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Everything posted by Irysa

  1. Cormag looks really weird when he's smiling. Fuck look at the bottom center mug. What a smug motherfucker.
  2. Gilliam is level 14 right now and only has 6 speed (bang on average in fact wow). Great Knight Promo is + 2 and General is + 3, so he needs to proc another 3 or 4 in only 6 potential levels to tie with Duessel's base speed after promotion. That's not terribly likely. His str and durability are definitely going to be comparable, but Duessel's also got A rank in everything. Maybe Gil can get like another 2 levels after promotion before Duessel shows up to better his odds but I'm pretty sure Duessel would turn out speedier and more powerful, whilst Gil would be tankier.
  3. You can't use torch on maps without fog of war. Aside from Skirmishes, chapter 19 is your only real option to spam torch with L'Arachel unless you ship her a Torch Staff in her joining map, by which time the map is nearly over. That is not a reasonable solution for her. If you're grinding then it's largely irrelevant to the point of having finished the game by then anyway. Dozla is not a bad unit.
  4. The vast majority of people who consider the games really challenging have some sort of agenda centered around restricting themselves from trivialising the game, like spreading exp far too thin and avoiding using prepromotes. I considered FE7 a far harder game when I was still a noob and never used Marcus and tried to use EVERYONE, but Marcus can solo the game for a really long time even on HHM, and it's not even complicated, you just run him at enemies and he won't die and he kills everything.
  5. I don't think you know what that term actually means.
  6. Starting with C staff is basically the reason Priss owns. If you actually choose to use L'arachel, she needs 14 mends to get C, then 31 (lol) barrier uses (give or take) to make it to level 10. I would think by that time you probably finished the game!
  7. Cecila > All GBA Troubadors. (just kidding, Priss is 2gud. dat staff rank + competant mag base, AND red hair. Cecila is definitely better than the others though. I'd argue Cecila has better combat than Priss though, just because of weapon rank) L'arachel and her troupe are funny however.
  8. you did basically the same thread like last month dude http://serenesforest.net/forums/index.php?showtopic=42578&hl=difficulty copy pastaing my post from that thread. the only thing I would have to add to it is that as a series, the systems are ideal for self imposed difficulty, and that in itself is what adds a lot of longveity to many of the games even today.
  9. A lot of them correspond to the type of monster, but you don't have to get any of those cards to beat the game. Subweapons and the whip alone are fine enough as it is, Aria's souls ARE subweapons, so they have to be more available. Simply playing the game and making use of what random cards you get on your first playthrough is fine as it is, and adds some more dynamic replay value. On second playthroughs they also have different modes, like Magician Mode where you start with all 20 cards and have drastically reduced physical stats, meaning you have to make extensive use of the magic to beat the game. Other modes include Fighter mode; which has no cards, but your physical stats get buffed, shooter mode; nerfs your physical stats and buffs your subweapons, adds unique subweapons and reduces subweapon heart usage, and thief mode nerfs all your stats except for luck, which is massively boosted, which means you get tons of drops from enemies non stop.
  10. I think the bases are a bigger problem than growths. 30% isnt really awful at all. Garcia has 20% which is pretty bad but Gerik and Duessel's speed bases are enough to carry them through the game easily on 30%, whilst Moulder has no speed issues whatosoever. Gilliam is typically a lost cause but since he had to solo the early maps, with 1 wing and promo gains he should be fine. PS: For this playthrough, please don't let Duessel solo the game once you get him. He's more than capable of it.
