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Posts posted by Stravask

  1. Thanks, that helps some.

    So basically I'm gonna be bored regardless? XD

    Well you could man up and play CQ on lunatic.

    If that's the case I might just play on hard anyway :(

    Starvask stars in the smash hit of the summer, "superbored"

    I didn't play Conquest on Lunatic so that Birthright and Revelation wouldn't feel braindead easy by comparison, since they're supposedly easier and I wanted to enjoy Conquest first.

    But thanks for reminding me most of this forum is filled with egotistical little fuckheads like you making shitposts from their mommy's basement.

  2. I only have experience with Lunatic in Birthright and Revelation, but honestly, it's not that challenging. In many respects, Revelation is also easier than Birthright for various reasons.

    The way that Lunatic seems to work is that they decide to throw more enemies at you and faster, and Birthright and Revelation are similar in that regard; enemies don't get new skills like in Conquest.

    Revelation will most likely be periodically boring no matter what you do due to the dull, overly long maps, but that's just my opinion, obviously.

    Thanks, that helps some.

    So basically I'm gonna be bored regardless? XD

    If that's the case I might just play on hard anyway :(

  3. So, having just finished Conquest on Hard, I'm having a dilemma.

    Birthright is easier, at least from what I've hear from literally everyone I know playing Fates. Furthermore, grinding is possible.

    Supposedly, Revelation is between the two in terms of difficulty.

    Seeing as there's no Lunatic+ to unlock, and I've heard that Fates' Lunatic mode isn't the totally and completely idiotic and non-strategic RNGfest Awakening's lunatic/lunatic+ was, I'm wondering whether to play Birthright on Hard or Lunatic mode.

    My concern is that I intend to play Revelation on Hard mode because Hard mode doesn't lock your stat growths at mission start, and I want to use my Revelation playthrough for PvP later on (which means locked growths would make stat-capping awful grindy and tedious).

    If I play Lunatic Birthright, will Revelation on Hard be boringly easy?

    Thanks in advance for opinions and input, I'd appreciate someone whose already done this weighing as well.

  4. Hey, I've been trying for weeks to get Lethality and Nohrian Trust on Dwyer, can anyone help me out?

    Lethality on MU would be nice too...

    My info:

    Name: Shakovyn Keep


    04222 - 37974

    15838 - 84699

    Names and notable skills:

    • MU: Nohrian Trust, Vantage, Hoshidan Unity, Replicate, Aptitude
    • Kaze: Lethality, Replicate, Shurikenfaire
    • Xander: Astra, Luna, Sol, Vantage, Replicate
    • Dwyer: Pavise, Hoshidan Unity, Dragon Fang, Luna, Astra
    • Midori: Lethality, Salvage Blow, Replicate, Miracle, Hoshidan Unity
    • Kana: Hoshidan Unity, Replicate, Even Better, Nohrian Trust
    • Velouria: Hoshidan Unity, Renewal, Even Better, Better Odds, Nohrian Trust
    • Ignatius: Countermagic, Lifetaker, Wary Fighter, Pavise
    • Shigure: Astra, Lethality, Hoshidan Unity, Replicate, Amaterasu
    • Ophelia: Vengeance, Gamble, Vantage, Death Blow, Astra


    Milk and Crystal

    All my buildings are at max upgrades.

    Please please I wanna find a damn Nohrian Trust or Lethality for Dwyer.

    Everyone hates my little emo butler and he's funny as shit. I don't get it.

  5. I'm looking for skills for Dwyer.

    Most specifically Lethality.

    Other than that, I'm hoping to find:



    -Lance/Sword/Axe breakers

    -Nohrian Trust

    My castle address is



    I have

    MU with Replicate, Aptitude

    Xander with Replicate, Astra

    Leo with Tomefaire, Aptitude

    Dwyer with Luna, Bowbreaker, Tomebreaker, Aptitude, and Shurikenfaire

    Midori with Aptitude, Song of Peace, Replicate

    Kana with Replicate, Aptitude

    and Velouria with Aptitude, Pavise, and Trample

    Would really appreciate someone helpin out, nobody ever has f'kin' Dwyer and he's my favorite lol

  6. No, only skills that aren't DLC exclusive can be passed down. Meaning there is no legitimate way to get Great Lord skills on Dwyer without cheating.

    Well that at least puts my mind at ease regarding whether I f'd up my kids lol

    Thanks much

    Looping back to the original point of the thread, if anyone can help me find some of the more difficult skills for him I"d vastly appreciate it!

  7. Hey ya'll, nobody ever seems to have Dwyer on the MyCastle teams (odd considering MyCastle is pretty much the only thing he's good for :P)

    I was hoping I could pick up some skills for him from somebody?

