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Avarice Shadow

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Everything posted by Avarice Shadow

  1. ^ Agreed! Check this one out! http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RI15I8rVgk8 Annnnd this one!
  2. Tekken Tag 2's remix of the Moonlit Wilderness stage. My one of my favorite songs. Here's the original. Tied for number 1 with its remixed version.
  3. "Disappear in darkness...forever." "I won't hold back!" "Shatter!" "No mercy!" "Behold! This is true power!" "Cower in fear!" "Hehahahahaha!" I sound more like a villain...
  4. Oh hey there! It's honestly hit or miss with those, but when they keep missing it gets a bit annoying. I've got a Sumia who seems to love not getting SKL... It feels like she goes out of her way to NOT get any...
  5. I'd be a soldier or whatever the equivalent of Ephraim's class is(FE8), because the lance is my favorite weapon type. (Have no idea how to use one, but even Hector was self taught). My class set would be Wyvern Rider, Dark Mage, and Archer. Realistically LUK would be my stat with the highest growth rate even though I'd rather DEF and my lowest would probably be RES. After panicking like a madman, I'd try to find the nearest village from there I'd try to make sense of where I am. Probably join a mercenary group for money too.
  6. I married Tharja because she has egyptianswag. Her personality makes me laugh a lot and her body is banging hot. Hey that rhymed!
  7. Interesting thread. I think I look more like my mom, but have personality traits from my dad. A random interesting fact is that the creases in my palms are both completely different. One has my mom's pattern and the other my father's.
  8. Interesting stuff. I started playing this game again recently, so I'll be looking forward to watching your playthough and see what strategies you come up with. Which will probably be better than mine.
  9. ^ Yeah, I feel like the OP randomized skills kinda push you to into doing it just to get the heat off of other characters. I'm going to do what you suggested, and just write down units that have died on a notepad or something.
  10. Many thanks, Interceptor. Sorry about my horribly late reply, I really do appreciate your quick reply though. *Follows thread* (That strat in prologue was pretty sweet by the way.) And yes I am playing Lunatic+ Casual mode. I started to scapegoat units it when I got annoyed. I wanna play Lunatic+ Classic now though(even though I haven't beaten Casual mode). Is something wrong with me?!
  11. Happy birthday Donnel! He got a surge in SPD and DEF, 29 EXP, and Eliwood's Blade.
  12. Even or Odd Rhythm I'd have to say neither. Both are good, I just don't think any one of the skills are superior. -Faire or Aggressor Faire skills win this one, simply because of avaliability to both male and female characters, and it's active through both player and enemy phase.
  13. I just beat Lunatic(classic) mode yesterday. Playing Lunatic+ at the moment and I can't get past chapter 2. :(
  14. Lifetaker and Galeforce. Getting me through Lunatic(classic) mode right now.
  15. I do both casual and grinding, but I usually start grinding after story mode. So I just went with casual, don't know if that counts.
  16. I never really used it. Never paid attention to it. After reading the comments about using it for grinding, I'm gonna start.
  17. Ignis or Luna? I went with Luna because of its avaliability and your unit will most likely have a lower stat in the opposite attack stat for Ignis to be super amazing. That being said, I wouldn't get for the skill for MU since because I think Ignis can still get the job done. Astra or Aether Aether because I think it's so much more useful. When you're strong enough I doubt anything will survive it. Aegis or Pavise? I went with Aegis, mainly because most classes aren't to big on RES. Lifetaker or Renewal? Lifetaker. Can be used in combiation with Galeforce to make it completely broken. Meaning you can recover 100%HP in one turn, and continue to push without needing to retreat so often.
  18. I married my character to Tharja because I like her a lot and I have a thing for girls on the more weird side.
  19. Thanks for the welcome! Will do Thank you for the welcome! Noire is awesome!!! :D
  20. Hey everyone! My username is Avarice_Shadow, but feel free to just call me Avarice. I'm new to this forum so go easy on me, okay?
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