  11. I hate you for pointing this out to me. ...now I actually want to use Garcia for once.
  12. You are specifically comparing Wendy to archers. That means Wendy's particular problems have to be looked at when using the comparison of raising her. The arena is a great source of exp for bow users, and she does not have an easy time in it at all. She is actually killed by enemy units rather easily due to the fact she is doubled by many enemies and doesn't even have a significant defence or hp buffer to make up for it. Taking it slowly with 3 healers or not, you need to actually feed her kills with other units weakening, and by doing it you will have accuracy problems because of the nature of FE6 that may result in her being counterkilled if she misses (with shitty skill), or sacrificing accuracy to keep her safer with 2 range. Taking it slowly is a god damn understatement when you consider her. Even trying to feed her kills in the first place can be problematic, because on NM many units simply ORKO, and on HM it's difficult to get her to safely take kills. Having poor base stats can be overcome by training but the point was that they actually suck when you get them and that is most certainly a choice by the developer. Early archers are consistently bad in almost every FE game, that is not some coincedence. I wasn't trying to say that enemy phase wasn't a problem, it's simply that it's far from being the ONLY problem. Training an archer, whilst obviously still hindered by lack of EP, becomes far easier when they can naturally do a lot of damage and ORKO by themselves without help. Even if you feed every kill on the early maps to most of your average chump archers, their bases and growths are unlikely to let them fufill that task without being 5+ levels ahead of everyone else, whilst your cavaliers are likely to be able to do it from base... One of the reasons Neimi does not suck phenomenally in casual play is actually because she IS capable of doing just that in FE8, because enemies are so weak and she has an explosive offensive support with Colm. Mages do not even need to be using specialised magic to be outputting higher damage than average compared to archers in most games due to crappy enemy resistance throughout. Bows are not limited to simply archers, bows as a weapontype are not fundamentally flawed, it is the class of being a foot bow locked unit with crap stats and "average" growths that is flawed. Cherrypicked counterexamples are not really the best comparison, and FE6 is one of the few games where bow locked units are actually quite useful.
  13. That's a bit too far. At least archers have accurate chip, typically have an easy time in the arena (first turn advantage vs other low def 2 range units), and 3x mt vs fliers is pretty useful in quite a few games. Wendy has zero advantages besides being a pink armor. When dondon says the games are "designed to make archers suck" he's not only talking about the whole enemy phase shit, they consistently show up with some of the worst bases in the series in almost every game without particularly good growth spreads, skills, or any real particular benefits. You would not believe what buffing the bases of some of those archers just a bit does to help make them better but IS seems hellbent on shoving Gordon's in every single game they make... They get obsoleted by mages for their role in most of the games too, as both classes are frail and need to be protected, but the mage consistently outputs higher damage due to hitting res, with similar high accuracy, yet mages also get utility via staves and even have specialised magic to deal with different enemy types, including the fliers the archers are supposed to niche. Not even counting that mages can fight at 1 range...or that other units can use 1-2 weaponry, or even just use bows and be tradeswapped back to an appropriate weapon. It's a complete fallacy to claim that casual play somehow makes archers better. Basically every map in every FE game has more enemies on it than you have playable characters, and guess what, those enemies will move to attack you whether you're a "casual" player or not. If you use an archer to kill enemies -enemies who are commonly grouped together- the inability to counter on enemy phase means that you either need to kill all the other enemies in range with different units, or you need to bail the archer out and position them safely, or else they will beeline the non countering target. Even a casual player could understand that if the latter happens, it's simply just a bad idea, it's poor strategy, you risk for no gain. To make the archer worthwhile, their chip actually needs to be important (ie, enemy offence is such that you cannot risk taking a counterattack and thus the target must be weakened safely), and their offence needs to not be mediocre (which basically every archer in the series suffers from to a great degree).
