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Everything posted by Irysa

  1. Maybe it's just because it's early in the poll but I swear on any other board you'd have people gushing over Hector instead of Pent actually winning. (go Pent)
  2. Neph has no chance of beating Haar now sady (I still voted for her). Best class, best girl, best outfit. RIP in peace Neph. OTOH Jill is beating Marcia, whoo. Marcia's new hairstyle in 10 reminds me of Tanith, yuck.
  3. http://serenesforest.net/fe6/support/143.html This isn't a particularly special support (I might talk about some I like later), but I did think it was neat that it actually talks about affinities, supports, and their roots as a thing in Fire Emblem, not just mechanically, but canonically! I don't believe any other game in the series does this.
  4. It's alive! Sorry, the bases/growths thread in general meant I got a huge itch to play FE6 again, but I didn't forget about 11! Unfortunately despite what I said about grinding reinforcements with Sedgar, he turned out invaluable yet again (lol crutch) in defending against surprise buttfuck reinforcements. [spoiler=Chapter 12] It turns out for once (or rather, the second time if you count Gale in 6) that a portraited non generic enemy who isn't a boss is actually NOT recruitable in a game D: He has another master seal which will probably go to Lena since she's incredibly close to hitting level 20. Being a Paladin means he'll get smashed up though, but the spot he's in is kinda odd (it's locked). He's carrying a key though so I'm expecting him to burst out of there at some point anyway. The boss looks kinda intimidating but since he's slowed down by his Tome, his speed isn't THAT high. My Shiida is retarded strong and can one round him but there shouldn't be any problems with barriering someone like Wendell to chip im first if I didn't have a god of death flying around. He has two healers next to him who are probably going to be more annoying than anything else Wait, did I say more annoying than anything else? LOOK AT THIS ASSHOLE. The spot he's on combined with stats means that unless you one round him after opening the door, that unit is dead (unless it's Sedgar with a Door Key) There is also a General standing right next to the door uuuuggh. The sniper's hp is abnormally high so one rounding him will be hard unless I rig a crit. These guys hit pretty much as hard as the boss, and will oneshot nearly everybody without a large amount of HP and Res. Guess who can ORKO both of them and survive with a barrier boost? :V This guy has another Warp staff, holy shit. It's like they're ASKING me to use warp. (the other guy has another armorslayer, and I havent even used my first yet) Number 1 important thing that is total bogus and annoying in how you start this map, you can't see the prisoners until the map starts. There are only 2 safe spots in the prison because of this mage, and he will obliterate basically everyone inside that cell, and there's no way to make it over there. I'm going to have to warp over there to save them. However once again that Mage hits REALLY hard, so being able to oneshot him would be ideal (you can't afford to Barrier before Warping, unless you have two Staff users). Barst OHKO's with Devil Axe, but if you want something more reliable, Minerva with her Axe also can do it. Observations like these make me really appreciate the design that goes into these games. Almost forgot about this guy. Christ, he has better stats than the boss of the last chapter. He will actually double Ogma lol. However Excalibur and Wyrmslayer will still kill him without any problems. Starting lineup. Sedgar laughs at your puny damage. omg I got 2x def. I think that's 10%. Feeding Julian kills is worth it...really. He gets better level ups than people like Cain <_< I should have probably done this before trying to kill thieves. Anyway, please don't die... Phew. With that mage dead, There are exactly 5 safe spots in the prison, which means everyone can survive. As for everyone else, Shiida went to pull the Knights, everyone else stayed out of range. Ah shit, these guys move. Still, if I barrier Shiida she'll be able to engage with her Javelin and be fine so I'm not too worried. Just have to top her up first then barrier her next turn. Since my Hammer user is on the other side of the map, I chip this guy down the old fashioned way (Magic), before Abel kills him. The other knight was killed by Marth's rapier. God dammit Lena. Barst oneshots his way out of here (I actually made that Hammer +3 and it's still oneshotting) Ah crap, reinforcements....at least the amounts here look managable. As expected, this guy started running up too. I should be able to kill the mages in time before he shows up so I'm not worried, but with the reinforcements coming in from the back and Shiida needed on the front, Sedgar will have to hold the back line. With a barrier boost, she only takes 16 damage from the first mage. The other mage has less mt than the other, so whilst it might look like she'll die after attacking this guy, she's safe and will KO them both come EP. Sedgar is going to be sitting on a Pillar with a javelin to tank those reinforcements. Popped a battle save. I didn't REALLY need to do this since it's so early but what the hell, it's here. She actually dodged the second mage anyway but she'd have been fine, trust me. Since I at least did bring the Ridersbane on Abel, between Sedgar's EP, Castor, and two Ridersbane attacks I should be fine. ...unless more show up... SEDGAR SMASH. Mopped them up fine, and since it takes them 2 turns to get up here I can retreat and let Sedgar tank again. Lena will have to Physic him to heal though since