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Posts posted by FPzero

  1. These are exactly what I'm looking for! However, is it just me or are there no unique critical animation frames for Sword, Axe, Bow or Magic attacks? It looks like crits with those weapon types would just be a normal attack.

  2. I also want to thank you for doing this LP. I'll echo much of what Artix has said but as the main mapping/eventing person, you've also given me a few bits of good feedback that I'll take into consideration as we go back over everything. We made these maps so long ago by now, and while we've touched some of them up over time, it's easy to just say "they're done and final" and leave them that way forever so we can focus on newer things. God knows I want to work on Act 2 more than Act 1 now, but there's definite stuff to go back and touch up in Act 1 (again).

    Looking forward to your bonus update, whatever it might entail.

  3. Chapter9Small.png

    This used to be chapter 9's map. But people kept finding ways to kill Jack using the Rescue staff and rescue-dropping tactics and somehow killing him on Turn 2. Unseen here were the enemies placed in the small room below the chest to act as roadblocks. I could have had Jack run off the map right away but I really wanted him to sit on the map for one turn, essentially taunting the player with his inventory before leaving. Problem is, when you kill him, his leaving event still occurs because it wasn't supposed to me possible to reach him, much less kill him. As such, when the game tries to move a character that is no longer on the map, it will freeze. So when people kept finding ways to kill him even after a few fixes on our part, I said screw it and just took the door away. Unfortunately, this reduced the number of paths through the level from 2 to 1. I should really go back and have another look at this map some day. That or redo some reinforcements, especially in the latter half of the level.

    Fun fact, the current version of the map is like, version 4. Version 2 is the one I posted above. Version 1, well, it was this:


    I loved this map but it was way too big to use as the end of Act 1. Another fun fact, in the first version of our plot after we took it over from the other writers, we were set to return to this castle around chapter 20. As such, I made a Chapter 21 map that incorporated the upper area of that big chapter 9 map:


    You can see Chapter 9's throne room at the bottom of it. In fact, I put this image together to show how they linked up:


    Sadly, neither old chapter 9 or old chapter 21 are going to be used in full, but I did salvage a portion of chapter 21's map for a different chapter in our current plot, so not all has been lost.

  4. Paula exists because we couldn't come up with a reason for Judith NOT to have family. We didn't want to do the whole dead parents thing so...we didn't. And then we made Paula playable. Other Paula facts:

    • Paula was almost the Supply Caravan at one point due to her merchant background.
    • As caravan, we threw around the idea of her having a way to attack but having her stats/growths be poor so that she wasn't a real fighting unit, just one capable of defending herself.
    • As a Troubadour, she actually has a very slight custom battle animation. Compare her to other troubadour sprites and you'll see she has long hair and no hairband.

    She's one of our favorite characters to write.

  5. The Unlock staff doesn't work like you think it might! By which I mean it doesn't work any differently than base game. Details:

    It's a display bug and getting it to act like the range says requires rewriting hardcoded staff code. We've since reverted that change since there's no guarantee we'll ever get a Mag/2 range working on it.

  6. Looking at who you're bringing, I hope we have an event to force a certain someone into the party after this chapter...


    you need Rose to recruit Fia.

    And yeah, Malorie is a recolored Sigune from FE6. We have a number of temporary boss portraits still in the game, hers included. Except with her, since FE6's portrait format is different from FE7's, I had to give her a blinking animation and extra speaking frames to fit what FE7 requires from its portraits.

  7. The old plot was a civil war that had you winning, then losing, then winning, then losing, then winning maybe? I don't even remember how many times this went around. There were also plans to have a point where managing to win a very odds-stacked-against-you battle in act 1 would lead to an alternative ending path where half of that winning/losing doesn't occur and instead you just go to the final chapters.

    It was not very good.