  14. Circle of the Moon. If I'm a little more objective then Order of Ecclesia I think is a very admirable game for actually having some challenge and having great classicvania design concepts. OoE as a game is sort of like the end of the full cycle starting from Simons Quest, where the RPG mechanics and exploration were initially introduced. The entire setup if the game is really similar, what with the central village and overworld, trying to revive the count so we can kill him, and how it leads up up to the final castle with Dracula himself, but the whole thing is just executed far far better and brings in the best of both worlds from Metroidvania and Classicvania. It's like a proof of concept, that the idea from all those years ago really could work if done again. In many ways, I also consider it proof against the common perception that metroidvanias were simply just junk abnegation games you played for familiarity and numbers going up. Most of you probably watched Egoraptor's sequelitis on Castlevania and most of his complaints against the Metrodivanias are pretty accurate, but I maintain that Circle of the Moon and Ecclesia function closer to the Classicvana school, which results in them having significantly more substance. CotM is my personal favourite for having the best magic system, the clunky movement I grew to love long ago, a selection of some of the best tracks in the entire series (and amazing original stuff), along with truckloads of replay value through the extra modes. And I like the art direction in it more than the others, although OoE is close and I don't DISLIKE Kojima's artstyle, it's just a bit too "gothic bishounen" for my taste (although it beats the crap out of the horrible anime stuff in DoS and PoR) I honestly get bored playing SotN beacuse it's far too easy and the only fun in it is just breaking the game. There's so little interactivity in fighting most of the enemies and bosses in the game, you just spam overpowered magic or do broken combinations of gear and try to skip as much as possible. About 90% of Aria souls are all really boring and a waste, although its a fairly solid game outside of that, and the premise/twist is cool (Dawn of Sorrow is so blegh though) Oh yeah, and I unintentionally sequence broke CotM when I first played it by missing the water purifier. I've done that before with super metroid and zero mission (as in, blind playthrough, skipped parts of the game I wasn't supposed to without realising), thats cool. [spoiler=Castlevania Tierlist] God Tier Circle of the Moon Order of Ecclesia Top Tier Castlevania Castlevania 3 Dracula X Chronicles Chronicles Bloodlines High Tier Aria of Sorrow (Julius mode for high tier if he had a proper mode that he wasn't a god in) Portrait of Ruin Harmony of Dissonance (fix Juste's shitty jump and some of the awful music and this would be a top tier game) Curse of Darkness Okay Tier Symphony of the Night Lament of Innocence Blegh Tier Dawn of Sorrow Simon's Quest Castlevania 4 (so many things that don't well sit with me about this remake...) Rondo of Blood (the original has so many problems) Not Castlevania Tier Lords of Shadow Try-to-forget-it-ever-happened Tier Mirror of Fate Haven't played Tier 64/Legacy Adventure/Legacy/Rebirth Arcade Harmony of Despair Judgement
  15. Wait, so in your actual attempt they need to crit/astra/stun in all those scenarios that you proc adept in this video? What's the critrate like? That seems crazy.
  16. Miledy should have won the last poll, screw this thing forever Tiki, DS, Twix. So many hours wasted in high school playing MKDS at lunch with people.
  17. Yet another example where a lack of Shin can hurt. I failed to mention it in the video, but once again, due to Shin's higher con, HM bonuses and promo gain + reliable speed procs, he easily doubles the bolting sage with a longbow, wheras Igrene requires a wing or 2 procs of speed in order to manage it. Fortuantely, I have the latter so I get to use a speedwing on Alan. 16x
  18. I'm actually inclined to believe that Toothache because Windam seems to always pick Igrene in my dry runs over anyone else. EDIT: Derp actually I forgot about Douglas, Windam should be picking him if that was the case. I got a strat planned out but I ended up giving in and just burning one RN on turn 1 to make the rest of the map work out (yet again, I accidentally burnt the RN initially whilst moving in the first place and stuff just...fell into place). Going to do a video since its nice and short.
  19. Can anyone explain how the AI priorty targeting works for FE6/GBA Berserk Staff users? Is it just highest hitrate or do offensive stats get worked in there too? I'm trying to 3 turn but since my bosskiller is Dieck getting him far up enough to be warped effectively raises a couple of issues. I can potentially use Lance instead, but what I was trying to do was have Dieck and Roy get warped to the boss on turn 3, as Saul has 13 Warp Range which can allow for it. This lets me just restore any problematic berserks without having to worry about getting Windam to zerk someone else on turn 2 EP, but knowing the priorities would help.
  20. I play both when I feel like it, there isn't that much of a difference imo since in both scenarios you rely on basically two face buttons and 4 directions. I like my pad for the Tellius FE's more because I tend to actually sit back on my bed and emu native them to high resolution + fullscreen, wheras handheld/old ones don't look as good if you do that. This is most certainly predictable, you can see my FE6 run 14x uses a suspend > restart to get a favourable RN string for the boss to roll low on defence (this always happens if you fresh load 14x and suspend -> restart). Everything in GBAFE is 100% replicable on handheld a if you preform all the exact moves, including suspend restarts, since the RN string will always start at the same place. Nah, definitely not.
