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Posts posted by Jaoenkatsu

  1. Like the title says, I'm creating this thread in hope that I can gather the few GBF players on this site and organize meetings to complete Coop missions. This is especially important for players like me who neglected Coop missions early on and now need to unlock list 4 classes. 

    If you can, try to post the regular times you are online in the game and when you can group up in coop. 

  2. Cleared normal and hard mode of Family bonds. You know they did something wrong with Ephraim's character when EIRIKA of all people has to tell him to shut up. 

    But besides that, just more sappy dialogue between the siblings. Something tells me whoever wrote the script didn't actually play Sacred Stones. 

  3. I just got 5* Erika myself. Sieglinde also has +3 attack boost to adjacent allies,  She has Drag back B and all 3 levels of Hone speed. 

    She is similar to Lyn with a focus on Attack and speed so I wouldn't recommend her for pvp defense. She has pivot like Marth, so her movement is flexible.

    Also got 5* Julia but haven't used her yet. 

  4. I didn't download this game in the hopes of a profound story and characters, but the interactions make me cringe more than any game I've ever played. If the characters aren't talking about things that have no impact on the players, they are kissing up to you on a level even greater than Corrin's posse in fates. I, personally dislike being thanked or praised for things that hardly took any effort. I'm on chapter 9 right now, and there hasn't been a single quote aimed at me that didn't have glorious praise in it. I feel I would enjoy the game better if I wasn't an acknowledged character-but maybe I'm alone on this point.

    Sorry for the rant. 

  5. 11 minutes ago, Soul~! said:

    I was going to agree with you right off the bat (if people without any need to go through exchange rates complain about this, imagine us who do...), but then I realise, it's actually cool that they're that way. Think of it, it makes earning your characters more valuable. The game is easy enough as it is if you exploit everything is has to offer, so why not add to the "difficulty" by doing that? 

    Nice that you would say that, but I object. They didn't implement paid content into the game to add "difficulty". They did it to incite players to sponsor the game's service. Some players who didn't reroll got screwed over by the initial summoning, and they are having a harder time clearing chapters than others; so what can they do? Roll for better heroes. But every first time chapter only gives one orb, and they get harder and harder as the game goes on. It isnt possible to grind for chapters because of the strict exp restrictions they put in the game. Orbs are crucial to players in the beginning, and its not fair that they should have to empty their wallets just to have fun playing a game they VOLUNTEERED to play.

  6. Before you say anything, I'm not a richboy, nor a kid with his mom's credit card. But I think they need to adjust the price deals on orbs. It takes almost 20 orbs to most efficiently summon heroes but we can only get 3 for 2 whole dollars? Cygames has a much more agreeable credit per yen/dollar rate and players line their pockets with millions. If nintendo wants to keep this game afloat. They can't be stingy. 

  7. I've played SRWF and there are scenes that the human Domon destroys a 20-30m height mech with his barehand.

    So either mecha or not, it's weird.

    Ha, I remember those moments. G gundam is a mixed bag for me. As long as you don't apply logic or common sense to it, it's one heck of a ride.

    Point out the genius who put a horse in control of a giant robot. He's getting a raise.

    As for the V line up, I disliked the really old games for being so UC gundam-centric, and now they go again and make a game where most of the UC continuity is included. In general I would also like to see Ideon have another outing, but I guess that will just never happen.

    Do you not like UC Gundam? It IS the origin of the series and all other Gundam shows are just Spinoffs. As for Ideon, are we talking SRWF or Alpha 3 Ideon? But that doesn't matter since its overpowered at max ide gauge.

    What do you guys think of the current battle orientations compared to past ones? I still think Alpha 3 had the best animations out of any non-og game.

    Lets compare Berserk Eva-01 attacks:


    3:00Looks more like they were trying be flashy rather than recreate an actual mutilation.

    Alpha 3

    Don't tell me that doesn't disturb you.

    RIP Buster Gundam

  8. Did my thread start an actually intellectual debate on the meaning of 'mecha' and what qualifies to be generalized under it? I genuinely feel proud.

    There are a ton of older than 3 years old mech series that are popular and not shameless fanservice trash like Cross Ange. And they have already introduced series that are younger than 3 years before. And no, the one who directed Cross Ange is a different guy. But its producer is indeed the director of Gundam Seed and I will spell it out for you, the only reason why Cross Ange is in this game is because of its producer who highlighted it. And it's home-grown so no need to waste money on something that is better and more expensive. At least, we dont fight real biological dragons in Sidonia. Man, Cross Ange makes Strike Witch seems like a proper candidate for SRW.

    What part of Space Yamato is not pushing it compared with Kantai Collection? At least the girls in KC are humanoid ships and fit the "mecha" part even if you considered them as human girls wearing armor suits. I say KC Yamato fits SRW more than the Space Yamato. It's Super Robot War, not Super Sci-fi War! I like Space Yamato but it has nothing to do with this game.

    I hate this game already. At least they added the ones from SRW J to the new OG game.

    Whether it has humanoid mechs or tanks, Yamato is a Space Opera, along the same lines as Mobile Suit Gundam. If you look at it from that light then it can find a place to fit in SRW V.

  9. Cross Ange!? What the....! What!? No Valvrave, no Iron Orphan, no Reconquista, no Aldnoah, no Majestic Prince, no Aquarion Logos, no Knight of Sidonia, no Fafner Exodus, no Macross Delta but Cross Ange? What's next? Kantai Collection? Is this supposed to be a joke? Spaceship Yamato? Why dont they add Captain Harlock too for the sake of it?

