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Posts posted by AnonymousSpeed

  1. On 9/20/2024 at 7:38 PM, Rapier said:

    I completely forgot about SF, sorry

    I'll try to keep up with whatever is being discussed in the future. Good luck with your project, man.

    No worries, I usually do that, too.

    I appreciate it. There's a second draft under review right now, but it still hasn't gotten to play-testing yet. I'm hopeful it will start falling into place sooner than later.

  2. I'd have to think about this, since it's not a topic I've given a lot of extensive thought, but I will say that mechanically there's no reason to have Red Gems or Bullion. They're just money with extra steps attached. Maybe this has some value in games where you can't visit the shop between every chapter, but it's primarily an inconvenience which contributes minimally to decision making. That's my big thought on money in FE games.

  3. On 6/5/2024 at 5:15 PM, Rapier said:

    Just saying that my interest is still there, if you still want to work on it.

    I am having some trouble figuring out what I'm doing and have realized I was not as done as I thought. I have brought consultants on to the project.

  4. On 6/5/2024 at 5:15 PM, Rapier said:

    Just saying that my interest is still there, if you still want to work on it.

    I feel like a complete goofball.

    Let me carve out some time to get this presentable, I did have most of the player pamphlet ready when I stalled out on this.

  5. I am 100% on the make-up-what-you-want train. The continuity-is-more-like-a-suggestion trolley car. The change-it-to-what-you-want Vengabus. The tell-it-however-many-times-as-long-as-its-good Concord Jet. I am pro the guy on a hill in ancient Greece and just made stuff up and then it became part of human culture forever. Sure, most of it's bad. Most of the stuff the Greeks made up was probably bad. We've probably lost most of the good stuff. Some good stuff survived, though.

  6. 9 minutes ago, Shaky Jones said:

    I suppose that makes me a hypocrite in a way for complaining about how 3 Houses tries to have this grand scale worldbuilding and lore about all it's minor kingdoms and such within the big 3 nations as well as areas outside of Fodlan, but then does a terrible job integrating said information through the main story ("Almyrouttamycountry", "Brigidontgiveadamn", "What the twisted joke is Morfis?"), but when Kaga does integrate his complex setting and its lore into the main plot, I go "mucho texto".

    The synthesis here would be to write things that are relevant and interesting in as few words as possible. You know, like a good writer would do.

    10 minutes ago, Shaky Jones said:

    It did not have good maps.

    Do any Kaga games (with the debated exception of Thracia) have good maps?

  7. Marth would be terrible at the game. Not because he has a bad poker face- his masterful gentility ensures an unbroken visage at all times- but because the game by its nature conflicts with his own. Poker is ultimately a game about using deception to screw over others, something Marth would strongly rather not do.

  8. Long ago in a distant land, I read a challenge run idea for FE10 where you only use unit with green hair. I think this is technically feasible once you get Sothe, although you do have to ship some extra weapons to Nephenee through Nealuchi or something (her starting lances don't have enough uses for her to kill everything she needs in the time before shops). I'm not sure how practically feasible this is or whether or not its actually interesting, since you're mostly picking a couple characters to solo the map with until endgame.

  9. On 4/26/2024 at 2:21 AM, Imuabicus der Fertige said:

    You literally call someone a furry in that thread, not even with a questinmark... yeah, sus af.

    Not just a furry, but an inept one? Fine, just give them here. 

    Dang, I can really feel Alexa disintegrating my emoji with this one.

    2 hours ago, lenticular said:

    Agreed, and I'll add to this that not every part of a work has to have the same purpose. It's perfectly fine for a single piece of media to have one part that is deep meaningful commentary about the futility of war, another part that is a fluffy romance story, and another part that is just fart jokes. In fact, I'd say it's generally better if not everything about a story is a part of a single unified focus. For anything longer than a short story, if you don't have these tangents, then the work as a whole will tend to get very tedious and repetitive. A good story should be able to make multiple points or evoke multiple emotions.

