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Avarice Shadow

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Everything posted by Avarice Shadow

  1. I remember being unable to beat Shadow Dragon on H1 and getting frustrated because I wasn't good enough at the game. I stopped playing for a while and eventually decided to YouTube someone playing on H5(I forgot what his name was) because I thought it was impossible back then. I was so shocked to see how he did it and I decided to try again. That taught me to try and think outside the box more and not give up at first glance. When I first joined this site, I used(and still do) lurk around a lot and I found out about LTCing. Watched a few videos here and there and was impressed by how people could do that. Years later I discovered Dondon151's YouTube channel and watched his FE6 run with Mekkah. Having them explain what was happening as they played was really helpful and it's what triggered me to start searching harder for more information. After some digging, I found a reddit post by Dondon151 called "how to become a better Fire Emblem player." So much of what was written made sense to me and I was guilty of a lot of the bad player tendencies he spoke of. I think that's when things started to click and the way I view the game changed. Now when I see something difficult I enjoy figuring it out and learning. I don't really get frustrated when I have to reset after a long map, instead I ask myself "what did I learn?" And expand from there.
  2. Probably really uncommon but I was actually looking forward to liking Peri. It went downhill for me when I learned that she had a child like personality and could not distinguish between killing for fun and killing because it must be done. Yeah I get that she has been emotionally traumatized but she really rubs me the wrong way.
  3. I hope it stays. I personally don't use it in normal runs, as I learn nothing from the type of playstyle it encourages. However, as someone who is trying to get into LTC's, I do see how it could help with making those runs less of an issue to do when something goes wrong since they have the battle save feature instead of suspend. Also it does attract new players into the series so that's always good.
  4. I never really went into the whys of this thought haha. I like @Light Strategist's answer much better though. Corrin is just really weird compared to other dragons of the series.
  5. Y'know I've always wondered this myself, it's weird and doesn't make sense. I kinda just told myself that his armor is a special dragon armor that Garon must of given him. Since he does know who Corrin actually is... This thought helps me sleep at night XD
  6. They could of given Camilla more detailed supports that show her character and personality when she was not obsessing over Corrin. The times where she did open up a bit were very enjoyable to me. Also her fanservice is a bit over the top. Tharja's fanservice was fine because you knew it was there and it wasn't constantly being brought to your attention. Like wtf was that one cutscene in Conquest lol. I didn't know you could run into someone's chest and bounce so hard that you get knocked off your feet... I feel like Camilla would of been fine design wise if it wasn't for this. She had very high potential to be one of the most interesting characters in all the FE games I've played but the execution was simply done wrong. All that being said she's still one of my favorite characters, despite some of her glaring flaws.
  7. I think they should get rid of gender locked classes but have it so that more of a certain genders stick out more in different classes. It would make characters stand out more when they're in (or can be reclassed to) certain classes.
  8. Lances first. Then I don't really care what comes after since lances are my favorite weapons of all time lol.
  9. Awakening Cavaliers and Armor Knight class trees are the worst looking ones. I don't really have a favorite but for the sake of the thread I'll say generic Malig Knights look awesome.
  10. I think I'm decent at Fire Emblem, but nowhere near the top tier level. I've been trying to finish maps faster and play without grinding more often on harder difficulties I might add.
  11. "This is it! This is our final push everyone! We will finally be able to return to our lives and be happy again... I hope you're ready to meet your end Duma!"
  12. I play for many reasons. I like the setting the games have with medieval weaponry along with the fantasy aspect with dragons/wyverns and the like. Strategy games with guns just don't hold my interest. I also like the characters and the fact that I don't have to grind in order to move forward. My main reason for playing now though is to simply improve at the games since I like them so much.
  13. I'm with you on the Wyvern Class Tree. They're very good at a lot of things such as, having high stats, high move, flight, and weapon triangle control.
  14. No to both. However, I can see potential in having CON as a stat that grows game play wise. While it is cool to see how big characters are, having a stat like that would be really strange character wise... Like imagine a small little girl like Sakura(lol) getting jacked af with CON through the roof. I liked how RD did it using the STR stat, as it reflects reality in the sense that you can train for a stronger body but your height/build won't change that much. Also it makes female units good too! I can't remember if POR did the same but if they plan to include a weapon weight mechanic, I'd like to see them take the STR route.
  15. I do like the idea of route split. To me it's a fun concept that brings different possibilities to a game. Only thing is that it has to be executed properly for me to enjoy. Also they shouldn't charge money for it :/
  16. Male: Lon'qu Female: Tharja I'm surprised to see Lon'qu up so high. It's quite a pleasant one at that.
  17. 1. Minerva - She's just a badass in so many ways and she's always trying to do the right thing, even if it's difficult for her. 2. Marth - The OG of lords. He's very kind and compassionate. I find it really cool that he's modest, and isn't afraid to admit that he had help to accomplish his great deeds. 3. Catria - Her support with Palla is very relatable. And at the end of it she learns a bit more of who she is and gains some confidence from it.
  18. Branching promotions. Simply because it adds more diversity and some units will benefit more from it.
  19. I don't like that kind of style at all. It's never been my thing.
  20. My favorite path is Conquest. Even though it failed story wise I find the gameplay very fun and engaging. Revelations is my least favorite. The overall gimmicky maps that it has makes it feel like a chore for me to play through. I don't like it one bit.
  21. I usually make pairings based on the stats of the potential couple. If I think that the couple has cute supports then I'll try to make it work, even on harder difficulties. I don't really pay attention to the children's stats though since I don't use them.
  22. Here's one of mine... Name: Merrilee Age: 19 Class: Level 1 Hero Weapon Rank: B Swords, C Axes Base stats: Hp: 32 Str: 24 Mag: 10 Skl: 30 Spd: 35 Lck: 17 Def: 16 Res: 12 Details: Her brother was a member of the resistance group in Cheve and he was executed during the conclusion of Chapter 13 Conquest. Seeing her brother's body executed like that made her take up the sword and vow to get revenge on the commander of the Nohrian army, Prince Corrin. She eventually joins the Hoshidan army as well and participates in the battle of Chapter 23 Conquest.
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