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Posts posted by Elli

  1. ... I do! I vaguely recall adding you

    How've you been?

    I have been mostly good. I have pretty much spent the last few months writing different stories which kept me occupied for a long time. And then I joined Tumblr as well and used that a lot. How about you, how have you been?

    Hey Shelie! I think when we talked I had the name Ringabel or Graham or Duck? I don't know

    It's good to see you!

    Yes! You could say your name ringsabell, haha. But yes I remember you. It's good to see you too. I was surprised to still see so many familiar people here, I thought people might have left but I guess not. It's nice to see you all again.^^

  2. The name doesn't ring any-

    Yeah, I remember you now. Good threads, imo

    You should remember me haha, I have you added on my 3ds too I'm pretty sure.

    I remember you! I think I have you added on my 3ds.

    Yes I think so too. I remember you too. I remember most people, but I was the nobody on here so I'm not surprised most don't remember me or they forgot me XD but I'm really happy some of you still remember me ^^

  3. omg I remember you! Welcome back!

    Still, idk if you remember me though.

    Hey, I sure do remember you!

    EYY EYYYYY yes I remember you

    Its good to see you stop by!

    Hello! I remember you too!

    I think I know you? Idk

    I had to check your username history but yes I remember you too!

    Hi welcome back.

    Hello, thank you!^^

    If anyone remembers, I use to make those hurt/heal threads and Crit quote and death quote threads awhile back.

  4. Um.... I think Shelie just barely rings a bell? =oEither way welcome back~

    Hi! I remember you. Yes it's Shelie XD most probably won't remember me due to me being very quiet and shy, so I really didn't talk much.

    I stopped coming on the forums much after I got a Samsung galaxy s4 earlier this year and well... I got addicted to romance apps you could say, haha and after that I joined Tumblr and have been using that a lot.

  5. So I made a post awhile ago about my WII U game pad being broken (which it still is) So I recently just got a Controller Pro to play Monster Hunter on my WII U but realized I cannot see my HP on the TV, and the only way I know of getting hp to show on the TV is if I started a new game...

    But of course I don't want to do that soo I was wondering to anyone who plays Monster hunter on the WII U know if there is anyway of making the HP appear on the TV, cause this game is a teeny bit hard to play without seeing my HP.... I also asked on Gamefaqs and have no replies on there yet... sigh

  6. For seƱor poly's quote I got the image of Titanic's band playing, so I voted for that one.

    Also, I thought that Shelie's quote about changing the world was to similer to the winning quote of the last competition, so, like a hipster. I voted against that quote.

    You are correct it is similar to the previous winning quote, I made it for fun based off hero-kings quote but didn't think everyone would actually vote for it though...

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