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blah the Prussian

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Everything posted by blah the Prussian

  1. So remember when Man of Steel came out, and everyone was going nuts about Superman fighting Zod in front of a Sears? Or when everyone was pissed that Peter Parker was using Bing? I never got that. Product placement was always a non issue for me. Can anyone tell me what's so bad about it, so long as it doesn't disrupt the plot?
  2. Chapter 8 The Treaty of Potsdam The First World War had been the bloodiest war the world had ever seen. Millions died, and nations were devastated. An entire generation was lost. And so, as Tzar Nicholas II, Kaiser Wilhelm II, and King Victor Emmanuel III prepared for the peace conference at Potsdam Castle, just outside Berlin, they had one thing on their minds: vengeance for a war that they felt had been started by Britain, France, and Austria-Hungary. Wilhelm and Nicholas at Potsdam. Wilhelm is wearing the uniform of a Russian Cossak, while Nicholas is wearing the uniform of a German Hussar. This was a sign of friendship between Russia and Germany. The only other person at the conference who would have any effect on the proceedings was U.S. president Woodrow Wilson. The U.S. was the only Entente belligerent that still had a capacity for large scale war. Indeed, American and Chinese marines were still heavily contesting the Pacific, with heavy fighting in Guam and Midway in particular. The U.S. army, meanwhile, had many more soldiers that it could ship to Europe. Even though it wouldn’t do much good, with France devastated and the Royal Navy no longer able to protect the American transports, if America wished it, America would fight on. Unfortunately for Wilson, America did not wish to fight on. Only he did. There were many protests in America for peace, and the army refused to fire on the protestors. Wilson’s presidency, and the United States itself, would be in danger if he did not push for peace. At the conference, Wilson introduced his Fourteen Points, a hugely unrealistic proposal that called for non harsh terms to be imposed on the defeated powers, and for Russia and Germany to actually lose territory. This unrealistic proposal was laughed off the table by Kaiser Wilhelm II, who informed Wilson that the conference was for the defeated powers to be informed of the conditions under which they would surrender, and surrender. If not, Germany and Russia would be happy to occupy France for a while. Wilson with his allies at Potsdam. Wilson was the first American President to travel to Europe while in office. The Treaty of Potsdam has been heavily criticized by historians. They claim that Britain and France would never have imposed such harsh conditions on Germany! Nope, never. Not at all. Anyway, the following is a copy of the Treaty of Potsdam in paraphrased format, with my own analysis when appropriate. Firstly, The Entente would be officially dissolved, with no alliance between the defeated powers permitted ever again. An interesting question is how exactly the victors intended to enforce these terms, but whatever. Secondly, France and Britain would have to pay out a total of 100,000 German Marks each to all of the victors, each. Finally, in terms of military: Britain would limit her navy to 100 ships of any kind except dreadnoughts. France could not have an army of over 100,000, and was forbidden from having a navy or Air Force. America was forbidden from moving its navy beyond Hawaii in the Pacific and Iceland in the Atlantic. These were the non territorial terms. The peace terms imposed by Russia were mostly directed against Britain, specifically related to the “Great Game” between the two that had been going on for decades over dominance of Central Asia. Iran and Afghanistan were to accept sole Russian overlordship. Iran would cede a port to Russia, so it would have access to the Indian Ocean. The British Raj was to grant independence to Pakistan, which would become a Russian protectorate. Finally, The British Raj was forbidden from recruiting any native Indians into its army. Russia had triumphed. It had won the Great Game. China’s demands were spearheaded by Kang Tongbi, the daughter of Kang Youwei and one of the first female