    This is a semantic point on the whole "not everything has to have a deeper meaning chain", since I agree that small side-beats can add a lot to something.

    The fact that we like these things and think they make something better indicates that they serve a purpose ("serve" rather than "have", it doesn't really matter if the author was deliberately considering the benefits so long as they ultimately exist). They don't contribute directly to the main plot, but they clearly contribute something.

  10. On 4/20/2024 at 9:43 AM, vanguard333 said:

    One trend that I'm tired of seeing, and that thankfully has diminished, is writers being obsessed with trying to surprise the audience and/or get them speculating.

    Take plot twists for an example: for me, what defines a good twist is the impact that it leaves on the plot and the characters; some of my favourite twists were extremely predictable but left a huge impact on the characters, making them amazing. But, for quite a while, it felt like almost every writer was obsessed with trying to make their stories' twists as surprising as possible even if it came at the expense of the story, and it didn't help that there were almost always a ton of defenders saying stuff along the lines of, "Better that than something predictable, as predictable = bad".

    Even the director of Three Houses: Toshiyuki Kusakihara, had that mindset; saying in an interview about Three Houses' development that, "I don't think there's much value to a story you can easily predict."

    15 hours ago, Imuabicus der Fertige said:

    Damn, if only he wrote a story that hasn´t been written in the last ~5000 years. Do we count cave drawings as story? Then add a couple years. Who´s the last person who invented a completely new trope anyway?

    "There is nothing new under the sun" - a book older than civilization

    Firmly agreed on this. Good twists work even once you know them. The re-contextualization is what makes them effective, which means they must still produce sensible context.

    15 hours ago, Imuabicus der Fertige said:

    literally you:


    I am not a furry.

  11. 16 minutes ago, Jotari said:

    Saying we're at the mercy of the system is perhaps a bit too dramatic a statement. But I think it should be undeniable that advertising and ease of access absolutely influence what we choose to do and see. Those things are there and aren't too troubling to get, but it is still easier than sitting down on Netflix or Youtube and watching just whatever is suggested or whatever everyone is talking about (whether they're saying good things or bad things). If I'm completely wrong then what's the alternative? That the media we choose to consume is purely meritocratic and that this is the best of the best even though we spend half the time complaining about it?

    I'm not sure where you're getting the idea for either of those questions, neither lent nor I have implied that you're completely wrong or that more popular media is better (either necessarily or probably). What we are saying is that, if we watch cape-crap, it's our own fault. The most reasonable alternative would be to read and watch things you expect to actually be good.

  12. On 4/17/2024 at 10:27 AM, JimmyBeans said:

    This is true, and we must all do our part to spread this propaganda truth.

    My super cold take of trends I dislike is retainer characters dominating the rosters. Blah, blah, blah muh world building and such things.

    Why not both? Spread propaganda for the truth! What's the alternative? Propagandize lies about myrmidon supremacy?

    Yeah, I agree on that. It's mostly an FE trend as far as I'm aware (I'm not aware of a lot of pop culture happenings), but I dislike it a lot. It makes the cast feel much more homogeneous and less rag-tag. It's a convenient way to not have to recruit characters since they all join with the lordlets, but I enjoyed the way you built your army by actually satisfying recruitment conditions.

    On 4/17/2024 at 11:10 AM, Acacia Sgt said:

    Even if you don't count the Gawain bit, there's still the fact Ike is still effectively a "Mercenary Prince". So not exactly "common" either, even if he wasn't of noble origins.

    On 4/17/2024 at 11:44 AM, vanguard333 said:

    Everyone inherited from their parents in the middle ages: the farmer's son inherited the farm, the smith's son, unless he got an apprenticeship elsewhere, would inherit the forge. Calling him a prince just because he inherits something is misleading.

