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Status Updates posted by Person123

  1. They say nothing is impossible, but I do nothing every day.

    1. Cancer Lancer

      Cancer Lancer


      You did your new sprite

  2. And what do we say to productivity? "Not today."

  3. It's too damn hot.

    1. Nate Lucero

      Nate Lucero

      I know right?

      Well, if you live in California, you know how it is with all the humidity, tropical weather, and all that other shit

    2. Person123


      nah, I live on the east coast. I just don't have any AC

  4. Found a way to cheat the hackbox. It's ingenious really..

  5. Tweaked my profile portrait again. I wonder if I'll ever be satisfied.

  6. The bounding box is my greatest foe

  7. Error 404: Status not found

  8. Much remains to be done.

  9. Guess I should put something here

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