I need her to heal up Shiida so that.... She can defend against Heimer's platoon from the bottom. Another master seal! Promo items everywhere. I might regret this but since there was a battle save done anyway I may as well start looting and risk the wrath of the general so I can know for later. Still gets Shiida smashed, Marth and Merric got the other Cav...also, the general didn't aggro. Ogma banks his armorslayer from Marth and takes out the Wyrmslayer. Both he and Merric can barely make it to hit the dragon starting form outside his range. Barst coming down here was completely pointless. Maybe he can help out with the reinforcements (who are still flowing out every 2 turns...) Not much changed but Sedgar is topped up thans to Physic. These guys are annoying because I have to actually pick end turn instead of running out of units to move :( haw haw. I don't need to waste any more Physics since Lena can make it to heal him manually until these fucking reinforcements stop. Abel's level up this chapter was not much better than Cain's... I'm also kind of miffed about using up my Ridersbane. The others might make it over in time to save some uses with extra chip though. Ohhh neat, maybe I can dump that on Lena to help her use Aura... Calculations all work out and I can pretty much exactly KO this Dragon without any problems. This is one of the best things about FE imo, the transparency of the damage formula really helps you with planning sutff like this out. Ogma isn't a chump like Cain and Abel so he knows how to actually level up properly. Julian can't open that last chest because the sniper will gib him otherwise so he's off to maybe steal get more exp. They just keep coming... At the least I can easily save some Ridersbane uses now, which is kinda in high demand since people that aren't Marth and Shiida can easily kill cavs with it. Sigh... At least Cain manages to do better this time. Another mag proc makes up for your empty growth last time! Shiida even made it back in time to kill a horseman and get 2nd level up in DK. I'm sort of hoping she DOESN'T keep getting str because really, she's strong enough as it is. The worst thing about this sniper is that even though it looks like a pillar, that shit south of him is a wall, and the boss blocks the chokepoint to him. You HAVE to kill him through the door. :\ SEDGAR STILL SMASHING. RAWR. Julian deserves this exp for opening chests. <_< I like raising thieves okay. It just tends to make things less frustrating in later chapters, especially since this game has no rescue ferrying. Also the reinforcements appear to have finally stopped. I could start baiting out the archers here but Sedgar is slow enough as it is and needs to get his ass to the door deal with the sniper STAT. I can do the same thing with Castor anyway (since these archers won't double). Castor baits and chips on EP, Ogma KO's, the second archer goes after Ogma the next turn, Ogma chips and Castor KO's. Simple. You have got to be fucking kidding me, the priests heal the sniper too...you're supposed to stay on the boss you jerks. At the least, with another round or two of chip, I can just let Julian open the door and let Shiida KO the bastard so this won't take THAT long. Die you fucker. This is the second silver bow I've gotten that has been wasted trying to kill to Sedgar. I dont bother hitting the other priest since he'll just get healed and nobody can 2 range chip for the kill right now anyway. Abel was running round the entire map to check out that bottom armory in the meantime. They sell Killers so I bought an extra one. And a steel sword. No need for more silvers, or another armorslayer. Castor really looks a lot better in his SNES portrait, I'm getting sick of seeing his face. Cord was so useful last chapter even with only Irons, if I ever replay this game I'll just bench Castor and let Cord or Draug be hunters instead. You motherfuckers. The priests ran back to the boss. Now i need to kill the Priests on the same turn the boss dies...luckily Shiida one rounds him anyway, but the priests are actually kinda fast so... GUESS WHO CAN DOUBLE THE PRIEST? RAISING JULIAN WAS TOTALLY WORTH IT Sedgar chipped the priest and Julian cleaned up, after saving of course. Shiida wrecks the boss. God dammit Barst, I'm not standing for this. I just battle saved and that boss is a chump so a few resets later.. Much better. Meanwhile Julian cleans house on the other priest and gets a perfect level up (2% res does not count) Marth could seize but I need to get Julian down to that last chest so I have to wait... Definitely worth running him over! But who should the boots go to? Marth is already a 7 mov unit! With some more healing to go around, Lena finally caps out and hits level 20. She'll get promoted to bishop or sage next map. Marth seizes. Chapter 12 turncount - 23 Total turns - 191
  5. I did forget that FE6 doesn't double total WEXP on kill, it just makes it the fatal hit into 2. That means I can't even expect to get 4 for doubling and killing something...ugh. C is definitely unrealistic. Too bad there's no Arms Scrolls in 6. Quick promotion will still be important for her I think though. Making Lance a bosskiller sounds like a good idea, especially since he's reasonably close to getting to B support with Roy, who is undoubtedly going to be nearby whenever the boss is being attacked (extra hit and crit is always good). It would also potentially mean in maps without severe terrain cutting needed, Lance will need no help to rush the boss himself whilst Thany carries Roy behind him. The branching promo thread really makes me wish Lugh could be a Mage Knight. MageKnight!Lugh promoted right now would let me bench Clarine lol.