    I've read somewhere that a series has to be concluded for about 3 years before it can participate in a SRW title. I haven't watched Cross Ange, but I heard it's directed by the same guy who directed Gundam Seed.

    ...Kantai Collection would REALLY be pushing it though.

  10. I wonder if we'll see the scene where Noah gives order to execute his own son while they should be both playable.

    Even if Hathaway's flash was part of the story, I doubt the happy-end loving writers would put that scene in. Unless they threw in a sappy event where cross-series characters rescue Mufti and yell some lines about friendship.

    MMMMMM ohhh my Evangelion is there again! Good, very good.

    Wonder if they're gonna give Lelouch another shot...

    It's been unanimously agreed that Eva is a staple in mainline SRW games. Code Geass was pretty cool in z2 and z3, but it might be awhile before they see action again.

    Anyway... too bad I don't have a PS4, otherwise I'd buy this for sure.

    Do you have a vita? It's pretty cheap, has alot of fun single player titles, and stay relevant for as long as the ps4 is.

  11. Earlier this month, Bandai Namco revealed their next two big releases: 'Super Robot Wars OG "The moon dwellers" ' and 'Super Robot Wars V"! What makes these releases so significant is that they will be released with optional english localization! This is huge news for overseas fans like me who have to play the games memorizing Spirit names and reading online story guides. Not to mention, this is the first mainline game to be released since the 4th Super robot wars in 1995! If this thread makes a good discussion, I might make another about the OG series in depth, but right now lets focus on SRW V.

    Here is the list of appearing series:

    • Invincible Super Man Zambot 3
    • Invincible Steel Man Daitarn 3
    • Mobile Suit Gundam Z
    • Mobile Suit Gundam ZZ
    • Mobile Suit Gundam: Char’s Counterattack
    • Mobile Suit Gundam: Hathaway’s Flash
    • Mobile Suit Crossbone Gundam
    • Mobile Suit Crossbone Gundam: Skull Heart
    • Mobile Suit Crossbone Gundam: Steel Seven
    • Mobile Suit Gundam SEED Destiny
    • Mobile Suit Gundam 00: A Wakening of the Trailblazer
    • Mobile Suit Gundam UC
    • The Brave Express Might Gaine
    • Martian Successor Nadesico: The Motion Picture – Prince of Darkness
    • Getter Robo Armageddon
    • Mazinger Edition Z: The Impact!
    • Shin Mazinger ZERO vs. Great General of Darkness
    • Fullmetal Panic!
    • Fullmetal Panic? Fumoffu
    • Fullmetal Panic! The Second Raid
    • Fullmetal Panic! (Original Novel Version)
    • Evangelion: 1.0 You Are (Not) Alone
    • Evangelion: 2.0 You Can (Not) Advance
    • Evangelion: 3.0 You Can (Not) Redo
    • Space Battleship Yamato 2199
    • Cross Ange: Rondo of Angel and Dragon

    It's clear they are going for a more classic SRW feel by having the original UC trio together once again. Looking forward to seeing ZZ Gundam and its Hypermega cannon blast through mooks again.

    REALLY excited for Crossbone Gundam's return to the scene. Tobias and Kincade/Seabook haven't had much exposure since Alpha 2. (SD Gundam doesn't count) And hopefully; ZZ + Crossbone might hint to another Gundam series touched by Yuichi Hasegawa: Victory Gundam.

    Shin Mazinger Zero looks pretty awesome. I'm gonna give it a chance and see if it can compare to Mazinkaiser SKL.

    They are using Getter Armageddon once again; not that I'm complaining. Maybe its the classic fan in me that misses Akira Kamiya's intensity, I haven't discovered anyone with his level of talent yet.

    Here's hoping Evangelion gets properly concluded instead of dropping everything like in Z3.

    I remember wondering why they didn't bring in a series with a battleship as its icon unit. Pretty sure the Yamato will be the 'Mothership' of this game.

    Not too many debut series this time and it looks like they will be just reusing the Z3 engine. I'm not really a big fan of the battle orientation though. The constantly panning camera used to distract me and I felt it was just a trick to create complex motion while using only one sprite motion. SRW Alpha 3 came out in 2005, and it's animations haven't aged at all.

    Anyway, What are you're thoughts? Are there any fellow SRW players reading this now? Have I intrigued the interest of some curious soul? Let me know!

  12. Bahahah you're a boss!

    Well, thank you very much! ^^

    Can I know something more about that glitch you were talking about, please?

    The custom graphics fell out of place for a few moments while i was quickly flipping though the enemy unit statuses. Like i said, it happened once and is most likely nothing to worry about.

  13. Finished the patch same day it came out. I have NO life.

    I don't want to sound like a shallow fan, but I have to say, the overall hack quality is excellent.

    There was a momentary glitch in chapter 3 while i was viewing enemy units, but it only happened once and was probably just a random thing.

    I'm eagerly looking forward to the next patch.

  14. Hi. I'm planning on starting a hack of my own on my site. I already have the story planned out and may or may not have some experienced spriters working with me. While I am studying tutorials to better understand programs such as nightmare, it would be wonderful if a hacker who had a better understanding of what to do lend me a hand. This includes; mapping, events, custom animations, game editing, classes, music inputting, etc.

    Please, any help would be greatly appriciated

  15. Hello Everyone!

    I joined Serenes only yesterday and so far everyone seems friendly.

    Not much to say personally. I have only been in America for three years and hope that my english is understandable. My favorite FE game is Thracia 77 6 dispite the frustation LOL.

    Anyways, I hope we can all get along, and I look forward to making friends with you. :):

    ALSO: If you are willing to help me out with some hack spriting, mapping, and events; let me know.

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