    Namely, I'm trying to find some of the Activation skills like Lethality, Luna, Miracle, etc...

    or Nohrian Trust I suppose

    I've got Aptitude and Hoshidan Unity if anyone wants them for him (also have some other stuff for random other people)

    Castle Address is:


    Lastly I know it's a longshot cuz he tends to be people's throwaway kid, but I was really hoping to find some of the DLC class skills.if that's at all possible.

    Namely Aether, Ignis, and Awakening (Great Lord, Grandmaster, and Great Lord skills)

    Any of those for MU would be absolutely fantastic and appreciated as well.

    Thank you so much in advance for anyone who can help me out!

  8. Any physical character does fine with Keaton and his kid (their basically just Keaton 2.0). Charlotte and Effie are popular since they give the child a whopping +7 Strength Modifier. However, as long as you don't pair Keaton with a Mage, his daughter will work fine.


    I heard a Selena!Siegbert is inferior to Charlotte!Siegbert, but I might have to end up giving Charlotte to Keaton, since Effie is already paired with Arthur..

    Is there a reason Mozu should pair with Niles? You mentioned it in your pairings and I was wondering if there's something I'm missing.

    Also, I've paired Elise with Odin for Ophelia, is Selena/Jakob better than Camilla/Jakob?

    At the moment it looks like I'm going to have to decide how to pair Camilla, Charlotte and Selena with Xander, Keaton and Jakob and I'm not sure how.

    I've already paired




    So I've still got a fairly sizeable pool of characters to work with, I'm just trying to figure out how to end up with a decent Dwyer who can use magic without ruining other children.

    What I'm considering is:

















    Does one of those two look particularly better?

  9. Unfortunately, I'm only on Chapter 14 of Conquest now (I really hate my job, barely any time for Fates...), but I can definitely say you will want to Pair characters for the Main Story, don't worry about Optimizing the kids much. For example, I early Promoted my Arthur to Berserker solely to be a great Pair Up statbot for Effie. You can take the same approach for both Charlotte (for Xander) and Nyx (for Leo). From what I've seen, your Pairings look fine. If you want, here's what I'm rolling with (bare in mind that I'm on Normal/Classic)

    Female Corrin x Jakob

    Azura x Kaze

    Silas x Selena

    Arthur x Effie

    Odin x Elise

    Keaton x Camilla

    Leo x Nyx

    Xander x Charlotte

    Benny x Beruka

    Niles x Felicia (I really should have used Mozu, but whatever)

    Laslow x Peri

    Seeing as i'm a male Corrin, suggestions for alternates for Keaton if I marry Camilla to Jakob?

  10. Stat stacking tends to lead to more effective characters than spacing out the mods. Making Dwyer so he can try to use magic is just going to make him less effective considering he already receives negative stats for Magic from Jakob. Between your pairings Camilla over Nyx for Dwyer

    Leo with Nyx on your pairings

    Selena gives negative Strength while Charlotte gives 3 giving Siegbert +6 Str overall.

    I like Effie for Keaton personally (mods wise), but I loathe Percy and don't care how he turns out at all. If you're potentially going with Velouria you can get quite a bit of strength by putting Carlotte or Effie with Keaton giving you a strong 3rd gen Kana.

    What class are you wanting Dwyer to end as?

    I'm not 100% sure what class I want Dwyer to end as, I'm thinking Dark Falconer or maybe the DLC Grandmaster.

    Truth be told I just always enjoyed mages and seeing as Dwyer is my favorite child character I kinda wanted him to have Mag potential, or at least enough that if I classed him as a Dread Fighter he could potentially use the Mag-based weapons without getting screwed over.

    Is there a generally accepted "best pairing" option for Jakob?

    Also thank you very much for the input, it's very appreciated! :)

  11. Hey ya'll, I'm really struggling with making some decisions regarding some pairings in my Conquest campaign and I was hoping I could get some advice and opinions.

    So far, what I think I'm going with is:

    -MC/Felicia (or Ophelia or Velouria, depending on their parents)

    -Jakob/Camilla, or Jakob/Nyx (I really want a Dwyer who can potentially do mage stuff, just can't decide between these two)

    -Xander/Selena (I was told Xander/Charlotte makes a much better Siegbert?)


    -Leo/Felicia or Leo/Nyx? (Can't decide who to pair Nyx with, Jakob or Leo)



    -Keaton/Camilla or Keaton/Charlotte? (was told Keaton pairs well with Camilla. Originally planned on doing Keaton/Charlotte but if Xander pairs with Charlotte instead of Selena I can't really pull that off)

    -Kaze/Azura (Dat speed doe. Not sure if this is a waste of Azura?)

    I'm really tearing my hair out about this, if you guys could give me suggestions and stuff I'd really appreciate it because I'm apparently too finicky about it to make definitive choices this time around.

