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Everything posted by Shahrivar

  1. There weren't any games this year (yet). Nothing besides FE:A, some competition would be great (Pokemon or Wind Waker HD maybe? I loved Wind Waker on the GC).
  2. Lux.: Why's he running, Brother? Garen: Because we have to chase him. Lux.: He didn't do anything wrong. Garen: Because he's the hero Runeterra deserves, but not the one it needs right now. So we'll hunt him. Because he can take it. Because he's not our hero. He's a silent guardian, a watchful protector. The swift scout..
  3. Sabrina, Skyla, Surge (this guy is a total boss)
  4. Not mean. Realistic. It's obvious they have the hots for each other. Runs off and hides somewhere.
  5. +Speed -Def I didn't know if MU will be physical or magical (postgame) and speed seemed to be a good choice according to forum posts. I hate losing offensive potential and -Luck gives -1 Mag/Str, -Def does neither.
  6. Children inherit the last skill of their parents and can't inherit a DLC skill - will they inherit something instead? Let's say the last two slots of Cordelia are Galeforce and Limitbreaker. Will Severa inherit nothing because the last slot is taken by LB or will she get the next available skill, Galeforce? What about class skills which the child gets by default - 3. Galeforce, 4. Armsthrift, 5. Limitbreaker. Severa has Armsthrift by default, will she get nothing from Cordelia in this case?
  7. Out of your choices, Mewtwo. He was my main in SSBM and I didn't enjoy any character as much in brawl. Sadly he won't come back. Isaac comes close (there are other, unlisted characters I'd love to have though).
  8. I like ChromxfeMU supports, even the S one. Not saying it's the best piece of writing, but I like them. Henry got some funny moment, but overall I don't like him. I do like Say'ri and would use her every playthrough.
  9. They are all good, I'd recommend all of them. I enjoyed Kokoro Connect the most, so I'd advise to start with it.
  10. No maMU yet, but I will go for Tiki or Lucina if I ever come to that point - voted for the latter.
  11. iNope. I wanted to marry Cordelia before I got the game but her ingame supports scared me off. I started anew as feMU (ChromxfeMU <3) and deleted my first file.
  12. I spend effort training MU, Morgan, Cordelia, Tiki and Lucina, but a lot do that and they're great units. Not so much favoritism here. I've trained Maribelle a lot and she's one of my strongest endgame units (obviously not as great as MU or Morgan), so she received a lot of favoritism (I love Valks).
  13. 1. B 2. C 3. C 4. C 5. A 6. C 7. B 8. D (no need to read the question here) 9. C 10. B
  14. 1. D 2. D 3. B 4. D 5. D 6. A 7. B 8. A 9. D 10. B
  15. They're great on any adc (if your sup doesn't have the ability to heal). Together with a Doran's you get enough sustain for the early game. I use them as Quinn mid/top, too (although I don't play Quinn a lot).
  16. I'd suggest to buy a Rune Page Bundle, sadly you missed (?) the last two sales. Still it's more comfortable than farming 70k+ IP
  17. They are worth it, if you play the right champions. Not like I have anything better do with 130.000 IP.
  18. I can't ignore the character, I adore Tharja's and Cordelia's appearance but their personalities annoy me. I had to start anew and go for feMUxChrom.
  19. Yes, sadly. I don't want him but he will be - he is the most representative Fire Emblem character.
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