  21. Yeah I wasn't willing to take that chance, since Igrene is KO'd if she misses him then gets hit twice (which are both about equally likely) Oh by the way, how'd you get the Purge bishop to keep prioritising Fae on turn 2 in your run? Whenever I had anyone else in range with her he'd always try to hit them instead, but you have Percival in range and he chooses to attack Fae.
  22. [spoiler=Chapter 16 part 2] Cath gets recruited and runs away from the reinforcements. On reconsideration I should have really had Percival more prepared to come out and kill these dudes instead of looting...I give his chest keys to Sue and try to get him out to help. Kinda wish I had the Brave Lance up here right now... I start chipping this non moving dragon so Fae can kill it once Astol steals the gem it's holding. Another surprisingly solid growth from Cecila (considering her growth rates) By now Douglas woke up again so I put him to sleep once more. Dieck is done looting over here. Astol is going to go steal the gem off the dragon, and Alan got danced so he can go help out Percival with the reinforcements. Lalum needs to stay here so I can dance Roy once he gets rescuechained back to the throne room. Lance will be dealing with the mercs from the east. I got hit this time but again, I returned. Still no crit though, but a solid growth. People tend to underestimate Igrene, 35% in str and spd on top of her great bases is pretty fucking good. I have Saul here to top her off so we're not in trouble...yet. Next turn, steal the gem, Fae takes the kill. Speed is always good! I might throw him a skillbook though, 13 skill isn't too hot for this point in the game with lances/axes. Lance still taking on the east. Miledy and Thany still working on the wall. I'm going to have to let this one slide since I really can't afford to waste any more time making sure she was out of range of this guy or getting Thany to kill him instead of hitting the wall. Fae <3 About fucking time. Boom. Narcian is the guy you love to hate. More speed is neat. Rescue chains from Cecila and co and a dance from Lalum mean I can seize right now but I have a few things left to do. Thany finally breaks the wall, and Zeiss gets recruited. I trade for the cards, and buy an Angelic Robe. Cath and Sue get the last chests on this side of the map. I clean up a few kills here and there for some exp. Alan is really always going to be in the shadow of Lance. Roy seizes turn 14
  23. This chapter is significantly more annoying without Shin or Klein because both Igrene and Sue are doubled by Narcian with the brave bow, meaning I had to take quite a while to KO him via just stalling with EP killer bow action. Typically Shin HM base + promo gains and a few reliable speed procs means he doesnt get doubled using the brave bow making Narcian easy to kill. Even if I dumped a speedwing on Igrene it wouldn't help so I didn't bother. Also this is really messy in the last few turns but it turned out alright thankfully. [spoiler=Chapter 16 part 1] Hoo boy, this chapter is daunting. The enemies are not as strong as they were compared to our party in 14, but there is simply so much to do on the map, along with reinforcements that can bog you down if you aren't prepared. Siege magic and status staves start to become much more frequent as the game progresses from now on, along with some cheeky enemies that hide in areas that are otherwise unreachable. Warpskipping is an option but there are so many valuable resources on the map that it's not really something I like doing. Narcian isn't normally a very hard boss because of the brave bow, all you need to do is steal his delphi shield then have Shin fight him on EP with it, but as I outlined, he's rather painful here. An alternative is Wyrmslayer!Percival, but he needs his HM bonuses to double him. My last alternative was Wyrmslayer!Lance, but he's one point short of doubling and I didn't want to use a speedwings on him since he's doing fine as it is anyway. All in all, just sitting Igrene with Killer on EP was the best choice I had. First things first though, dump Fae here to make a rather accurate Purge Bishop waste charges on her. Fae has 26(!) resistance at base and does not lose dragonstone charges for being attacked unless she retaliates, making her a fantastic unit for soaking up siege magic and status staves. This looks familiar to dondon's 0% 16 opening strat but I swear this is basically what I've always done on this map to open with. Base Igrene also just barely KO's here with the longbow, which is really helpful since it means you don't have to deal with any siege magic on this side at all. My rescuedropping leaves a lot to be desired as usual...I had to deploy MIledy this map for recruiting Zeiss, even if he won't be used, and to that end she's going to carry Roy up the eastern passage so he can recruit Hugh. She's carrying the silver card, a door key and a javelin, beacuse