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Everything posted by PM ME MARIANNE ART

  1. I'd switch Kellam and Stahl. Inigo needs luna and his speed. Kellam!Gerome is quite good since he gets everything he wants from Fred barring aegis, which isn't necessary since he will be supporting,
  2. In paralogue 19, Morgan had three HP and Owain dual-guarded five times in a row.
  3. I made her a falcon knight once. It was horrible.
  4. Oh nice. Exactly what I recommend.
  5. Looks good. Here's a challenge for you: When you get Noire's confession, don't look at her chest.
  6. No, Ricken!Owain is used to spam magic as a sage, so the only physical class he would succeed in is dread fighter. You could try Kellam, but why have a mediocre sword user with luna when you can have an overpowered sage with luna instead? EDIT: If your heart is truly, completely, and utterly set on being a SM, which I still wouldn't recommend, you could shuffle Kellam to Panne and Vaike to Lissa. Then you would have a pretty good SM!Owain.
  7. Noire. She should get out of archer and into sorc or dark flier as soon as possible.
  8. That's what you can do without changing anything else. Also, finally another Stahl/Olivia user!
  9. That setup would be perfect. Ricken!Laurent means that Ricken is Laurent's father. If you want a third gen Morgan, marry a second gen who matches your asset that you put at the beginning of the game.
  10. Ricken is Owain's best non-MU father because of luna and a big boost to his already high magic. Final class should be sage for 51 magic and all around awesomeness. EDIT: Here's what I used for my Ricken!Owain- Sage: LB, GF, Aggressor, Tomefaire, Luna.
  11. Good luck with chapter three man, I can't beat it with a +Def Avatar.
  12. Stahl x Cordelia, Ricken/Libra x Lissa, then it will be perfect. EDIT: Oh, yeah, forgot about Maribelle. Then Stahl x Cordelia, Ricken x Lissa, Libra/Virion x Maribelle (Libra for Vengeance, Virion for overall more diversity)
  13. This is good, but you'll want to use Gregor somewhere. He's one of the best fathers in the game. And if you want a physical Inigo, which most people do, give Gregor to Cherche and Fred to Olivia.
  14. http://serenesforest.net/forums/index.php?showtopic=41881 Absolutely do not marry Stahl and Sully. It's terrible. Donnel and Sully is the best. Donnel x Nowi is overrated, MaMU/Nowi is the best, but Vaike is next if you want your avatar somewhere else. Olivia is best with Chrom, not Lon'qu. He's (As in Lon'qu) best with Maribelle, Cordelia, or Miriel. Actually- Chrom- Olivia, Sumia, Maribelle Lissa- Ricken, Henry, Libra Olivia- Chrom, Frederick, Stahl Maribelle- Henry, Lon'qu, Gregor Sully- Donnel, Vaike, Gaius Sumia- Henry, Chrom Cordelia- Stahl, Vaike, Lon'qu Cherche- Frederick, Vaike, Kellam MU- Nowi, Tharja, Sully (But he is everyone's best father) Panne- Gregor, Frederick, Kellam Miriel- Gregor, Lon'qu, Ricken Tharja- Gaius, Donnel, Lon'qu Nowi- Vaike, Gaius, Kellam Hope this helps!
  15. Here's a tip. Give your avatar VANTAGE. My character soloed lunatic chapter eleven, twelve, fifteen, and a bunch of child paralogues as a hero using...wait for it...hand axes. The path I used was tactician (20) -> myrmidon (10) -> merc (10) -> Hero (I ended up getting to like level 18 from soloing) -> GK (10) -> Grandmaster. Next time I'll probably replace GK with sorc for vengeance.
  16. You know, I disagree with you on a lot of things, but I think you just won. The explanation is perfect.
  17. I never really thought of Virion!Inigo as a magic user. I would try it, but I just can't use magic Inigo. It's more of a personal problem, nothing that I would want to discuss in an optimization thread.
  18. Doesn't Virion fulfill the hair color better? Not mention good supports and good for optimization. Also, @Lofraf, you know this from experience, I assume?
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