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Xator Nova

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Posts posted by Xator Nova

  1. - Birdman
    - Inherent Vice

    - Unbroken

    - Mr. Turner

    - Foxcatcher

    - Interstellar

    - Song of the Sea

    - The Tale of Princess Kaguya

    - Big Hero 6

    might be released this year

    - Two Days, One Night

    - Leviathan

    - Winter Sleep

    Favorite films of the year so far (in no order):

    - Under the Skin

    - Boyhood

    - The Lego Movie

    - Dawn of the Planet of the Apes (best summer blockbuster)

    - Ida

    - The Grand Budapest Hotel

    - Only Lovers Left Alive

    - Life Itself

    - Blue Ruin

    - Jodorowsky's Dune

  2. But if what I define as LTCing is not LTCing, as you said, then let's call it "relying on the jeigan characters". I don't wanna do that because we're talking about Volug, a Laguz with bad growths, Sothe, a mediocre Rogue, and Tauroneo, a pretty decent General but still "only" a General. Yes, probably abusing forges let's you go through 3-6, 3-12 and 3-13 with just them but I don't see the point in ignoring good units like Nolan and Jill that are perfectly trainable... Unless for some reason you really need to 2 turn some chapter (which also causes missing items).

    1.- When asking for tips, you're asking for advice to clear the game in the easiest and less complicated way possible. Training units only makes the game more difficult, no matter how you look at it. The objective easiest way to clear any Fire Emblem game (except FE12) is to train as few units as possible long-term, and watching them rape afterwards.

    2.- As far as I'm concerned, even if you abuse the prepomotes/Volug you can still train one DB unit, which is encouraged both inside and outside LTC context. Using Jill isn't out of the question since in LTC, she flies and saves turns afterwards, and she's powerful on her own right outside of LTC. In fact, dondon suggested you to train her at the very beginning of the thread.

    What else am I supposed to do all game then? Playing FE recruiting all characters, getting all items and without going LOLOifay for the whole game is an invisible dogma that I, like everyone else, follow, almost every FE can be beaten easily just steamrolling everything with crutch characters and not resetting when someone dies.

    Then you shouldn't ask for tips on the first place, because you want to make the game more difficult through artificial limitations.

    >sothe is a good unit and gets a lot of mileage out of +5 MT iron knives in every part 1 chapter in which he exists.

    not as good as characters that might have an use for part 4 and the endgame. And he's not so required for Act 1 other than a mietshield, giving him exp is useless. Maybe Act 4 is doable anyway with just the Greil Mercenaries and the laguz royals, maybe not, this is my first Hard Mode PT and I can't know

    Nobody cares for Part 4 performance, because the Greil Mercenaries, the Laguz Royals and the Dracoknights are enough, and make the rest of the cast obsolete. You'll realize that having trained anything else was a waste of time.

    It's obvious that you don't know it due to this playthrough being your first in Hard Mode. However, that's why this thread exists! To give you this kind of information!

    >experience is only a means to an end. what's the point in grinding when it's not demonstrably beneficial to use all of the characters?

    "grinding"? I grinded once for a personal quirk that has jack to do with this. Training units normally by giving them kills is not "grinding", is using the EXP the chapter gives you. You're talking like this were Final Fantasy Tactics.

    Allow me to rephrase that:

    What's the point of investing EXP in multiple units when it's not demostrably benefitial to use all of the characters long-term?

    The suggestions you are giving me don't fit my playstyle, end of story.

    You should have asked for tips on how to make the game more difficult, then.

  3. I'm convinced people want excellent level-ups in LTC, and will restart / rig them if they don't get them.
    However, if your goal is simply to beat the game, you can do it with bad level-ups due to 0% growths being possible, but it requires more competence from the player.

  4. if you force yourself to write a "strong, independent female" archetype, you've already lost.

    be sincere about your character, her motivations, dreams, strengths and weaknesses. find what makes her unique, make her learn about her advantages or make her overcome her personal fears.

    that's what, to me, constitutes a strong character, and it doesn't depend on gender.