diplomats. China desired to reestablish her sphere of influence over East Asia. To this end, Malaysia, Burma, Laos, Cambodia, and Vietnam were all given independence from their colonial overlords, only to be made tributaries of China. The Philippines was also made a tributary. China received Hong Kong from Britain, and, as promised, German Formosa. Finally, all American Pacific possessions except Hawaii were ceded to China. The Middle Kingdom had reemerged on the world stage. Kang Tongbi, the only woman to lead a delegation at Potsdam Italy probably did the least of any of the European power to win the war. All it did was tie up Austro-Hungarian and French troops. However, it was payed its due. Italy received several border regions from France, including the city of Nice. It also received Corsica and all French African colonies north of the Sahara. Italy, however, was not satisfied. In the breakup of Austria-Hungary, Serbia (now the Kingdom of Yugoslavia) received several Border regions that Italy felt rightfully belonged to it. This led to many Italian Irredentists forming the Fascist party, a party devoted to nationalism and dictatorship, under the leadership of the charismatic Benito Mussolini. Austria-Hungary fell apart. Austria was annexed directly into Germany, along with the German speaking parts of Bohemia, the Sudetenland. The Kingdom of Czechoslovakia, under the German prince Waldemar, now Vladimir I of Czechoslovakia, was formed. Romania received Transylvania, and Serbia received all of the Empire’s South Slavic provinces. The “Kingdom” of Hungary, under the dictatorial regent Miklos Horthy, desired to reunite Austria-Hungary. Finally, Germany. Germany lost the most troops in the war, and suffered more than any of the other victors. It was compensated with a number of French border regions, including Verdun, and occupation of a strip of French land stretching from Calais to the Swiss border, to be in an optimal position in the next war. From Belgium, Germany received some border regions, and put Prince Albrecht on the throne as Albert II, making Belgium a German puppet. In addition, Germany received all sub Saharan British and French African colonies, except the Dominion of South Africa, which gained full independence, and British and French East Africa, which went to Italy. The Treaty of Potsdam was a disaster. It castrated the defeated powers, and gave rise to new, aggressive ideologies (which will be discussed later). However, the disaster would not end there. As he was leaving the castle after signing the treaty, Kaiser Wilhelm II was murdered by Gavrilio Princip, a Slavic nationalist, as revenge for the German “occupation” of the Sudetenland, on January 5, 1914. His son, Wilhelm III, was crowned the next day. Few people have been less suited for dealing with some of the most ruthless dictators ever to rule. The consequences of Princip’s actions would be terrible. Gavrilo Princip, murderer of Wilhelm II
  3. Welcome back to Pokemon Firered! Last time, we beat Misty and made it to Vermillion City. This time, we'll deal with the sinister Neo Nazis of Kanto! https://imageshack.com/i/f0crxgsrj And here we have the belly of the beast. Guderian, Vorbeck, The State, the time has come to wipe out the stain of Neo Naziism from the land! https://imageshack.com/i/exzNMeCAj This Neo Nazi warns me that his compatriot may challenge me to a battle. If they do, be it on their own heads. https://imageshack.com/i/pbB3AkPXj My god. A French... I mean Kalosian Neo Nazi. I thought you traitors all died with Vichy Kalos! Charles De Gaulle spits on you! (Note: In real life, Vichy was the capitol of the French Fascists who collaborated with the Nazis. They did a bunch of traitorous stuff, like turn Jews over, and th movie Casablanca takes place in Vichy Africa. They were knocked out of the war in 1943 by the American invasion of North Africa, called Operation Torch. The operation marked the first American action in the European theatre of the war.) https://imageshack.com/i/p9kKPBGpj Being a Neo Nazi will cause people to hate you. I bet that the only reason your Pokemon follow you is that they're too stupid to realize who you really are! https://imageshack.com/i/ipJyP4yvj Figures that the only one to realize the weirdest part of the Pokemon