showed that Smogon DOES complex ban, so why didn't they ban Gengarite + Perish Song? But 31% usage rate Smogon-W is fine and not overcentralizing, you hypocrites
  2. I'm watching Serial Experiment Lain at the moment in addition to the ongoing series (Nagi no Asukara, Gundam Build Fighters and some others). I'm still at the start (ep3), but I can see how it will blow one's mind. While this show has some problems (and many hate it for them), I think it's fine (although it differ from the LN) and enjoyed it. Go for it, if you like romcoms (and girls with autism).
  3. I'm not sure if I've met him, but most pros were rather disappointing. Rarely entirely bad (although I don't want to have Wickd and Ocelote in my team) but they're not that exceptional in solo play (well, for them it's about teamplay and you rarely see that in solo queue). Although I have to admit, Diamondprox and Edward/Gosu Pepper are amazing. You'll never see such proficient flamers again.
  4. He seems to be banned in most bronze and silver games, but rarely in plat or diamond - even without a ban, he's rarely played here.
  5. I just used Havel's and tanked them, but - because I ate all that damage and had to use Estus Flasks often - I see her damage as useful. Well, I think that it doesn't make sense to argue - I can't even login at the moment because of GFWL ***** ;_;
  6. I know that more spawn, but I never had the feeling that she doesn't do enough damage. She helped me a lot in my first playthrough (at least I think she did).
  7. I actually disagree, LB is great vs him. Range usually beats him, especially with strong cc and/or early game. I'd pick Pantheon but your jungler will troll you to oblivion because you push most of the time (yes you can dive a 30% hp Kassadin you **** >.>), that's why LB is my main pick vs Kass. Most aps can do fine if they have range or good cc (Lux can just farm and win teamfights later, Victor got the abilities to trade well, Swain destroys him 1v1 aswell, Xerath has the range and great harass, he can't kill a Sion and so on). Kassadin is by no means a bad pick, but a lot can outplay him. And - that's just my opinion - LB actually counters him because of good scaling, great harass and mobility in lane (he's a free kill if your jungler moves once). Swain is a good pick aswell, but gets ganked easily.
  8. Harder? How so? If you do the lame tactics (it works on normal and NG+ at least), she's your best bet. Just tank them with Estus Flasks and let her do the main damage. No idea about NG++ and +++ though, I was able to dodge by then >_> No offense, but I just don't understand how she makes the fight harder, please explain.
  9. You can't reset for it, it just appears in your bank (that's what I've heard at least)
  10. Why not? Just transferred all my stuff from Black 2 to Y. As long as you don't want me to transfer several boxes I'm fine
  11. If you want to transfer anything right now, I can help.
  12. Well, EU/Australia/New Zealand. See: http://serenesforest.net/forums/index.php?showtopic=46048
  13. Finally Pokebank, hopefully it's working.
  14. Well, if you play good enough.. level 1? Levels don't do that much in Dark Souls and you can actually beat almost everything without being hit once. If your confident in your dodging skills, just do it - there are harder bosses (at least in terms of dodging). If you have a hard time, get the required stats for a heavy armor and do it the lame way (I did it with Havel's armor in my first playthrough >_>).
  15. The real max level - Pyromancer's is 709 for example. I know that 100 and 125 are "PvP max level" but I never really cared for it. I just played my knight and leveled when I could (I think she's around 190). In addition The differences are so marginal, I'd always go for the Master Key (although you have too many points in Faith/Int).
  16. I know of the starting stats, but they have a different starting level and max level aswell. At max level they all have the same amount of stats as far as I know. (still, it doesn't matter - you have everything you need at level 400) And spears are always great. I just love the small poke damage you do when someone blocks. And shooting lightning isn't great but fun.
  17. They all have the same max stats, don't they (Well, it doesn't matter as almost noone goes for level 700+)? I used Pyromancer because he needs less exp overall (your stats are high for your start level, but your max level is lower). I still prefer a Thief for the Master Key. I need the Old Witch's Ring to speak with my waifu - and the bug is too useful for an exchange. I used the Silver Knight Spear until I had enough stats to make the Dragonslayer Spear good. It's still my favorite weapon although the two handed strong attack sucks. Halberds are fine but I didn't really like them and the Scythes. Leo Ring is great.
  18. I should have about 200 hours (Games for Windows Live doesn't let me in) but I've played my knight most of the time. I usually don't like such "classes" (default class is Pyromant but I use medium armor and spear as the default class doesn't matter at all) and play Assassins/Caster in most games. But Dark Souls was the first game where using a spear "felt" good. I've tried other stuff (especially since my level is high enough to make Artorias' swords great), but nothing comes close.
  19. I know it's getting old, but Jar Jar Binks (although I still liked episode 1) and Anakin in 2/3 were the most annoying characters I've ever experienced.
  20. Don't you need just one 50 win streak in one queue for the trainer's card? After all my trainer's card turned silver and I still need to complete the Pokedex. I totally messed up at the boss, sacrificed my Garchomp for nothing (Double Team -> Stone Edge). But Gliscor soloed it.
  21. Finally managed to get 50 wins in super battles (maison) - maybe I'm just incompetent in double battles, but I failed there several times and got it first try in singles. Anyways, do you get anything special from winning in more than one queue (besides the statues)?
  22. I'm fine with both, ingame and 2012 format (I think that one wildcard would be enough, but both options are fine imo). Do you have to use the monotype team for the assessment games?
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