    On 4/17/2024 at 6:17 PM, Jotari said:

    But Alm very much was raised as a commoner in the same way Ike was. He grew up in a tiny village without servants or feudal responsibilities. And Ike likewise is treated specially because of his connection to Greil. That's what Shinon was so pissed about.

    Some people inherit a farm. Some people inherit a position of authority over others. Ike gains the latter, as Jotari points out.

    People still inherit things today. If we're going with the "he's a commoner" (read: poor everyman) because he lacks a noble title, we're going with the idea that most people who inherit fortunes are in fact poor everymen.

    On 4/17/2024 at 11:25 AM, Jotari said:

    Well he objectively does get a noble title, and then throws it away. Better question is why should anyone really care? None of us are believers in the divine right of kings and the rightful place of feudalism. Nobility literally doesn't exist

    Nobility exists as much as poverty or the IRS exist. Lacking physical units doesn't make something nonexistent.

    On 4/17/2024 at 11:44 AM, vanguard333 said:

    Ike was a commoner: he was born a commoner, raised a commoner, and, perhaps most importantly given the statement someone made about headcanons: the story frames him as a commoner and treats him as a commoner, so it doesn't matter what I say: the story says he's a commoner.

    Regardless of what the story says or how it tries to frame it, the substance simply isn't there. Ike is a "common man" on a strictly superficial level.



    23 hours ago, Shanty Pete's 1st Mate said:

    For my part, I broadly agree on "multiverse" as a narrative device being overused nowadays. It's possible to be tired of it, while still recognizing that individual works utilizing such a device can be great regardless. "Into the Spider-Verse" is one of my favorite animated films ever - in big part, I think, because of how character-centered it is.

    Ooh, are we doing a summoning ritual? Ahem... "Magic Axe Wyvern builds are sorely underrated and underutilized!" If that don't do the trick, then nothing will.

    Multiverse stories could be cool if they were Westerns. Just as a man could wander into town and ride into the sunset, so too could the multiversal traveler.

    Sol is a good skil!

    21 hours ago, Jotari said:

    And here's where the cynasicism comes in. Because all that is true. And it's also irrelevant. Because you are absolutely not going to watch the latest Iranian drama no matter how good it is. Unless you have a friend who's really into it and recommends it. And while you might read the best book sold in England in 1878, you're not going to read the second best book because only scholars with a specific interest in the period are even going to know about the second most famous stuff. We are, as we've always been, at the absolutely mercy of the capitalist system and what they want to show us. All of it is there, but you're only going to watch what's put in front of you and pushed by the algorithm and marketing titans. Which means a bit of your local stuff, a bit of Britain, and lot of America, and any noteworthy foreign language work these days will almost certainly be Japanese or Korean. I think we have all seen far too many movies that are well known to be bad, well reported to be bad and then watched and found subjectively bad, but watched anyway just because they were the trend everyone's talking about.

    2 hours ago, Jotari said:

    My point wasn't that it's impossible to ignore such stuff, in fact it's rather the opposite, it's all there and easily accessible. My point is that the vast majority of people simply won't.

    I'm confused, these two positions seem absolutely at odds. How can these things be readily available to us and yet we are still at the mercy of a system? We have the means to ingest the best books of Victorian England and we choose not to.

    5 hours ago, lenticular said:

    Speak for yourself. My main media consumptions are games and books. For games, I mostly (maybe about 90%?) play indie stuff.

    Which isn't to say that this is the right way or the best way to consume media. If all you want to do is watch the latest movies from Disney and play the latest games from Nintendo, then that's great. But if you're going to watch movies that you know are going to be bad, then that's your fault, not capitalism's. It really only requires the tiniest amount of effort to ignore the stuff that corporate marketing puts in front of you, and acting as if they're impossible to exist is crediting them with far more power than they actually have.

    While I don't know your steam library, I also feel that a lot of indie games are part of the "mainstream" of video game culture. They are "indie" in funding and production but not really spread.