universe would be a Neo Nazi. Seriously, though, I think this is the only guy in the entire series to call the player out for blatantly trespassing on private property. https://imageshack.com/i/idEzU401j This poor kid will probably be corrupted by his parent's ways. It's no good loving Pokemon if you hate those you consider racially inferior, kid. Take that advice to heart. https://imageshack.com/i/p8X0oV0Mj Oh, good. Finally, someone is doing something about the Neo Nazi menace. I mean, come on. Whose a bigger threat? Team Rocket? HAHAHAHAHAHAHAH! https://imageshack.com/i/pdgEnvrbj Oh, you motherfucker. I have nothing to say to you. https://imageshack.com/i/eyxKaEdsj Down here are some more cabins. Nothing notable so far. https://imageshack.com/i/f0Aihf4Yj OH MY GOD WHAT? Get away from me! Taste the power of divine right! https://imageshack.com/i/f0PYzIPAj Oh god, the Neo Nazis and the Japan apologists have banded together to spread historical revisionism! God save us all. https://imageshack.com/i/pbgCKAhxj Out here is the deck of the ship. There's nothing really of note. I have to find the captain and force him to leave Kanto! https://imageshack.com/i/exkkxJH3j Down here is the kitchen. No captain here. That leaves only one place to check. https://imageshack.com/i/ipzCWblLj Woodrow! You traitor! I always knew you were a gigantic racist, but to fall in with the Neo Nazis? That's too far, even for you. He also seems to have fallen in with the Vichy Kalosians, based on his greeting. https://imageshack.com/i/ipvAM03Mj I'm taking you down, Woodrow, for the good of everyone ashamed to share a species with you! https://imageshack.com/i/f0khGHPrj First up is Pidgeotto. The State destroys it with Thrash. Then it continues right on with his Raticate, Thrashing it so hard that it's knocked into another dimension. Any dimension would be better than this one, what with Woodrow existing and all. https://imageshack.com/i/exPgjzYej Next up is Kadabra, a Pokemon significantly less useless than it was when it was an Abra. However, The State's Thrash attack continues, sweeping Kadabra aside with ease. https://imageshack.com/i/paG7W2Rxj Woodrow's final Pokemon is Ivysaur. Unfortunately, it puts Vorbeck to sleep, so I have to switch out to Guderian. https://imageshack.com/i/pbPGPybHj Despite the type disadvantage, I get lucky with some Bite flinches, and so Guderian carries the day, like he always does. https://imageshack.com/i/ipkrQslXj Tell me something, Woodrow: why wouldn't I be raising my Pokemon? It's the best way to make you look like a moron, which admittedly isn't hard, but still, every bit helps. https://imageshack.com/i/ey9bOwCwj Continuing on, I reached the Captain's quarters, where I gave him a back rub in exchange for leaving Kanto permanently. https://imageshack.com/i/id1lFGATj He also gave me Cut. With this, I can reach the Vermillion Gym. https://imageshack.com/i/exCsAxznj Goodbye and good riddance! Next time, we take on the most American of all the gym Leaders. I don't know when it will be up (we're staying after school to ask the Palestinian ambassador to the Czech Republuic questions tomorrow) but expect it sometime next week.
  4. Not every single GERMAN followed Hitler. If you were a Nazi, you supported Hitler. I can somewhat sympathize with those Germans who fought for Germany as opposed to Naziism, or those who were worried for their families, but that's also exactly why IS wants you to sympathize with, say, Shiharam, and I do. However, Hitler needed the majority of Germans to agree with Naziism, otherwise coups like that would succeed because they have the support of the people. As such, it is fair to say that most Daeins support Ashnard's ideology; otherwise it wouldn't have taken Ike to overthrow him.
  5. Fair enough. In real life, most people have legitimate reasons for doing whatever they may do. FE, though, is generally less... complex. They usually have the token anti villain, and that's it. Of course, it's good that you're deviating from this path, but Bandits can be as complex as Daein soldiers. My opinion is that as long as a soldier of Daein genuinely believes in what they are doing, they are evil. Bandits, at the very least, don't act self righteous and pretend their cause is just as they burn down villages.
