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Everything posted by Kinumi

  1. my psych teacher: we are gonna calculate ur sleep debts today and i am gonna yell at you to sleep me: oh no, i have over 20 hours of sleep debt. i should start making that up today me, actually: (takes a three-hour evening nap and stays up past midnight) nice
  2. thanks i'm proud (idk if u got it but to clarify i just made that up)
  3. me: (giving a presentation on ethics) aristotle believed that virtue was very practical my journalism teacher: that's very nice but can u stop saying aristotle like chipotle, it's making everyone uncomfortable
  4. not literally dumb but he was called the fool of owari for a reason and also he did some ridiculous things (iirc he battled the imagawa army of 40,000 with an army of 2,000, also he threw incense at the altar when his father died and everyone was like "wtf" and one of his retainers was so ashamed that he committed seppuku. it's also speculated that he drank tea out of his former brother-in-law's skull upon killing him but idk how true that is!!) his relationship with his page makes me giggle too, nobunaga more like nobunagay heh
  5. yes i expect to get bullied for things i like which is y i always spoiler but thx i appreciate whenever someone replies and it's not bullying ya history is so full of interesting people, nobunaga was rly dumb too so i remember him a lot even though i don't necessarily agree w his ideas very we
  6. the only good part about this game is that i get money from calling sylv a nerd every day
  7. o thx i didn't expect that kind of reaction ya don't a lot of people have like...one particular period of history they nerd out about....for me that's the sengoku period and especially date masamune bc he led such an interesting life also i've played sengoku musou so many times now it'd be kinda sad if i COULDNT recite stuff from memory
  8. fuk sf that post was supposed to get buried on the last page
  9. i really really love red velvet and i love all of the members more than each non-seunghee member of oh my girl but somehow i still consider oh my girl to be hands-down my ultimate girl group and idk i think that just shows how powerful seunghee is (also liar liar is such a good song AHH)
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