    I'm including the second paragraph because I agree (broadly) with this interpretation of Jotari's statement (with respect to him despite this, of course).

  13. 1 minute ago, Jotari said:

    He pretended to be her uncle or something, didn't he? She was only pissed when she found out the truth during the generation skip. I think. And by then he was already pretty damn committed to the whole continent spanning war thing that was going on.

    dude i played 80 hours of three houses and i still do not remember any of it

  14. On 4/17/2024 at 1:13 PM, Metal Flash said:

    Gilbert from Three Houses. Him staying close enough for Annette to notice him, only to pull away the second she tries to talk to him aggravates me to no end. Either talk to your daughter (and wife) and ease her worries or leave and never see her again. 

    Iunno. I hate to derail the thread (natural occurrence) but I feel like hanging around, while inferior to being there for your kid, indicates a conscience which isn't totally seared.

  15. >when the internet cannot handle that men are hornier than women

    11 hours ago, Samz707 said:

    I found Mustafa's whole thing to fall incredibly flat to the point where he actually came off as less sympathetic.

    He basically causes his own death with his stupidity at worst and at best is a coward who'd rather see the Shepherds captured and executed because he doesn't want to kill them himself but still too much of a coward to attempt letting them go, essentially coming off as incredibly slimy or incredibly stupid to me. 

    I am genuinely baffled anyone felt bad for killing him.  

    I honestly respect outright villains like Narcian more than him. 

    Excellent post, 100/10, very cool and good. I fully endorse this condemnation of faux depth and shallow audience manipulation. Narcian once again is the most strong, smart, and beautiful.

  16. Posting.

    Oh wait, this is "Media" not "Social Media" please do not make that thread-

    5 hours ago, Imuabicus der Fertige said:

    as bad as it might be to say, as a member of this board, I so very much appreciate it´s... low tempo, is how I´d put it.

    Dying forum cope. There was a joke about this on Excelblem FE9 chapter 17 video already.

    Dang, does @Shadow Mir even post anymore? Axe fighters are good. I am tired of them being ignored in media, and this trend must stop.

  17. Replies.

    On 4/11/2024 at 8:33 PM, Eltosian Kadath said:

    Now I don't want to anyone mentioning any character you could even pretend to consider a main character or even major in this thread, this for all those Brom, Vander, and Matthis lovers to gush about their favorites minor characters that no one else seems to appreciate.

    I adore minor characters, though I would contend that Vander is not one. He doesn't do much import (very few FE characters actually do from a narrative perspective) but he does show up consistently in cutscenes throughout Engage. He's one of the first dudes you talk to and he doesn't go away after that.

    On 4/12/2024 at 9:21 AM, Etrurian emperor said:

    Its a bit strange to imagine him as ''minor'' due to how iconic he is, and how much he's playable compared to everyone else but Haar counts. He's not a main character after all or even particularly close to any of the main characters. His closest bond is with another minor character. 

    And yet for some reason the funny sleepy guy with little plot relevance gets boss conversation with about any enemy imaginable, and practically none go for the low hanging sleep gimmick. Its nice how an unimportant gimmick character can ''trick'' you like this. 

    Piggy-backing off this (very good) post, I feel like characters have reputations outside their in-game appearance which diminish their possible meme status. Brom and Matthis are certainly minor in their own games but enjoy relatively high meme status. Haar has an iconic position within the fandom. With Heroes adding swathes of playable characters and the recent popularity of the series, I feel like the number of meaningfully obscure characters (where other people simply forget they exist) is constrained. It's even hard to have minor villains when the series has mostly abandoned them for recurring ones. Part of this may be recency bias, but is the Reinhardt really obscure anymore? I feel like obscure characters may be mostly limited to FE4 substitutes, fodder from Thracia and Archanea, and old bosses.

    Maybe I'm just too familiar with the series. My pick is Ilios, by the way. The guy's so obscure, I don't even think the wiki mentions he has a sister.