  6. Hello and welcome back to Pokemon Firered. Last time, we learned that Bill is a Neo-Nazi, and were invited to approximately halve our intellect. This time, we will fight one of the best Pokemon in the game, and make our way to Vermillion City! https://imageshack.com/i/p7KDGLrnj And, here we are, at Cerulean City Gym. It is theoretically possible in generation 2 to use surf to skip all of the trainers. https://imageshack.com/i/exq3lQN3j Uh, I'd rather not "do it" with you. https://imageshack.com/i/p99RXZ9Gj No, no, no! I know I am handsome, but you're way to young to be doing this! https://imageshack.com/i/f0dvVAUBj Ah, perfect. Alright, Misty, that swimmer was to weak to do it with, and that girl was way too young for Pokemon battles, but you're perfect!... What? You thought I was talking about something else? Get those dirty thoughts out of your mind. https://imageshack.com/i/pbVZpwAoj Policy? I AM MY POLICY! https://imageshack.com/i/id4GMaRPj Uh, that's actually a really terrible policy. Like, seriously, that has to be one of the most vague policies I've ever heard. https://imageshack.com/i/p1QAO7Njj In any case her first Pokemon is Staryu. Guderian's Tackle attack WOULD have beaten it... https://imageshack.com/i/f0lAc8Puj if it weren't for the fact that she was a cheater, and used a goddamn SUPER POTION! https://imageshack.com/i/f0CAbwTGj A few more tackles, though, and Staryu is down for the count. https://imageshack.com/i/ipcJHT82j It is followed by Starmie, the first enemy fully evolved Pokemon in the game! (Onix was fully evolved in Generation 1, but not in FRLG) No matter, The State should be able to deal with this! https://imageshack.com/i/p5lSswfzj Or not. I realized too late that The State was weak to Water. XD https://imageshack.com/i/ey2pKz13j Fortunately, Guderian comes to the rescue with his Bite attack, which is super effective versus Psychics. Misty goes down. https://imageshack.com/i/ipsY3QGlj You know, the Gym leaders of tho region really aren't that competent, are they? I beat Brock and Misty rater easily. https://imageshack.com/i/ipgQVj4gj Niether, evidently, are the Police force, who apparently have trouble with Team Rocket. Wow. I guess that's what having all the tax dollars going to free health care for Pokemon will do to you. https://imageshack.com/i/p9B67qCej To reiterate: so far, Team Rocket's "crimes" have been archeological expeditions and trashing someone's house and stealing their TM. LADIES AND GENTLEMEN, POKEMON GANGSTERS!!!!!!!! https://imageshack.com/i/ipC5i6Thj My god. You people are some of the least competent criminals I have ever seen. This Grunt's idea of an escape is chilling in the yard of the people he just robbed. Just for that act of stupidity, sir, I suggest you never have children. Truly, it would be a disaster for the human race for your genes to be passed down. https://imageshack.com/i/ipsVlshMj You know, this looks like a good time to point out that this is the second time IN A ROW that we've been doing exactly what Team Rocket did. In Mount Moon, we took a fossil. Here, I gave the TM to The State instead of returning it to its rightful owner. https://imageshack.com/i/idPmvXB1j Anyway, defeating the grunt gives us access to the route south, leading to Saffron City. There aren't any trainers on it. https://imageshack.com/i/p8ubRFIzj Down here, though, is the Day Care. I didn't leave any Pokemon here, though. https://imageshack.com/i/paypVDiRj OH, YOU JERK! No matter how much you try, you can't get past this guy. I will be back later, SIR! And when I do, I would advise you to start saying your prayers! https://imageshack.com/i/ipXAOAOvj Fortunately, this route here leads under Saffron City. I can use it to get to Vermillion. A good thing, too... otherwise I'd have to use the Walk Through Walls cheat. https://imageshack.com/i/exSnnxu4j The pathway leads to this rather short route hers. South of that is Vermillion. https://imageshack.com/i/ipvSeKTlj Screw that, I'm the NSA! NOTHING IS PRIVATE! https://imageshack.com/i/pcpltTy8j This cheeky little Butterfree tried a Parafusion strategy on me. Fortunately, I got insanely lucky. https://imageshack.com/i/eyxGRJNVj he said as he strode right up to me, without any prompt whatsoever. https://imageshack.com/i/eyezTvRqj And here is Vermillion City, sight of many horrors. https://imageshack.com/i/f0EGkeZZj Firstly, there's the Pokemon "Fan" club, a brutal place where innocent people are forced to listen to it's sadistic director ramble on about his Rapidash. https://imageshack.com/i/ipqqiJSVj Then, there's the SS Anne, home of Kanto's Neo Nazi society. https://imageshack.com/i/ipCaIpI7j Unfortunately, the gym leader, has a cuttable tree in front of his gym that can only be obtained by destroying the Neo Nazis. Lets do it. Next time, we bust up Kanto's Neo Nazis, see Woodrow take his racist beliefs to their logical conclusion, and fight a gym leader who is trying to replace Ben Franklin as a "Lightning American". See you then!
