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Everything posted by AnonymousSpeed

  1. This thread seemed really interesting but now it's really long, so I'm just going to my make suggestion without commenting on other people's (undoubtedly neat) ideas. Divorce mechanics. Probably not a fit for the deterministic approach that Fire Emblem lets players take over character relationships, but if you can get 1% crit on the battlefield I think it would be fun to have maximum disaster in the out-of-battle stuff as well.
  2. I ain't reading all that but I agree with the title alone.
  3. AnonymousSpee d Please help m e.
  4. Fascinating find. Had I the will to do so, I'd try and reproduce this just to confirm if that's the case. Maybe hack an enemy with Forseti and see if that works.
  5. Ravager OP baybee let's go. Also, every laguz in FE10 is capable of throwing hands. That said, if gauntlets were a colored weapon, there'd really be no mechanical reason (only flavor and a different icon) to have them be different than existing ones. If I recall correctly though, you've mentioned them being colorless.
  6. People have been doing that in the form of YouTube Poops for twenty years. Yet this is why I have the mixed feelings mentioned in the opening post. While a sympathetic mindset, it's ultimately a damaging one. You'd prefer they made a sequel when they had a good idea for one (an idea which built on the original) rather than just so there would be another. Art for art's sake is an empty phrase, yadda yadda yadda. You know what, I forgot about that one, as have most people apparently.
  7. I'm not sure we should (or should not) separate those two things. Like, I wouldn't get mad at a fictional character even if I found their source material abhorrent. Which sounds like I'm contradicting myself, but I guess what I mean is that poor/good writing produce Ryoma, he isn't separate from those things.
  8. "Fencing, fighting, torture, revenge, giants, monsters, chases, escapes, true love, miracles..." I mean- Alright, but here's my take. I'm not the editor for the original author. I'm not here to assess his attentions or how effectively he conveys them or make a cost-benefit analysis between his artistic integrity and the demands of his publisher. Those things are neat trivia, but they are ultimately external to Fates. In fact, unlike a historical document like the Gospel of Luke, they are not even in the same universe as the events depicted. All because there was some "good reason" someone had to put it in the story doesn't mean the story isn't worse for having it.
  9. Silence, boner man. This child is incredibly based. Stink, Duke Mayo is under attack by the evil forces of Dodongos. I'm going to the kitchen to aid him.
  10. My dude your Labor Day is about to get goofy. Delta-Gal is a Mega Man Legends derivative, and while I think there's a playable demo it's apparently still in development. It is not to be confused with the hilariously similarly named Protodroid Delta (it has stylized spelling but I do not care), another game claiming to be inspired by Mega Man Legends featuring Brian Protodude as a writer. It looks more like Ratchet & Clank to me, but the guy who made it said Legends and that's what some people care about. @Shaky Jones This is like a heartbreaking scene at Clint Eastwood's mayoral residence. You dare bring memes into my layer? You must eat dinner.
  11. I'm not experience with Thracia, but I have it from a reliable source that it's one of the harder FE games to play with normal strategies. Binding Blade depends a lot on which difficulty you play. Hard mode is a massive step up from normal, and while one of the harder games in the series I don't think it should be as much trouble. It's also a fantastic game, and I hope you have a great time playing it!
  12. Yo, it's your boy, AnonymousMonthLate. Have you heard about Arzette, the Jewel of Faramore, an action-platform made in the style of the Zelda CDI games? I have mixed feelings. So, so, soooooooo many indie games really have no purpose other than being derivative of something else, typically with an anime girl protagonist for added superficial appeal. "It's like Mega Man, but not!" "It's like Castlevania, but not!" "It's like Mega Man Legends, but not!" I swear every Mega Man spinoff and subseries has one of these except for frickin' Rockman Strategy. "We use sprites and/or low-poly models as an artistic choice!" I'm sure you do. However, I actually like the CDI games. I've never played one in my entire life and I don't plan to, but they're a real monument in internet meme culture and I love the cutscenes very dearly, so I'm actually kind of excited to see something imitate that style. It also kind of seems like one of those things (along with FMV games) that got left in the 90s not merely because the technology evolved past them but because the artistic standards for video games solidified into something which didn't include...this. Ultimately and all excuses aside, I would have to see if how the game turns out and would actually like if it were-
  13. Knowing what a Publican is or about Second Temple demonology can enrich ones understanding of Luke 19 or Genesis 6, but they ultimately support the text rather than circumvent it. Context is great but you don't appreciate Shakespeare by spending hours upon hours researching Elizabethan England first. A High School English teacher telling you about McCarthyism will not help you understand the actual character emotions in the Crucible. There comes a point where you actually have to engage with the text itself if you're going to make a criticism of it, because when you have an exchange like this: "I think it was kind of egregious and wrong that this character did this." "I do not factor this part of the text into my assessment because I speculate it was added due to circumstances." It's hard to understand why we're even considering the work at all.
  14. Yeah that sounds like a critical theory which has been a disaster for the Bible so it can't work out well for anime. Edit (Important):
  15. Yeah, really has flown by. Sorry. I am actually a big fan of this theme, so we'll see what inspiration hits. Before I click, could you provide some additional details about the server? That could also be helpful for others considering joining.
  16. There is also perhaps something very dystopian about meta and circumstances factoring (if not at all than so heavily) into our assessment of writing, even if it is just for an FE game.
  17. There is none good but God. People just find some vices more familiar, comfortable, or acceptable than others. Hilda's vices bother Ruben a lot more than Lenticular. Obviously these are fictional characters, but fiction is only valuable to the extent it reflects reality (neither the audience or author necessarily have to realize how or that this is happening at all).
  18. I, too, fell into the first letter trap at first when I first determined this. However, you could change the last letter (or any of the other letters) instead. Or add a new letter. Honestly, I'd say Ringo would be perfect if not for it being such a goofy frickin' name still.
  19. I fully expect Ring to be renamed to something one letter off when Genealogy gets an official localization.
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