  5. I think Eirika and Hector should swap places (regarding PKL's list).

    Eirika is, imo, better than FE9!Ike due to a better offensive start, access to a more powerful effective weapon, and more availability on her endgame weapon.

    Hector is good early on, but he falls down hard afterwards, while Eirika gets better for mid and lategame.

  6. I believe Eirika has a better start than Ike (FE9)?

    I remember that she only needed a str proc' on the first level-up in order to start ORKO'ing stuff with the Rapier on Chapter 1, while Ike can't.

  7. There's a spoiler event in Chapter 3 that deprives you from items and leaves you only with Leif and a thief. There are chests in the map which contain the items they've been carrying. You should only bring the most important things, particularly the Light Sword.

    You should definitely give Leif the Speed Ring, and people also think he has claim to the Life Ring.

    Afterwards he's an excellent support unit, and he has claim to the King Sword. Idk if you should slap him Sol, but I've read it's a decent idea.

    Get Warp.

  8. FE1 Marth could probably afford to move down a tier. He's definitely one of the better units in the game, but he doesn't really do anything that breaks the game. (He's basically locked to 1 range, has only around average durability, and his offense is only average aside from early-midgame Rapier hax.) I agree with Horace that that game mechanics help Marth a little more than his FE3 counterpart, but the differences are slight enough that they are pretty much the same character.

    He ORKO's most bosses in a Warpskip dominant game.

    I think he's similar to Rutger or Asvel in that regard.

    Being locked to 1-range isn't a big deal when Javelins and Hand Axes are too heavy, and magic is weak. Swords are the best weapon type in FE1.

    He has exclusive access to Mercurius for lategame, which is even stronger than the Rapier, so I don't see why isn't he hax in the later chapters.


    Ephraim should rise to Top, since his parameters are really good forever, and 30 effective Mt is sick.

    Robin!Lucina should be added to Top. I think she starts ORKO'ing in Lunatic with a +4 Str pair-up.

    Eirika should rise because her Rapier is +4 effective Mt stronger than Lyn's Mani Katti when facing WTD, and has a better lategame exclusive weapon than the FE7 lords.

  9. I'd say there are better boss themes in the series. There's Medeus's one, Arvis's one, Hardin's one, Zephiel's one, Ashera's one, and Grima's one. The last of them I consider to be the best in Fire Emblem history.

    Then there are many boss themes in other franchises with more impressive merits. At the very top, there's Demise of the Ritual from Shadow of the Colossus, which has the best production values and the best atmosphere for any boss battle; Dancing Mad from Final Fantasy VI, which is the most complex, symbolic and thought-provoking piece of music in any video game ever; and there's Hero's Challenge from Dragon Quest III (SNES version), which single-handledly changed the way video game soundtracks are composed.

  10. - I haven't ever used Lewyn!Ced in FE4. I've always used Lewyn!Arthur, or haven't paired Lewyn x Ferry.

    - I haven't ever finished FE6 HM without using Marcus at least once. I know it's possible and rather easy, but I lack the patience.

    - I don't have the patience to train Allen and Lance, so I use Noah instead.

    - FE7 HHM bores me. I am more amused even by FE11 because it at least offers me Warpskip and reclass, which are fun mechanics.

    - I haven't ever recruited Geitz.

    - I don't like Ike's unit performance in FE9, and I believe he's really overrated by the fandom.

    - I haven't ever defeated the Black Knight, nor recruited Nasir. Kind of wasted time for me.

    - I haven't ever defeated Ashnard without Resolve. Nor do I plan to because I don't have the patience.

    - I like Nowi as a character in FE13, but I find her design to be atrocious.

    - I haven't ever felt the need to use Nosferatu in Lunatic, and I find the weapon to be inmensely overrated.

  11. In FE1, always Lv10.

    In FE2, when they reach their promotion point.

    In FE9, most of the time Lv20, but that's because you want to BEXP someone to promotion.

    Outside of that... There's no specific promotion level, but rather an optimal promotion chapter where the promoted class makes the game easier. I advice strongly to get your trained unit as many levels as you can before reaching that point.

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