frankly I can't spare that many units to break the wall down so MIledy has to do SOMETHING. Miledy will avoid combat though. The best part about Fae is that she's so slow she gets doubled by all siegers, resulting in very fast burning of their magic on no damage at all. I've always liked how the music just cuts out in the battle animations when silence is used. Next turn, Igrene critkills an otherwise annoying Merc. I can kill him with Lance but critrates are just not cool to deal with. On the west, my positioning is such so as to avoid anyone being in the Bishop's range but Fae (who moved east a bit to come round). There is also an aircalibur mage with a red gem to steal that needs to be baited down so Astol can reach him first. There's a fighter to the north but I'm not worried about him since Percival and Thany are both quite durable. Fuck yeah Alan. Fuck no Alan D: Lance kills the Silence Bishop after being danced. My rescue drop choice here may seem odd, but I want everyone else moved up as far as possible, and Lalum will be dancing Miledy next turn anyway so her being further back doesn't matter. I'm paying! Although not full price... Lance ORKO's almost as good as HM bonus Percival does! Tink tink. he's down to one charge now. Fuck yes Alan! I dance Miledy and have Roy get dropped up here. With the gem stolen, Sue critkills the mage. Thany may have more resistance but she lacks the str to ORKO the nearby mage (underneath Percival's portrait) with a javelin. I have her bring Fae up inastead. Ouch. He's out of Purge charges now though so both sides of the map are clear of status and siege. Gotta credit dondon for this one, since I somehow never thought of it before, but a Nomadic Trooper with Barrier is a great unit to pick off one of the mages on EP and bait the Paladin over a bit through the wall. Can't do much here since I don't want to actually be in Hugh's range so I just move people up and wait. Sue crits again with her short bow this time (needs to use it to not get weighed down and double) Crits wouldn't even matter vs this guy though, too durable. Yeah, no. Declined down to this, RIP. In runs that I don't actually dump exp into Lugh, I do tend to recruit him at max cost though since his instant promote to sage offers some damn solid stats to blick Wyverns with. Fuck yeah Alan. Miledy actually unlocked the door for Dieck last turn, but he could only reach the dragon a turn later. Dieck has 5 chest keys to loot the chests here, he won't be doing much else on the map. Hugh and Saul deal with this otherwise scary horseslayer knight so my Paladins aren't in any danger. I feed Fae a kill on the other side of the map, since she's a pretty useful unit and not that hard to raise. It's not quite enough to level up though, even with the tinking exp. This is pretty much all Dieck gets to do for the rest of the map. How the mighty have fallen. :( Oh yeah and Miledy took Hugh's Member Card last turn too. I think. Killer crits are everywhere this map. Igrene is such a useful unit. I put Douglas to sleep because I really fucking hate trying to deal with his AI and Berserk/Silence are more important later than sleep for Niime anyway. Trying to keep an aggressive unit alive is just not fun. Fae also has a Door Key. Percy and Thany kill the Paladin, whilst Fae is rescued out of the Merc's range. She actually levels up over the obligatory 1 combat exp from the javelin'ing knight. :V Next turn, Thany kills the mage, Percival and Sue kill the Merc. I got proven wrong again, Roy got to help kill the purge bishop with Igrene. Another stupid horseslayer knight is up there so I have Saul go kill them on EP and keep my Paladins back. Although I fail at math so he could have actually died...he didn't so whatever. If anything goes wrong here Astol can rescue Sue, no worries. Man, so many clutch killer bow crits I get Cecila to heal Sue and have Thany go up to bait the last Bishop. People move up and stuff on the other side of the map, nothing interesting. No crits this time on EP :( I'm getting reminded of my FE11 H5 Shiida now... The crits just don't end today. Elsewhere, Percival used a door key and started getting ready to loot with Sue (who is carrying chest keys). Roy is heading over to recruit Cath, MIledy heads to break the wall, Alance do some rescuedropping, Thany finished off the bishop, Astol heads over to the boss, and everyone else is kinda chilling in the throne room. I'm so glad I can get you out of the way now. Percival and Sue start looting. With Lalum I get both of Narcian's items stolen in one turn, and rescuedrop people out of harms way. Like I said though, Igrene simply has to wait and go for killer bow EP combat sadly. :\ Cecila and Thany get Roy into position to recruit Cath. Thany goes to help Miledy out with the wall and kill some reinforcement mages next turn. I love his battle lines. No crit this time but at least I dodged and connected back.
