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Everything posted by Elli

  1. I really hope Awakening is on Miiverse soon, I was quite dissapointed when I checked and couldn't find it D:
  2. Only invisible side quest I know of in Ch.3 is the pirate one, it doesnt actually appear on your map and you have to find it
  3. @Alfred, Thats funny I just checked and realised my agnes is ablinked to you XD I have been job training for awhile now so I should have some skills that would be useful, already mastered several jobs. Though now I am lvl 65 & still at the start of ch.4 lol
  4. I just got to ch 4 my team is in the mid forties, I am having a blast, I havent enjoyed a game this much in ages. I'm currently linked to Vincent, Alfred, Ike-mike & shy tenda, its been quite helpful. I hope my data has been helpful too.
  5. Anyone know why the character I send out wont update? It says I haven't updated since the 7th but I have updated heaps since then, and it says tiz is still lvl ten when my team is all in the 30's I dont know whats going on.. :/
  6. Alfred, I am unable to see you on my game, Have you updated your data/connected to the internet yet?
  7. Yess I got it on release day here! It's an awesome game! I have invested so many hours into rebuilding already, I absolutely love this game!! I will you add my FC is 4468-1013-9845
  8. Just my luck.. I finally get net in my house & my laptop breaks (posting on my 3DS) and all the results of the quotes so far are gone too, sigh.... Well I wont be able to update this for awhile now & I will have to remember all the winning quotes again... :/
  9. I actually haven't ridden a bike in years, I remember once when I was younger, I had a terrible bike accident going down a gravel road with my family, I was going to fast and only put the front brakes on, I was sent flying over my bike superman style according to my mum I hit the ground hard face first, that left my teeth all crooked and lose afterwards (my front teeth are still really bad from it) and nearly took my nose off, I was finding gravel in my hands and arms for weeks, yes I love bikes...
  10. Well the next quotes are up , I still havent fully finished moving house yet, well I am already living in the house though (yay) but my nets still connected in the shed I was living in, it hopefully will be changed over later, thought I better change the polls already though...
  11. Get rid of the B on bike and we have Ike!
  12. This will be on hold for a bit till I have moved into my house (Which is finally happening,yes I am shocked) will be moved in tomorrow
  13. I just found out this game is out in Australia tomorrow as well, I thought I would have to get it shipped from Europe, YES, I am so going into the shops tomorrow and buying, so excited!!! *Hype*
  14. Eirika 15 Franz 15 Ross 15 Neimi 20 Colm 20 Artur 15 Lute 14 Kyle 15 Forde 15 Gilliam 7 Vanessa 11 Innes 20 Syrene 7 Joshua 20 Gerik 15 Marisa 16 Ewan 15 L'Arachel 18 Natasha 15 Amelia 15 Cormag 20 Knoll 15 Lyon 14 Selena 15 Glen 15
  15. Sora 88 Riku 86 Kairi 97 Mickey 70 Donald 50 Goofy 53 Roxas 85 Terra 55 Aqua 59 Ventus 55 Vanitas 74 Master Eraqus 50 Xemnas 63 Namine 46 Xion 96 Axel 97 Braig 50 Lexaeus 46 Zexion 50 Demyx 55 Marluxia 20
  16. Sora 88 Riku 86 Kairi 97 Mickey 70 Donald 50 Goofy 53 Roxas 85 Terra 55 Aqua 59
  17. Sora 88 Riku 86 Kairi 97 Mickey 70 Donald 50 Goofy 53 Roxas 85 Terra 55 Aqua 59 Ventus 55 Vanitas 74 Master Eraqus 50 Xemnas 63 Namine 46 Xion 94 Axel 97 Braig 50 Lexaeus 46 Zexion 50 Demyx 55 Marluxia 24
  18. Eirika 15 Franz 15 Ross 15 Neimi 20 Colm 20 Artur 15 Lute 14 Kyle 15 Forde 15 Gilliam 15 Vanessa 17 Innes 20 Syrene 11 Joshua 20 Gerik 15 Tethys 1 Marisa 16 Ewan 15 L'Arachel 18 Natasha 15 Amelia 15 Cormag 20 Knoll 15 Lyon 14 Selena 14 Glen 15
  19. Oh dear what happened to the results of everyone's quotes in the first post... its gone... Now I am going to have to try remember all the winning quotes so far...Sigh... why is everything deleting itself, first my profile, now this :/
  20. Well in world of warcraft the butcher is a big walking abomination ugly as hell, and if you are a new play an under leveled just happen to be walking through the area he appears, he can practically kill you in one hit, and cause the area he is in is all dark & gloomy, the whole thing can freak you out a little haha
  21. Eirika 15 Franz 15 Ross 15 Neimi 19 Colm 20 Artur 15 Lute 14 Kyle 15 Forde 15 Gilliam 15 Vanessa 17 Innes 20 Syrene 12 Joshua 20 Gerik 15 Tethys 1 Marisa 16 Ewan 15 L'Arachel 18 Natasha 15 Amelia 15 Cormag 20 Knoll 15 Lyon 14 Selena 14 Glen 15
  22. Sora 88 Riku 86 Kairi 97 Mickey 70 Donald 50 Goofy 53 Roxas 85 Terra 55 Aqua 59 Ventus 55 Vanitas 74 Master Eraqus 50 Xemnas 63 Namine 46 Xion 93 Axel 97 Braig 50 Lexaeus 46 Zexion 50 Demyx 55 Marluxia 26
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