  6. Henning was kind of annoying because nobody can double him (even with the steel blade equipped), and the hitrates are garbage due to his high speed + the throne, but overall it's a simple chapter. I hope that this isn't too long winded for people reading, but I'm trying to make it a bit more interesting instead of flat summaries now. Still don't know if Lugh should get promoted at 10. He has been fed a LOT of exp and at he doubles a lot of things, and can definitely start ORKOing many enemies, and assist in bosskilling thanks to the massive mag boost he gets on promotion. Saul also is not desperately needing a promo until 14x, by which time there is another ring. [spoiler=Chapter 8x] As everyone knows, this gap over here allows for you to skip a large amount of the map. Unfortunately with only one flier, you have to do some rescue-give shenanigans to have Thany ferry Roy and your bosskiller over quickly. I'm not in a particular rush, but since Dieck gets chump EXP here anyway, and the majority of it is going to try to get Lance another two levels, there's no real reason for me to take my entire team round the long way. There are some pretty easy kills for Roy along the way but to be honest he'll still struggle to keep up with Alan and Lance blazing through it so it's irrelevant. Secondary problem is that this mage has Aircalibur, which will hurt quite a bit. Dieck ORKO's him but a barrier boost means I don't have to have Saul carried over to to sustain him whilst he tries to kill the boss. A Vulnerary alone should suffice as long as he's topped up beforehand. Fuck this guy's speed. He's weighed down by his Steel Blade by 4, so his AS is 14 but even my fastest unit in Dieck is at 16 AS (yet again another case of no Rutger pains). The hitrates are garbage too but he has a handaxe, and I got a light brand in the previous chapter...since I'm not doubling anyway I have a plan to weigh the odds a bit more in my favor. Lugh has pretty nice avoid so I can afford to throw him into range of the Fighters with Handaxes and the Steelbow Archer on turn 1. He faces 30~ish disp hitrates, aside from the Archer, who is like 50. Fire is more expendable than Javelins (and more accurate for that matter anyway). Alan, Lance and Clarine along with him will be taking the long way around. To the left, Sue Roy Thany Dieck and Astol head off. Thanks to her extra str procs, Thany is capable of doing some serious damage to otherwise annoying sword users, who are nigh impervious to being doubled by most units (unless you're Rutger...) She's also really good at killing Mages that put dents in everybody else, although here Marcus and Zealot are usually fine due to high starting res. Dieck... ...you rock (I can't believe how balanced his stats are staying). This also means he can double the chapter 9 boss now, hooray! 17 AS also means he can double most Mercs for the next few chapters. Could be worse...fed the kill to Roy by having Astol chip in as well. Lance is still trucking along. He's significantly above his str average now, but most other things look normal. BTW, since both Cavs hit D Swords I'm trying to get their Lance ranks up now. Lance is already in C but Alan needs a lot of work to get catch up. Fire is pretty uncool. Don't mind me, just staffbotting. Dieck needs to be in top shape for fighting the boss, and will get a barrier boost next turn for the Aircalibur mage. Since buffs in FE don't go down whilst you're being rescued, he gets to have an acceptable +5 by the time he makes it to the mage. Thany and Sue got fed kills on the fighters with help from Roy and Astol. Thany needs just about 2 more kills to hit level 10, and there are conveniently 2 non aggressive enemies for her to whack after she gets Roy and Dieck across the chasm. Alan can't ORKO this fighter with Iron, and fails to double with Steel. Lance could ORKO with Steel, and so could Lugh, but to save weapon uses all round I instead have Lugh kill the Merc, Alan bonk the fighter once with his Steel sword, and Lance finish it off with an Iron. Another 20% disp hit connect...hopefully he can get the same kind of low RN string Dieck had before. Alan stays average. <_< I guess his skill is better than usual but everything else is pretty much bang on for his level. He won't have doubling problems vs the axemen in Western Isles at least and he hits pretty hard. Regardless of stats, and levelups