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Everything posted by Ethlyn

  1. Aw, there, there...He must be busy, you know? But as soon as he has free time, he'll be back. I know it. :) *Hugs them then warps out before her boss catches her using the net for her amusement (Bluh work and stuff >___>;)*
  2. You are more than welcome :) It was starting to tear me up too :X https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dsUXAEzaC3Q
  3. Sheer perfection/10 Tetsuya Nomura x Gackt
  4. Twenty-one! What happens if you pour sugar all over a plush bunny?
  5. They have the right to know about it, so I would tell them what is going on...Then try to give comfort to everybody in the form of a hug.
  6. Hey there~ Nice to meet you Salim. Enjoy your stay!
  7. Ethlyn


    Hello Sammy! Nice to meet you. I hope you enjoy your stay here and make lots of friends :)
  8. Greetings, my friend. I hope you enjoy your stay here~
  9. Hey Cris. I hope that you will enjoy your stay here and make lots of friends. :)
  10. I like cats a lot too! :) Tristian it is then! Tristian~ I read it as Tristan at first :X Why thank you, I like you too and will do that~ :3
  11. Hey~ Nah, don't worry, I just like being poetic. XD (It is a line from one of my favourite books, Romance of the Three Kingdoms!) Don't be silly, you are just as valuable and great as them and sure if you would like to? Hey! :) S-Supplies? >:V https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=HH-LBqRwZng
  12. Oh, I am sorry. I was under the impression you went by Ragnarok. Flare, then? XD And, um...I have studied German for like three years, but did not get to practice it much unfortunately, though. Mein Deutsch ist nicht so gut. ^_^; That's an adorable nickname you picked for me, thank you! Sumire > Maria Haha, that's for sure! Well, what would you prefer to be called...?
  13. My apologies, my lady. It is Maria and meeting you is like seeing the clear sky when the clouds have been swept aside. Hey thank you. Haha, I thought they would be more well-known? I should have picked the one from Akaneia, but that is waaay too obvious
  14. Das war sehr gut, Rag. You got me...^///^
  15. Oh, alright then. If that is the case...Nice to meet you, Alicia. I'm...
  16. *Hugs Celice* No more sad songs for you, Mister! https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4V90AmXnguw
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