  7. Ah, so Theodor has made his appearance! Good to see. I also have to wonder, though, why Geoffrey considers Daein troops above bandits? Bandits are trying to support themselves by stealing from others, Daein troops are,trying to help their insane queen take over the world.
  8. Pegasus did first appear in Greek mythology, and they were later adopted by the Romans. The wyverns, though, are also very much a European invention.
  9. Yeah, I should really lower my expectations, too. The moral ambiguity could come from the White Mans Burden excuse- that is, the people of Japan really would be better off under Roman rule.
  10. Oh, I still think Let it Go is a good (if overdone) song. I just get Fascist vibes from it. It's a completely unnatural reaction.
  11. Eh, after seeing the trailer again, it's pretty clear that it is Japan. A shame, because for much of history China overshadowed Japan to an absolutely ridiculous extent. Also HOLY SHIT WHERE DID YOU GET THAT MOD??????
  12. http://i.imgur.com/9div3pc.png Incidentally, the really loud part of Let It Go always gave off a Fascist vibe to me. I don't know why. Probably has something to do with the way she stands a the end, yelling about empowerment. Ah, whatever.
  13. Yeah, "during the Tokugawa Shogunate" is not in the 20th century, though Imperial Japan definitely did use Bushido to motivate their soldiers. And, for all of Imperial Japan's atrocities, they were still better than the Shogunate.
  14. Once you get to the point where Roman troops have sieges Japanese castles, Japan has lost, plain and simple. The time for divine intervention has passed. Also, I hope they don't make the two sides lopsided. When that happens, there is a clear good guy and a clear bad guy, at least in stories. I don't want the choices to be "burn down an orphanage or give money to the homeless". That isn't interesting. Although, the East could be some mix of East Asian influences; we could have Chinese dragons fighting the Roman golems (who, by the way, are Jewish- there's some multiculturalism for the West.) Also, the China as a Roman ally idea seems cool, although it would, again, make things extremely lopsided.
  15. Uh, no it wasn't. Bushido was the Samurai code of honor that was abandoned by the Meiji government. It was brought back by the militarists. Speaking of Meiji, other overrated figures are every Samurai alive during the Meiji Restoration. Seriously, they were reactionary shitbags trying to preserve their power against a progressive ruler, and films like The Last Samurai treat them as heroes.
  16. That which we have feared has come to pass. Frozen is getting a sequel. And it's probably not going to be about the Mongols. Non- denominational deity help us all.