  24. I should have said suggest statboosters on the units listed in the stats :V [spoiler=Chapter 17] This chapter looked rather easy but there are some nuances that can complicate it a bit. Fortify bishops :( (Special shops you say? Like...a secret shop? ho ho) Siege magic is lame. Luckily he can't really hit anything and Shiida can easily reach him when the door gets opened. Oh yeah and the boss. He's problematic because he immunes magic so no excalibur/aura crit > easy cleanup. I had a plan to make Shiida into a Swordmaster and have her used a forged Wrymslayer to kill her, but then I remembered that I'm stupid and there's a Dragonpike. So I forged a +4 mt +10 hit for her. She can one round him easily with this. These thieves are jerks and try to steal another warp staff. I'll go into detail about how I deal with them later. And these guys are assholes. As if capped skill and speed wasn't bad enough, they're actually lying. I got warned about this earlier, but I noticed anyway because of their avd. Despite having 0 luck, and not being on any special terrain, the dragon has 25 avd. Which basically means that's actually 25 speed. So to not get doubled, you have to be Shiida. Fortunately that's another reason to make a strong Dragonpike for her. Oh yeah and, I made Sedgar a Hero. I thought before I could buy arms scrolls at the secret shop but you can't, so I really need to start building his weapon ranks, at the least getting to D rank for Hand Axes. Okay lets go! Originally, the plan was to have a ballistician chip one of the bishops, then have Barrier!Shiida kill without taking a counter, and be able to survive and take out the sniper and other bishop next turn. Unfortunately...the thieves cause problems because on by turn 3, they are in range of the top left Dragon. Who wrecks everyone but Shiida. So I have to have Shiida run up the western passage to get him out the way STAT so that I can get rid of the thieves safely. Unfortunately, the first dragon does not move unless you are in his range. This raises 2 problems because there is an aggressively moving bolganone mage to the north. The dragon has to die on turn 2, but the mage also needs to die or he causes problems. So that means Shiida needs to be able to kill the mage on turn 2, which means the dragon must already be weakened. Beacuse there are two fortify bishops, they will heal the dragon if he takes damage from Shiida (she puts him to about 7 hp with the forge), enough to the point where even Aura!Lena cannot kill him. So to start, one of the fortify bishops must die on turn 1, and the only units that can safely do it are my Ballisticians. I choose the one who drops a fortify staff, so that it is not used at all and I get a full use one. As you can see though, the hitrate is rather less than ideal with stonehoist. To make matters worse, if the bishop rolls high on hp or def then I can't rely on the much more accurate hoistflame to KO him afterwards and have to trade for the stonehoist and try again. Odds really aren't in my favor on this. :( Eventually I get lucky from resets and he rolled lower on hp, allowing me to get the KO with hoistflame. I'm pretty sure speed is useless for you but I won't say no to strength! Catria will K.O this enemy mage on EP with her javelin. Whilst Shiida runs up near the dragon with her shiny new forge (obviously since I can't KO him on PP he'd just kill me on EP if I attacked now so I have to wait) Lena will be finishing him off next turn, and Merric probably healing Shiida up so she can take out the next Dragon quickly. Marth and the rest take the other passage to cut the thieves off and clear out the knights. Oh yeah and Julian tags along to open chests <_< Not for long. Dynamic duo at work The positioning of these knights is really random and can basically break my attempt. Sometimes both of them position themselves in such a way that Marth cannot safely KO one after Sedgar has chipped it, because he is in range of the Hero below. This time however, Sedgar can chip one, bait the hero, and marth can finish off the other. Even if he apparently isn't very useful lategame, 9 mov with forged rapier isn't anything to sniff at, so I don't regret raising him. Depending on the dragon's resistance rolls, this is either barely a KO or close enough. Technically I