like these (he hasn't procced mag in ages), Lugh is still pretty useful with exp dumped into him just for hitting res. I still don't know if I want to quick promote him. Completely standard Clarine levelup. Horsing people around is all well and good but she'll never make it to Physic since I favor Saul so much, as I want him at A Staves and high mag for warping. I'm probably dropping her for Cecilia anyway. I feel that everytime good units get good level ups I'm punished by getting crap ones and counterattacks on everyone else... The Aircalibur mage doesn't move out of the boss room so I don't have to waste hand axes on him. Dieck's drop spot means he reaches him in exactly 2 turns at 12 tiles (which is just in range of the other fighters whom he can mop up before taking on the boss. Thany's off to grab Roy. Sue rescued Saul and she and Astol are running around the long way in a vain hope to maybe get some exp. Lance can actually ORKO fighters with his Iron Sword which is p.impressive for this point in the game due to the large hp pools of enemies. Barely able to kill this guy in two attacks thanks to support bonuses. Lance is really near to level 14 now, if he can proc speed then with promo gains he'll hit 17 AS, meaning he's capable of doubling most of these assholes along with Dieck and Thany, which will really help. Having mopped up the throne room, now I can groan at shitty hitrates. However as I said before, he has a Handaxe, so instead of flailing around with 50% hitrates trying to crit him, I stand at 2 range with the Light Brand to force him to swap. Then I get about 60~ disp hit with KE due to WTA, which is not a big improvement but better than nothing. Lance is still killing things left and right. I get hit with his handaxe but counter it at 40 with Light Brand. Meanwhile Lance kills the second last fighter on the map and gets another glorious levelup. Since he procced speed, I'm promoting him now for 17 AS to fuck Mercs with. Thany got hit by the other fighter and nearly died to fire. Yikes. Clarine was carrying around his Knight Crest (Thany is carrying her own Whip). Lance is now nearly Dieck on a horse, and he can use Killers with C swords. He isn't far too off hitting A Lances for Silver either. Speaking of Killers, this asshole has one so watch out. Luckily he's one of the nonaggressive enemies so I can bonk him with Lugh until he's safe to kill. Also speaking of Killers, time to gamble on a crit to kill this asshole. Sigh, FE6... I'm doing something a little stupid here to try to keep him on the Handaxe. Roy gets 2HKO'd so the AI will prioritise him. I don't actually attack but he'll use the handaxe on EP. Honestly in retrospect this was kind of stupid, 67 is rather high to gamble your Lord on. Roy got hit once but survived. He obviously missed though. Look at that delicious double from Lance. Javelin hitrates still blow though. Alan mopped him up. Thany killed the last mook enemy and got a standard PK levelup. I can't really ask for more on her str and def as it is since they're above average already, but she'll appreciate further boosts from promotion, particularly not being lancelocked in Western Isles and being able to move 8 spaces to get Dieck to more places. What's up bro? To be honest, whilst Dieck has good bases and growths I'm really glad he's doing incredibly well. At 14/3 he has stats nearly equal to the average 20/1 Dieck. I guess that's not TOO far ahead of the curve but being ahead of the curve early on is really useful. Roy could seize on this turn but since I want to promote Thany to save myself having to do it next chapter (I hate the fact you can't base promote in this game...), I'm gonna wait another turn. Only unit who has double digits in every stat (except con I guess). Sadly, she'll be unable to carry Dieck around if I give her a body ring and she's my only flier on this run, so that's a no no. She might end up being a sword specialist with Killer Lance/Javelin backup considering how many axemen there are to hit in the next chapters. Roy seizes at 11 turns. [spoiler=Unit Stats] UNIT CLASS LEVEL HP ST SK SP LC DF RS WEP LEVEL ROY LORD 09.52 24 09 11 11 12 07 03 C SWORD MARCUS PALADIN ??/05.56 33 12 14 13 10 10 09 S LANCE C SWORD D AXE ZEALOT PALADIN ??/01.60 35 10 12 13 05 11 07 A LANCE C SWORD D AXE ALAN CAVALIER 10.60 29 11 10 10 07 08 02 D SWORD D LANCE LANCE PALADIN 14/01.06 32 15 15 17 06 11 06 B LANCE C SWORD E AXE DIECK HERO 14/3.07 41 17 18 17 11 13 06 S SWORD E AXE THANY FALCO KNIGHT 10/01 35 10 14 21 10 10 11 B LANCE E SWORD LUGH MAGE 10.24 21 07 11 11 07 05 07 C ANIMA CLARINE TROUBADOUR 04.23 18 03 06 10 11 02 06 D STAVES SAUL PRIEST 08.55 22 06 07 12 03 03 08 C STAVES SUE NOMAD 05.34 20 06 09 10 08 06 01 D BOWS
