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Everything posted by PM ME MARIANNE ART

  1. Canon as in original classes (except Brady, he'll probably be sage). Decided on Cherche. What should the asset/flaw be? Strength?
  2. You probably already know this, but mire is also available from Gharnef's shop.
  3. You know, it seems like either way I will get a child I dislike, and a waifu I actually like. Leaning towards Cherche, because she's charming.
  4. Thanks for Sigurd's Lance! Awesome, Olivia's birthday and Frederick gets the present.
  5. I think they should have nerfed counter by making it only activate on one phase. Like players- player only and vice-versa.
  6. Virion x Nowi because blue hair Seriously though, STR-based Owain? I always wanted to try a SM!Owain for canon purposes, but he's just so much better as a mage. Other than that, I'd say it looks good. You could switch Vaike and Stahl for ULTIMATE SUPPORT UNIT ZERKER GEROME and perfect Severa, but either way will work. And if I were to happen to do a canon/original class tree run, how's this? Chrom x Sumia Frederick x Lissa Virion x Olivia (Will not change this, it's my OTP) Gregor x Mari Donnel x Sully Vaike x Cordelia Avatar x Cherche Stahl x Panne Ricken x Miriel Lon'qu x Tharja Gaius x Nowi Edited for Avatar x Cherche and Gregor x Mari.
  7. You're not coming off stern at all, I'm just a bit loopy. Avatar is +SKL, -DEF. 2nd gens are already paired. Inigo x Lucy, Owain x Morgan, Brady x Cynthia, Kjelle x Gerome, Laurent x Noire, Severa. Nah- I'll consider the DF option, but she's already with Yarne, and he needs the STR boost, but I suppose he'll mainly be with Gregor. Lucina- Bow knight? Never thought of that. I'll probably try it. Cynthia- I'll probably switch to Dark Flier. Owain- Yeah, he doesn't double ANYTHING. Inigo- I'm loving hero!Inigo, but I might change to assassin. Morgan- I'm using the infamous VV combo on her, and she can currently solo most non-rogues 3 levels, so I think she's fine. Brady- Sage is good. What about Dread Fighter to use Henry's STR mod? Kjelle- No GF is definitely a problem, but when I redo them, it won't be. Not to sound like a jackass, but what does BK have that hero doesn't? She'll also lose her incredibly nice axefaire to BK. Severa- She's rocking VV. Gerome- Paladin? All right. Yarne- Why Astra over deliverer? Laurent- Also VV. Noire- Yet again, at the risk of sounding like a jackass, I still don't see the downside of Dark Flier. So, I took another look at Libra/Olivia, and basically said, "Wait, magic Inigo? Libra x Olivia? This loopiness is worse than I thought." I'll probably use some Chrom!Inigo, because I'm not Inigo's father this time (Goes and cries). Yeah. Stuff. Also, where do you get the time to write out all these explanations?
  8. I think you're making more sense than I am. Sorry, I'm still a bit fuzzy because of a doctor's appointment this morning. Anyway, it's a bit late for this, but how are my current pairings? Kinda weird to be asking this, but oh well. Class/skill suggestions? Maybe pairing suggestions? EDIT: Redoing pairings, because I'm going to try something new (Like magic Inigo, yeah I rant about my hatred for Libra!Inigo and magic Inigo in general, but I'd like to try it once). Chrom x Maribelle Henry x Lissa Libra x Olivia Donnel x Sully MU x Sumia Vaike x Cordelia Gregor x Cherche Frederick x Panne Ricken x Miriel Lon'qu x Tharja Gaius x Nowi Inigo x Lucina Kjelle x Gerome Owain x Morgan Yarne x Severa Cynthia x Laurent Nah x Brady
  10. Luna is the best proc skill in the game. The rest of the skills Ricken passes are all outdone by it. Lifetaker is pretty cool, but Aegis is pointless when any class worth going into already has good res, and even if they didn't it doesn't activate often enough to be worth anything. I didn't realize you didn't have DLC, so I'm sorry for that. Updated Ricken!Owain (Still Sage) Luna DG+ (Or lifetaker, but DG+ is better) Tomefaire Galeforce Vantage That should work in the absence of DLC.
  11. Gaius and Stahl? My two favorites? Nooooooooooooooooooooooo... don't make me pick. After intense thinking, I picked Stahl.
  12. Not doing canonical classes because... taguel sucks. Actually, I'm not sure if I said this before, but this is so Yarne can be a frontliner. The one I'm currently using has Gregor!Yarne with LB, AT, Aggressor, Axefaire, and deliverer. Gregor supports him with Lb, Aggressor, Axefaire, AT, and AS+2. Oh, yeah, I forgot Gerome gets sage from Cherche. Doh, I missed. Anyway... Stahl!Yarne and Gregor!Yarne- Stahl gives Vantage, Astra, Swordfaire, Luna, and DG+. Gregs gives Vantage, Astra, Swordfaire, AT, and Sol. I'm gonna say Stahl!Yarne will be mainly a support unit while Gregor!Yarne will be a frontliner. Either will work amazingly, since he gets myrmidon and another amazing class from each. So it comes down to... Stahl!Gerome and Gregor!Gerome- Gerome should be used mainly as a support unit either way, but will function better with Axefaire and AT. It seems to me like both children want Gregor, yet only one will get him. Since Stahl gives more offensive skills and Yanre can be a better frontliner, even with Stahl as the father, you should do Stahl!Yarne and Gregor!Gerome. Pretend my above post does not exist.
  13. Lose Iote's Shield. The best way to avoid damage is to avoid getting hit.
  14. Iote's Shield is not that good, because for later game the best way to avoid damage is to avoid getting hit.
  15. I thought this was my question Stahl x Cherche, Gregs x Panne
  16. You shouldn't be taking damage with this setup. Aegis and pavise I guess would help, but even then, with pair up and brave weapons, they aren't going to do much. Might as well use their slot for increasing power. Also, I'm not sure who this is for, the setup I'm talking about is used for Gregor!Yarne.
  17. Wrath, Gamble, Focus, Anathema, Miracle? What? None of those are useful on the later enemies. Lissa x Ricken also gives a higher modifier, and luna, which is nice against later enemies. I'm not saying Lissa x Libra is bad, it's the third best non-MU (to Ricken, then Henry), I'm just saying you're not giving very good reasons in it's favor. Ricken!Owain: Sage Limit Breaker Galeforce Aggressor Tomefaire Luna
  18. Correction: Lissa x Ricken makes the best non-avatar Owain.
  19. Rant time: On my thread, "The most optimal pairings" I said Kellam!Yarne and Fred!Cherche. I would like to switch this. I think (assuming Yarne as Zerk) that Yarne would make better use of Fred than Cherche would. Gerome is going to be mainly a support unit, so tomefaire from Kellam can help him more than Yarne, since he could be used as a dread fighter. Yarne needs Fred's higher STR, and Gerome can make better use of Kellam's DEF. Fred also gives Yarne luna for easier sweeping as a berserker. This can let Yarne frontline and then be rescued out of danger without fear of the EP. The only thing Gerome misses from Fred is aegis, and if he is to be a support, it isn't necessary. Thoughts on this?
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