could have spirit dusted Lena and then had her use an Elfire or something instead but whatever. Thats a Lena level up alright. For a 20% growth in mag whilst a curate he's not really been doing too badly. Just barely! I don't actually need to OHKO the mage with a silver here since she's baaarely bulky enough to take it but since I need her for tanking shortly after, this is a good thing to do. And another shiny green number for Paladin. Poor Beck and Jake have basically nothing else to contribute on this map now. Now, we have to clear up the remaining enemies here without aggroing the sniper or the Dragon. Sedgar chips for Marth again, whilst Cain and Abel throw javelins at the Hero, before Barst takes the kill. Clear! Instead of having her KO the Dragon, I get her to chip so Marth can get fed another kill. Julian actually pulls some weight because he's one of the only units aside from Shiida who isn't doubled by these thieves and I don't want her to take them, as the exp dump is better spent on someone else. Abel gets one, and Catria gets the other (with Sedgar's help) At this rate I can probably promote her at 12. I have Shiida move down to bait the sniper with a javelin. Her position is so that the sniper can actually be attacked by two units, since if he's in the door or just below it I'd have to use chip + 1-2 to finish him off. Then I get Cain to save because the sniper has a forged killer bow. She has just enough EHP to survive one attack, and her massive luck stat negates a lot of his crit, but not all of it. Better safe than sorry! Close call, but calculated. Barst takes the kill next turn. What the fuck man, that's Lena's job, not yours. D: Good thing we have that save... I would have resetted until he got str anyway, seeing as once he promotes (which is basically like, after this chapter), he goes down to 20% str growth as a Hero, meaning he needs to get as much as he can out of his 40% while he can. Shiida actually crits him back...not what I want for once. Annnd then I GET crit... And then she crits once and misses the other...(we've almost exhausted every possibility here lol) Barst KO's for a stellar final tier 1 level up. Now all I have to worry about is the mages. Cain baits, Catria cleans up. Then Barst baits and Cain cleans up. Looting time! Everyone else starts running back over, Merric doles out more heals. I lied, Beck and Jake do get to help out again with this dude. Merric hits 20 whilst healing everyone up, and then promotes next turn. The reason this takes so long is because I'm being a derp and lugging Julian ALL the way over to open the door instead of just using a door key. He'll be going straight back to sage next map. Julian's almost here! Pop a save with Shiida and get everyone into position to storm the door. From the save to the Bishop, its exactly 10 tiles. :themoreyouknow: I bet she probably procced speed too but yeah, caps. Paladin str growth is better than DK but only by like 5%, impressed to see it happen again. A staves for Merric! Although he's undoubtedly dropping back to B when he reclasses to sage but w/e B Swords for Marth (Silvers yay), Sedgar and Catria kill the other Knight. Now its just the boss. I spoke too soon... Pfft, chump. :V Marth could seize but I want to visit the secret shop with my silvercard/vipcard Catria. I looked up where it was, but whatever, here it is. I bought two longbows, two poleaxes, and a killer axe. Marth seizes turn 17. :( ;_;7 Chapter 17 turns - 17 Total turncount - 273 [spoiler=Unit Stats] UNIT CLASS LEVEL HP ST SK SP LC DF RS WEP LEVEL MARTH LORD 14.22 30 12 11 14 16 11 01 B SWORD SHIIDA PALADIN 11/08.92 39 15 19 25 21 13 06 A LANCE E SWORD CAIN CAVALIER 13.69 28 14 13 12 09 11 00 D SWORD C LANCE ABEL CAVALIER 13.67 28 12 13 14 06 10 00 D SWORD C LANCE BARST HERO 15/01 38 19 22 21 10 13 00 B AXE D SWORD CASTOR HUNTER 14.22 27 13 11 13 07 06 00 B BOW CATRIA PEGASUS KNIGHT 10.73 25 12 12 18 10 09 06 C LANCE SEDGAR HERO ??/10.65 45 15 19 20 06 17 02 D SWORD E AXE (C LANCE C BOW) LENA SAGE 20/05.16 27 15 15 15 22 05 18 B TOME A STAFF MERRIC SAGE 20/01 37 13 16 17 12 06 13 C TOME B STAFF OGMA MERCENARY 12.60 30 12 16 16 07 09 00 B SWORD CORD FIGHTER 10.64 26 14 08 14 12 07 00 C AXE JULIAN THIEF 09.68 22 09 11 16 12 07 00 D SWORD
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