  8. Those are all some good points. Even when it's not just down to game mechanics you're always contstructive haha, thanks. Usually only the first 3 to 4 turns of my attempts get "refined" because of restarts and replicating effective strategies, the later stuff always ends up becoming messy or effectively a play by play. The opening moves are often the most important too since they set everything in motion. To a certain point I kind of want to indiscriminately burn RNs randomly at the start of every new attempt to make it fresh, since otherwise I end up doing things like exactly replicating things for a growth that was good. Take Thany/Shanna's first level up for example, Marcus uses up the last of his hand axe to chip the first soldier, Thany, Sue, and Alan rescuedrop Lugh and Alan is just in range to give his support bonus so the extra attack means Lance can finish off the Soldier in one hit from an Iron lance. Next turn, Thany chips an archer and always gets a nice level up. It happened coincedentally the first time and I just repeated it over and over because of that growth despite the fact that Lugh can't reach the Horseslayer Knight in time-even if ferried-if he's dropped like that. (and I already know Marcus can dodge the horseslayer knight with his steel axe if it's the first action on turn 4, etc...)
  9. Well, I was recording chapter 8 again but to be honest, as I said before, I take way too long overall, and I'm not LTCing, so my recordings are pointless/not interesting to watch. Since it's not blind I don't really have as many observations to make or whatever for screencap playlog style stuff so I don't really know what to do with this thread. The advice has been invaluable to say the least, but I think I'm probably just going to stick to posting stats, summaries and turns, and maybe anything amusing if it happens. I'll ask for any further help if I need it but with a general outline of the run sort of planned I think I'll be okay. Sorry for the wasteful thread. [spoiler=Chapter 8 summary]Turns - 19. Needed extra turns to get all the chests and feed some exp. Chapter 8 - first map where you REALLY need to ferry people around. Units like Clarine and Noah fielded just to make sure everyone else keeps up. However most of the enemies are complete chumps, and the map takes a while to get through anyway, meaning a lot of exp went around. Almost brought Merlinus because I had too many items to carry and sort of thought about promoting Lance midchapter but decided against it. Almost every unit had a full inventory just because of excess items. Roy - Managed to hit some things and get another level (speed, luck, could be worse). Didn't really contribute anything overall, got a free thunder from out his bag of holding to give to Lilina (who promptly gave it to Lugh instead). Toyed with the idea of supporting Roy and Lilina for their ending but decided against it because I really don't want to have to ferry around more units than I'm already doing right now. Talked to Cath for the first time. Marcus - Ferried people around. Used up charges on nearly broken weapons like my 1 use handaxe, 5 use javelin, and 7 use steel axe. Still can't ORKO most so kills can be fed around. Killed all the annoying mages on the bottom/far east of the map with his Javelin to save me hassle. Zealot - More of the same really. Missed twice with 91 disp hit chances of that happening... Lance - Ferried people, got 2 levels, was generally awesome. Ended the map on like 90 exp so I may promote him in 8x after he kills something, but since he's mounted and isn't a bosskiller he isn't in dire need of extra mov or stats right now. He might get promoted in like 10 instead if I can get him to 14. Alan - Managed to get to D swords. Ferried people. Got a level and some exp. Got to B support with Lance. Trending towards being more average than Lance. He won't be getting promoted until chapter 14x though. :\ Dieck - Wanted to give him another level but 5 mov is crippling in a map like this. I also needed a boss killer because the hammer is way