    On 4/12/2024 at 11:41 AM, Saint Rubenio said:

    On the villainous side, there's FE8's finest minor villain in a cast full of great minor and major villains. It's funny because the way people talk about him it feels like he's a major villain, but he only appears three times and has a total of four scenes in the game, one of which he does basically nothing in. And yet, the concept with him is so disturbing and at the same time, so pitiable, and so well-executed. He stays with you and makes you think he's a bigger villain than he was, because what little time he had, he used better than villains with four times his screentime in the series.

    FE8 was a wonderful cast of villains. I don't think there's any of them I don't like (outside the typically unremarkable early bad guys).

    7 hours ago, Saint Rubenio said:

    Yeah, Caellach is a really good villain. Ambition personified. And then he dies in the same sandy cesspool he loathed so. I don't know who got the most beautiful death - him with this bit of irony, or Valter spending the entire game talking the big talk and then dying with a simple terrified shriek.

    Caellach in my favorite of them, but I never picked up on the simple irony here. Wonderful. Truly the best written FE game.

    22 hours ago, Acacia Sgt said:

    Also, why the secrecy of hiding his name?

    22 hours ago, Saint Rubenio said:

    Ehh. Just felt like being a little dramatic, is all. I really thought it was obvious lol

    Show, don't tell. It emphasizes his quality and definition as a character when you can recognize him without a name and face.

    15 hours ago, Jotari said:

    I'd say a bad person who successful fools all of the heroes because he's good at acting and has a sympathetic face is quite a bit more interesting and unique than another character who does bad things because of a tragic backstory.

    Is it really, though? I respect the young tabletop gamer who plays a thief to steal from his party, I love Caellach and Saul, so it's not like I oppose shady characters. However, I think Castor works much better as an "unironic" character.

    I don't know about any of this dead sister stuff- I mean, I do now. I read the good wiki article to make sure I wasn't missing anything. That does seem exaggerated, but it also seems to be from developer commentary and not Castor himself. The fact that it doesn't appear in-game makes it canonically ambiguous, and as far as I'm aware none of the in-game dialogue (or even Heroes dialogue) mentions a sister at all. His endings (which typically says if something is unknown or ambiguous and dialogue Castor could be lying in) talks about his sick mother and her medicine explicitly, so I'm inclined to think that this is the actual story.

    Wanting to take care of your mother is an enjoyably mundane motivation, I wouldn't even call it a tragic backstory (though again, you might be talking about Leen or whoever it was). I think it makes him very sympathetic, and even as a swindler, having a sympathetic reason to go down a shady path is more interesting to me than doing so without motivation.

    7 hours ago, Saint Rubenio said:

    Gregor is my favorite character in Awakening. He's the only character from that game for whom I read all his supports. He's such a ray of sunshine.

    Raining sunshine in cloudy day, yes?

    As mentioned in the replies, my pick is Ilios. I think his delusions of grandeur while lacking any of the talents to merit it make for a fun character, nothing overly deep but endearing to me. He's also genuinely obscure compared to a lot of other characters, but I guess I've have to change my pick if he gets into Heroes. Kinda shocked Batta hasn't.

    The Sable Knights are very stylish, and I think Belf has my favorite drip out of them all. I'm also a big supporter of Samuel/Samto/whatever he's called now, the original impersonator. I think the guy just oozes personality even at a conceptual level. Caesar, honestly? He just looks cool, and I like to imagine him and Radd are bros despite having very little affection for Radd. Behold what I found on the internet:


    On 4/12/2024 at 1:16 AM, Jotari said:


    I also love Coulter. Not because of his personality or role in the story or anything, just because they had the care to make him appear in both Thracia and Genealogy, but they didn't have to care to make sure he even looks remotely similar to the design they previously gave him.

    When do we get the "Coulter is Xane" theory video? If they remake FE4 and FE5, should he have a third and fourth unique design to go with those games?

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