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Status Updates posted by Sylvan

  1. yeah, GGs. I was trying a few different teams, to see where yours lay. It was fun =D

  2. ahh, yeah GGs. That first match was funny, I was just trying to take the fort, but was soo out gunned XD

    yeah, my Sylvan team is usually the strongest team I use on with anyone. I like it because every unit can be 1 hit killed. I have a TABAZ!!!! (berserker team) and my 5 horseman RNG abused team. But I don't use those on with anyone, unless I'm 100% sure I...

  3. haha, yeah. My main goal with that team is stalling XD I just had to chip away at your forces long enough to make sure Catria would be able to hold the fort.

  4. Yeah, I realised XD I counted your movement, and when I saw you weren't moving through the middle, I placed my people just outside your movement range, so that I would be in a good position. That's one of the advantages of using horsemen so much, I know how far other horsemen teams will move XD

  5. rofl, the minute i switch to my RNG abused team, i pick up someone else, then when I switch to my weak team I pick you back up XD

  6. Yeah, GG when we fought. It was close, your units were only 2 squares away from mine!

  7. O.O

    You surrendered? If you had hit "end turn" you would have won XD

  8. ahh, but you went first! that gives me incentive to do some tests. I have 2898 battles, you have 219? Maybe I should look into it more....

  9. yeah, GG! I'll admit though, playing in umbra was probably to my advantage =D

  10. map 3 is fail. I could play you in it, but it's broken as hell. I'll pick at map this time, to avoid 3.

  11. I can play now if you want.

  12. yeah, sure. Done =D

  13. lol, don't worry about it XD I use that team full knowing I can run into good players every now and again. Hackers are a pain, but aside from that I don't mind who I fight really.

  14. Yeps, that was me =D

    I use my DivineCrusade team on with anyone, cos it's fun to play with no forged weapons. I hardly use strong teams on random play, there aren't enough good players on there to merit it =/

  15. The Blazing Blade

  16. Hi, just letting you know I've added your FC. Mine is : 330883624286

  17. oh yeah, that was me.

    I hate it when "with anyone" just give you same person over and over.


  18. Hi just letting you know that I added your FE:SD FC. . . well actually I've added everyone XD



  19. My save file is in ch 18, which I mostly boss abuse in. If I need money I throw marth in the arena, because my marth is basically invincible.

    AA in ch20 is crazy, you can't buy any healing items in the mission.

  20. Yeah he did have a team with that, but only for a short wile. Novelty effect mostly. . .

  21. think double swarm is fun, try fighting 3x pachyderm + swarm. That's crazy (until the scout dies XD)

    I only ever use my Xane to copy the horsemen, my berserker isn't as good as yours.

  22. Yeah I think your right. But it really comes down to it either way.

    I was like wft hax! when you double swarmed me XD Took a while to figure you used Xane and traded.

  23. Our teams are too similar! the only difference is 1 sniper, vs 1 horseman. (Xane, Dolph, Linde, Sedgar)

    Whoever gets the first hit wins XD

  24. horsemen can move far, so they can escape pretty quick on big maps. But when they get boxed in, they can't counter attack well. Swords mean close combat becomes hard.

  25. Right now, my teams' biggest weakness is when people get in close. It's normally only a problem in map 1 though. Swords should fix that >D

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