too innacurate to hit the boss, and he's the only one capable of doubling him anyway. If the boss exp is going anywhere Dieck makes the most sense to armorslayer kill. I managed to feed him enough kills on the level 10 archers to level up Look at those gloriously balanced stats. It's kinda sad that his speed is basically just now equal to the average HM base Rutger. Killed the boss with the armorslayer afterwards. As a bosskiller, he looks like he'll replace Rutger fine, just no critrigging. Thany - Ferried people. Killed mages because she has a res stat and doubles everything. Got goddess tier levelups. Second level up was actually kind of boss abuse, had 99 exp after killing a thief and just threw javelins at the boss to get the extra exp needed lol. We'll make a Miledy out of her yet. Will try to get her to level 10 on the next map so I can promote her, having swords for western isles will help her out a lot. She can start ferrying Dieck around relatively safely after that too.The robe and blessed def growths mean she isn't as frail as she usually is, but the extra str will be really helpful as well. More statboosters are going to be eaten by her when they come. Lugh - Chipped things, got fed some kills, was ferried around. Was annoying and not particularly helpful because I didn't plan ahead enough to get him in range to hit Knights when he needed to (Marcus and Zealot hit them with Steel Axes instead). Managed to get 2 levels surprisingly, and both were the exact same. Good stats to grow in though. May quick promote him at 10 but considering his role it will depend how annoyed I get at ferrying him around. Saul might want the ring first just to get to 6 mov and get faster exp to get more mag for warp and stuff. Only did one damage to the boss even as a mage. :| Saul - Healed things, Barried once or twice to help units deal with mages. Priortised heal exp onto him because Clarine was busy ferrying people around. Actually got a luck up, which is somewhat special. Don't know if I should save the first ring to promote him at 10. Staff EXP isn't changing anyway and he might be able to get more levels for more mag better with non staff contribution, though he still needs to get to A staves. Should have used barrier more in this chapter, since quite a few turns no healing occured. Sue - Chipped things, ferried people, missed twice at 83 disp hit ( ), then hit a Longbow at like 40 disp hit ( ). Spent more time ferrying things than actually hitting. Should have fed her more kills over Lugh instead of ferrying people around... Astol - Stole some Keys (I really should have bought some more Door Keys in chapter 7...), picked locks, chipped things. Managed to leech about 50 exp, and I'm going to try and get him enough levels to not need babying to nab things on later maps. Chad is pretty much benched for good now. Noah - Ferried people, opened chests. Clarine - Ferried people, got one or two heals off, but mostly ferried people. Pretty much conviced she'll never make it to promotion now and her low mag makes her a meh staffer anyway. Her horse is more useful than her heals. Lilina - Generated a free thunder. Wendy - BROKE THAT WALL Oujay - Brought a new armorslayer. Barth - Protected the scrubs from reinforcements. [spoiler=Unit Stats] UNIT CLASS LEVEL HP ST SK SP LC DF RS WEP LEVEL ROY LORD 09.22 24 09 11 11 12 07 03 C SWORD MARCUS PALADIN ??/05.56 33 12 14 13 10 10 09 S LANCE C SWORD D AXE ZEALOT PALADIN ??/01.60 35 10 12 13 05 11 07 A LANCE C SWORD D AXE ALAN CAVALIER 09.58 28 10 09 10 07 08 02 D SWORD D LANCE LANCE CAVALIER 12.92 27 11 11 14 05 08 03 D SWORD D LANCE DIECK HERO 14/1.93 39 16 16 16 09 12 06 S SWORD E AXE THANY PEGASUS KNIGHT 09.00 29 08 11 18 09 08 09 C LANCE LUGH MAGE 09.21 21 07 11 11 07 05 07 C ANIMA CLARINE TROUBADOUR 03.68 17 03 06 09 10 02 06 D STAVES SAUL PRIEST 07.83 21 05 07 11 03 03 07 C STAVES SUE NOMAD 03.24 19 06 09 10 07 06 00 D BOWS
