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Posts posted by OutOfMana

  1. It's not necessary to wait until Level 15-20 to promote. If anything, I'd promote early to get your Level 5/Level 15 skills ASAP. Since you can effectively reclass and promote at will - and Seals are buyable - you can just do so over and over and cap all your stats with enough patience.

    Awakening is an easy game compared to other FEs, and Normal is indeed very easy. Try out skill/parents combinations as you see fit, you don't really need to worry about optimization until Hard (and even that can be trivialised if you know the tricks). You've only got one blind playthrough after all, so have fun! Also, since Reeking Boxes are super cheap, you can grind at will, so everyone can get viable at some point.

    If you still wish to optimize your pairings, The Pairing Thread is a good resource.

  2. Maribelle/Lon'qu: Tried this support on a whim on my first Awakening run. I was not disappointed.

    MU/Virion: I actually like Virion with anyone, but I'm fond of that one. Either romantically or platonically.

    MaMU/Sumia: A very sweet support! Oh, and books =)

    Olivia/Chrom: They actually have a very nice buildup. A shame we actually never see them in game if they marry. =/

    Cordelia/Gregor: Matchmaker crush? Cordelia is the one who proposes? Severa gets awesome red hair? YES!

    Stahl/Olivia: How he first interacts with her with letters to make her comfortable is really cute!

    FeMU/Priam: Because behind his tough mercenary exterior, Priam is such a dork.

    Gerome/Cynthia: I love the "bright hero/dark hero" dynamic they have.

    Severa/Inigo: Tsuntsun Severa is tsuntsun. I still think they fit together. Figures.

    Morgan(M)/Nah: Even Naga ships them.

    Morgan(M)/Lucina: My other favored option for Male Morgan. =)

    Lissa/Maribelle, Severa/Cynthia, Tiki/Anna: More platonic supports please!

  3. Interesting. He uses for the darkest shade and goes lighter where he sees fit. It instantly reminded me of this one exercise where you color the page in black charcoal as dark as you can and then erase to get the lighter tones.

    I'm still new to computer artwork so I might take some notes on his and others' styles.

    This. I also love how his line art has a pencil-like texture.

    I want to steal his brush settings.

  4. - A subdued MU, ala Blazing Sword's tactician.

    - If MU is the main character, the option to determine your personality, either at creation or with dialogue choices.

    - Children are fine and fun to tinker with, but I'd prefer a timeskip over time-travel/outrealm shenanigans.

    - Limited support options for every character. No 'everyone can marry everyone' thing. Quality over quantity.

    - Light magic and the anima/light/dark triangle

    - Varied objectives and maps (survive X turns, weather conditions, etc)

    - More political intrigue, less evil otherworldly monsters.

    - Tone down the fanservice, plz.

  5. I've first watched the anime during the Pokémon craze while I was in first grade. I never got around to get the trading cards, but we had some 'collector' cards we could get in yogourt packages, and I had a small binder full of them. Then, my mom gave me and my sister our own Game Boy Color and a Pokemon game for Christmas. She got the pink handheld with Pokemon Red, and I got the purple one with Pokemon Blue. I fell in love, chose Squirtle, became Champion, kicked Gary's butt, and still play the games to this day!

  6. I guess I've been lurking long enough.

    Anyhow. I'm Flamanchot, or Flam if you like. I've been introduced to Fire Emblem about four years ago, with Blazing Sword, and I've been a fan ever since. I've played all of the NA games so far, my favorites being FE7, PoR and recently Awakening. which I'm playing non-stop since last month. As for other games, I also like Pokemon, Persona and the Tales Series. I also like drawing, writing, learning new languages (I've just started learning Japanese), tabletop RPGs and graphic design.

    I'm also French, so, sorry if my English is sloppy sometimes.

    Nice to meet you everyone! =3

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