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Status Updates posted by Jiac

  1. Jiac

    HAPPY BURFDAY THE QUEEN OF LEWD. Man I've known you for ALMOST 2 years. In like 3-4 months I would know you for 2 years.

    1. Chen


      hey i'm not that weird!

    2. Jiac



  2. Happy Burfday!

  3. Happy Burfday~

  4. Happy Burfday Spex! (omg how do I not have you as a friend)

    1. Specta


      CHEERS, MATE (idk)

  5. Happy Burfday!

    1. Anacybele


      Thanks, fellow NFL fan. ^^

  6. Happy Burfday Zephias ^^.

  7. Happy Birthday Soledai ^^.... APRIL FOOLS!!!

    1. Soledai


      O:! Thanks for the April Fools Jiac.

  8. Happy Burfday Onee-chan ^w^

    1. Aryabug


      Thank youuuu Vermi-channnn

  9. Jiac


  10. Happy Birthday Ica-chan ^^

  11. Happy Burfday =^w^=

  12. Happy Burfday~ ^^.

  13. Happy Burfday once again~ ^w^

  14. Jiac

    Happy Burfday Monde ^w^~

    1. Monde


      Thank you again

  15. Depressing 3 am... I'm no longer the only person with their birthday on January 8th ;/... smh

    1. Blitz


      I am sure there were others all the time, you just didn't know about it (maybe, unless I am absolutely missing the context of this post)

    2. Jiac


      In 2014, I was the only person in this forum with the burfday of January 8th. Which was also the day the forum was born. But a year later. Then like 15 other motherfuckers share my birthday. IT WAS THE ONLY THING I HELD SPECIAL! BEING ABLE TO BE THE ONLY PERSON WITH ONE SPECIFIC BURFDAY!

  16. Happy Birthday~ ^^

  17. Happy Birtday Kari~

    1. Jiac


      Whoops I spelt birthday wrong

    2. Midnight Nightmare
  18. Qouth the Raven: "Happy Birthday Lord Raven."

  19. Happy Burfday ^^

  20. Jiac

    Happy Burfday Kay ^^

  21. Jiac

    Happy Burfday, hope copyright does not screw over your day ^^.

  22. I know I already said Happy Burfday in IPC, but to leave a mark on your profile, happy burfday Aki-senpai ^^.

  23. Happy Birthday ^^! You don't remember some of us bc name changes xD.

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