  17. Welcome back to Pokemon Firered! Last time, we dealt with more Zubats than the population of China, and evolved The State! https://imageshack.com/i/ipwumrzOj Heading up to the Premier Competitive Pokemon Community, I run into... him. https://imageshack.com/i/ipJrUQudj I caught a giant badass dinosaur who is also royalty. Wait, do you realize what this means? It means that one of my Pokemon is a FANFIC CHARACTER! https://imageshack.com/i/pbLsd19uj Woodrow, I think you'll find I have a little surprise for you. https://imageshack.com/i/exwZdbz2j Guderian makes short work of Pidgeotto. It will only take two water guns to take down... https://imageshack.com/i/eyAMC9zpj Unfortunately, Woodrow switches out into his Bulbasaur. I think it's time for you to meet a very good friend of mine, Woodrow. https://imageshack.com/i/pbDIGjXTj And with that, Woodrow shat himself. https://imageshack.com/i/ip6um1Udj The State utterly destroyed Bulbasaur, and Pidgeotto goes once more into the breach. https://imageshack.com/i/p38y1VKYj I'm sure Woodrow will keep this Ratatta with him forever. https://imageshack.com/i/id8l6M9dj Abra only knew teleport. It literally just sat there as my team wailed on it. https://imageshack.com/i/exdiJrGkj And with that, Woodrow was defeated again. Bill, eh? I might seek him out and see what he has to offer. https://imageshack.com/i/f0BICw7lj As my reward, I was given a Nugget. Good enough. https://imageshack.com/i/ex50ClEKj What? Why would I join you morons? You call yourselves gangsters, and yet you haven't done anything illegal yet! https://imageshack.com/i/hlS35XsOj No. Just no. You do not insult the greatest gangster movie ever by being aware of its existence. I will destroy all of Team Rocket for this INSULT! https://imageshack.com/i/f01FN1oKj And being a top leader of Team Rocket would put me at half the intellect of the normal people. https://imageshack.com/i/ip9GLbpnj On the way to Bill's house, I ran into this poor bastard. Who names their kid Nob? https://imageshack.com/i/f0agqIsIj Huh. I never took Bill for a brony, but here he is, cosplaying as a Clefairy. https://imageshack.com/i/exAetTkdj https://imageshack.com/i/idnWbJgUj Bill, apparently, has got his zipper stuck. I helped him out, and collected my reward. https://imageshack.com/i/f0yFGvsqj Wait, WHAT?! Bill, you're a Neo Nazi? How DARE you! No, I will not join the Waffen SS, thank you very much! Good day to you, sir! https://imageshack.com/i/id0j8UL5j Next time, I'll take the anger out of my system by taking on the Death Star. You know what I mean.
  18. I'd want the Eastern faction to be less based on Japan and more on China. The Eastern counterpart to the Roman Empire, after all, was the Chinese Han Dynasty. Though the West could very likely be Mediaeval Europe, in which case their opponents would most likely be based around the Arabian Caliphate. Also, in a shocking plot twist, the word is actually our world, where Rome never fell and China never got rid of the Empire (a mistake IMO) and it will be revealed that, between Roman training and Chinese numbers, the war will never end. Our heroes must use the Outrealm Gate to escape this hellish reality. Seriously, though, even if IS is from Japan, it would be serious Japan sank to think it could even come close to matching the fucking ROMAN EMPIRE.
  19. No, most Pokemon villains are purely evil. Nobunaga is far too complex for a Pokemon game. I don't exactly see the issue with killing enemy commanders. Sure assassinating them is probably against Bushido but who gives a fuck about Bushido, anyway?
  20. That could actually potentially be interesting; you could have Elsa struggle with whether or not to use her powers on the enemy army, for example.
  21. Innocent people die in wartime. This is inevitable. I can't think of a single war where the "good" guys didn't kill any innocent people.
  22. Frozen 2 should be about the Mongol conquest and subjugation of Arrendelle. Elsa's ice powers are useless against the might of the Great Khan! The Mongols shall arrive at the gates, and put those who resist to the sword, while rewarding those who collaborate with them with just rule.
  23. Eh. Everyone did the bad stuff he did, and he did more good than most. I remember being so pissed when he was the villain of Pokemon Conquest. Nobunagas deserves better than being in the same camp as the likes of Ghetsis!
  24. Nobunaga wasn't invading other countries, though, he was trying to unite feudal Japan. The hierarchy of historical bias is non whites who fight whites are given villain upgrades, english speakers are favored over everyone else, and Americans are favored most of all.
  25. Fair enough. It was easy to misinterpret because of the thread.
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