    Biggest things to keep in mind are:

    -Not sure who I wanna pair MC wiht yet

    -Dwyer is my favorite kid character and really wanna make him one of the DLC classes later, so I'm really wanting to make sure he ends up with the potential for good Mag stats.

    Thanks in advance to anyone with opinions!

  12. In Nohr, you cannot make any Corrin a Diviner, Spear Fighter, Samurai, or Oni Savage without setting it as your talent.

    In Hoshido, you cannot make any Corrin a (Dark) Mage, Fighter, Knight or Mercenary without setting it as your Talent.

    In Hoshido, Corrin can only obtain Wyvern Rider or Oni Savage from a female unit, so a male Corrin can't obtain them unless he marries her.

    In Nohr, Corrin can only obtain Archer and Apothecary from a female unit, so a male Corrin can't obtain them unless he marries her.

    In Nohr, Corrin can only obtain Ninja or Monk from a male unit, so a female Corrin can't obtain it unless she marries him.

    Thank you so very much, this is exactly what I was looking for. I really appreciate it.

    So, (and I apologize for redundancy) that means if I want the Samurai class I need to restart and select it as a talent? I'm outta luck having set my talent to Mage?

    Thanks again.

    Also, if I'm picking a class just for it's skills, can I just purchase skills from other people's online avatars?

  13. I've been trying to find an answer, promise.

    I can't figure out if there's truly EXCLUSIVE classes between the two game versions.

    I chose Mage as my Avatar's talent, and I'm playing a Nohr campaign.

    Say I wanted to be able to reclass into Swordmaster at some unknown point during my playthrough.
    If there are no swordmaster companions during the Nohr playthrough, I'd be unable to acquire that class via friendship/partner seals, and thus my only option to get Swordmaster available in my campaign would be to select it as my Avatar's starting talent.

    Are there ANY classes where this is the case?

    Where you must select a particular class as a talent in order to have that class available during your playthrough in a specific game?

    So far I've received nothing but ambiguity or conflicting answers, I was hoping to get a definitive response and/or a list of classes that are truly exclusive to one version or the other.

    Thank you very much!

  14. Okay, While I appreciate the posts, I kindly ask that everyone actually read the original posts, since I count like.. two.. that are relevant lol

    I'm asking the best son unit produced by MaMU for spotpass.

    As such, please stop suggesting daughters, or Male Morgan, or creating the best support role character (since your spotpass team does not pair up and often does not fight next to each other).

    Please, I'd appreciate some opinions on the matter, but relevant ones.

  15. To be completely honest, I just want my Avatar to have an awesome prodigal son, since frankly FeMorgan annoys the crap outta me.
    Not taking Galeforce into account when reaching a decision, as I'm working on a streetpass team this runthrough and Galeforce is kinda pointless for streetpass.

    I'm running a +Spd/-Luk Avatar, and wanted to get some opinions on which chick to pair my Avatar with for maximum awesomeness on his kids lol

    Opinions anyone?
    Oh, and I am definitely reserving a spot for Lethality in his skills, if that's relevant info to anyone.

  16. I personally have to agree that +5 would've been plenty.. I'm just going to put it on the list with things IS really should think about when they work on their next game (like, for example, not making a Fire Emblem that they think will be the last and neglecting to put even a localized PvP into the strategy game lol)

  17. RFK is not exactly good for non Streetpass Units. The only set up I can think off that used RFK was like RFK, Sol, Aether, Galeforce, LB and only MU!Lucina can run it.

    You can have a son as a MaMu. Its called Marry someone with a son(Maribelle, Lissa, Panne, Cherche)

    Amongst them, personally I found Cherche as the best in term of making a full team. Panne led to better Morgan for being simmilar to Gerome, with superior mods.

    Logically, Lissa is the best choice out of those though

    I was considering Cherche, though, but still hedging on the matter lol

    As for RFK, yeah eventually all my teams start heading towards "lets make this a streetpass team" since, although IS lacked the foresight to say "Hmmm... once they beat Apotheosis, the only real challenge left is other players" and put in a direct multiplayer, I like having teams that would scare people when they show up in their world lol

  18. Seriously, like..

    I don't know about you guys, but I almost 100% of the time feel like I *need* Limit Breaker on my characters. While I'm glad there's a way to get up into the 50s range (gotta love that 100% armsthrift), anyone else wish the skill either A) Didn't exist or B) was an undlerlying, permanent boost to the character?

    It sorta outclasses pretty much every other skill in overall usefulness, particularly if you're against someone who can't hit those caps, I just wish they had opted to do something like.. I don't know, allowing cross-gender skills, or a new skill that, you know, didn't totally outclass so many others (Resistance + 10 anyone? lol)

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