  8. I don't know if all the following changes are included in the updated patch you received but, Rowan might now have a 60% Speed growth, June might have a female cavalier battle animation and if you were to restart the game Rose might be at level 1 because her bases are not good enough to warrant being at level 3. There's also more stuff that you've pointed out and other things that I'm not sure made it into the patch you have.

  9. In Chapter 4, we went a little crazy with recruitment options. Angus has unique conversations with Judith, Niccolo and Frank. Frank has unique conversations with Judith, Angus and Ferris of all people. The Ferris x Frank recruitment is pretty much everyone's favorite recruitment of this group. After that chapter and the eventing nightmare it caused to get all the if then statements working properly, we vowed to never do that many alternate recruitments again.

  10. I'm just continually amazed at the number of people that don't immediately look at the convoluted series of moves that would be required to get to Jack and think to themselves "I'm probably not supposed to interact with him."

    Live and learn.

  11. I'm still amazed people can get to him through two doors and enemies. Considering the amount of times we've tried to change that event so that he is unreachable, nevermind killable, I think I might just have to remove the door leading into that room because this is getting ridiculous.

    I think I now know why the original games had no fun stuff like this.

  12. Wow, that's a lot of useful feedback Vennobennu. I know Artix just posted but here are my thoughts on the difficulty curve.

    The funny thing is that even though we're making a romhack, about a third of our team are probably what you'd consider "average" players, myself included. We aren't super-good at these games but we enjoy them anyways so we wanted to balance the game so that we made something we'll also enjoy. Therefore the difficulty for Normal mode is probably along the lines of FE6 Normal without asshole reinforcements. Sometimes bosses won't move or be that threatening, like in Chapter 1. Same for reinforcements. It's also worth noting that I'm the one doing the events for the game and I play them much slower and methodical than some of the other team members. For better or for worse, reinforcements are generally balanced around when I'd get somewhere, though I do try to take into account how fast the other team members might get somewhere. They keep surprising me about how fast they finish the chapters though. Someone beat chapter 7 on turn 6 and I just threw my hands up in the air saying "I can't account for this." Now, Hard mode is Artix's playground and you can expect no mercy because he's kind of evil (but fair) with these things. All that being said, we'll still take your thoughts on difficulty into account. We're due to revamp and rebalance act 1 soon enough.

    I think we may have to tone down June's bases because goddamn she just continuously blows everyone else out of the water. Had you gotten a good Willow (she has a 40% strength growth and 45% speed growth and you proc'd it twice/once respectively in 8 levels), the two of them could have just ruined everything.

    Thanks for the tip on chapter 4's AI. We'd wondered about fixing it but with so little documentation on AI we figured what we had was a "good enough" solution. We'll give that a try when we do our revamps.

    It's funny seeing your Niccolo with so many levels since most of us tend to not actively use him. At the same time he has a little potential in that he's useful for a straight 12 damage on anything in the early game and his growths are nowhere near traditional jeigan growths. He'll probably never reach the endgame but he does have a combined total of 275%. It's hard to balance a magic-using jeigan which is why his bases are so awful.

    I'm glad you had fun with it. We're having fun making it and will post occasional updates I'm sure.

  13. Never once did we think of Judith's uppercut as a shoryuken but I guess we'd better start calling it that seeing as it has been referred to as such no less than three times by now. I will now penalize any team member who does not refer to it as such without an appropriate level of enthusiasm.

    Sometimes an uppercut is just an uppercut but this time there's also an axe involved

  14. I have some Spell Animations here:

    I'm working on Thoron from FE11/12 and the Dark spells from FE8, when I finish them I'll put the here.

    Just wanted to report that Starlight and Swarm appear to have broken sound effects when inserted. Swarm breaks after the first sound effect, while Starlight doesn't appear to call the included .wav file at all. The actual image animations are awesome for all five of these, it's just those two that appear to have issues of some kind that you may want to look into.

    Very much looking forward to you finishing the FE8's dark spells because we're planning to make use of them too.

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