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  1. Does the game or any supplemental materials ever give the name of Chrom, Emmeryn and Lissa's father? Or any information about their mother?
  2. I never really use Say'ri much. She seems pretty useless.
  3. Maribelle and Ricken. Not only do they complement each other well and make a good Brady, but him saving her is pretty sweet and the supports are cute.
  4. I tend not to, just because... well honestly I kinda forget they're there, so I don't bother keeping them when there are other things to put in those slots, which makes me forget more... I've used Rally Spectrum a few times, and Rally Movement a little bit. Am I alone in this, or do other people do that too?
  5. I can see why other people might not like Chrom/Sumia, but I keep getting it because, well... Pega-Pony-Princess. Come on. Let's see... I kinda dislike any pairing for Nowi that isn't Donnel, Ricken or a young-looking M!Avatar, because even if she's chronologically thousands of years old, she looks and acts like a little kid. In my first playthrough I didn't plan things ahead and paired her with Frederick, and it was just really awkward to watch. I like some of Nowi's supports, particularly with Libra, but only up to A because the friendship is cute. It doesn't help that she acts so childish in the supports. If she gradually showed more maturity it might be more okay. I also got Chrom/F!Avatar on my first playthrough by accident. I don't think it added that much to the storyline, except more angst for poor Lucina, who didn't need it. Most of Cordelia's supports annoy me with her obsession with Chrom, even though I mostly like Cordelia. I guess Libra wasn't too bad with her though. Getting her to stop overworking herself was sorta sweet.
  6. I most definitely do not like stupid Con and stupid weapon weights. I was extremely happy that was removed. A third tier of classes like Radiant Dawn had would be pretty cool, though then you'd want to make the game longer so that you'd actually get to the third tier without grinding a lot.
  7. Thing is, the only way Inigo can get Galeforce is if he inherits it from Olivia. He can get Astra the normal way just fine.
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