  10. I think there's a difference between taking it slowly (grinding, farming reinforcements), since that can really just trivialise the game, and just going at a more careful pace. From a regular player's standpoint, status staves and siege magic aside, playing relatively carefully pretty much lets those characters allow you to ignore some otherwise finnicky positioning problems, since they're more than capable of safely running up solo for baiting and killing things over and over whilst your other units sit back to pick up what's left. WRT long range stuff sometimes it's pretty annoying if they overlap but between warp, barrier, high res units and ferrying around you can usually avoid the worst of it unless you're in like chapter 14x (easy to warpskip) or 20B (fuck Sacae on HM). If you go faster it's harder, for sure. I can't claim to be a good player, or a particularly efficient one, but in my experience of you can still clear maps at a steady pace and avoid dealing with reinforcements without rushing the throne all the time, thanks to the multitude of strong units the game provides. Maybe "breaking the game" isn't the most fair description but they're powerful enough to make it significantly easier, especially when the promotion items in this game are spread so thin. Having more promotion items earlier alone would make this game much easier IMO. But I digress, it's harder than FE7 anything at any rate, and is still the hardest one I've finished (since I've yet to go finish my FE11 H5 playthrough).
  11. NM isn't hard. Lots of enemies are still chumps to Marcus and Zealot for at least half the game, so any problems you have can reasonably be dealt with by them. The hitrates in chapter 4 are really bad but it starts to get better after that imo (aside from bosses, who Rutger typically has the best hit vs unless you get Marcus to C swords or something) Thanks to HM bonuses, there are enough ways to break the game wide open with chars like Rutger, Percival and Miledy that HM is not as hard as it probably could be. Just don't be silly and wait forever for promotions, they (Rutger/Miledy) can promote really fast and still have amazing stats thanks to HM bonuses.
  12. Its nearly impossible to get most of them because of the 1+1 and nature of the maps. Most people just hate on them cause they haven't read any of them aside from crap like Alan+Lance or whatever. FE7 and 8 are easier to get, and I think 8 has more definitive personalities set for each character, but to be frank the entire GBA support system is fucked, PoR's is still my favourite in the series. Just use two units, don't have to worry about always standing next to each other or wasting turns...
  13. Oh. I thought they'd move after being triggered (since he attacked Zealot a turn or two earlier), but shows how much I know. And derp, I can't count. Even more remarkable then.
  14. 7 turns (if I counted right). Rutger's hitrate is truly awful but I'm more amazed that an archer ai chose not to attack a PK whilst she's weighed down rescuing Roy. Does that guy just not usually move or what? I know one of them was out of range but the other should have had a free shot.
  15. Took some time but I finally pulled it off. [spoiler=Chapter 7]Turns - 10 This map is already a pain with HM Rutger and without him (and no real excessive grinding on my other units), it takes some work to manage to get everyone where they need to go and get all the villages before the reinforcements spawn. Typically Rutger can pretty much solo the west side of the map with one bow user or mage to blick the Wyvern, but Dieck, even when speed blessed is simply not good enough. I have to really rely on Lot's Halberd for those cavs, since nobody but Rutger can typically double them. I sorely needed Marcus on the west due to lack of units who can double over there, which didn't help matters. I was very sorely tempted to go back to my chapter 6 and grind out the reinforcements to get Alan and Lance some more levels, but I eventually got an early strat working. It is a bit crit reliant though, but some of those crits are unneccessary and are just convenient ones I found. IE Zealot does not need to crit to ORKO the last Cavalier to the east, Silver will do, but since I discovered the crit I figured I'd save the uses. The reinforcements near the boss are because I needed Marcus to go kill stuff at the bottom of the map, and Zealot couldn't solo the boss himself. After about turn 3 or so stuff isn't really clearly planned out, I kept bruteforcing it until I made it. I managed to keep my quota and stay within 10 turns and get everything on the map though. It's no LTC but I'm happy with it. Level ups were good all round. Unsure if Dieck is getting insta promoted, the next couple of chapters are much more leniant, he can probably squeeze out another 2 levels with unpromoted exp gain. Having Hand Axes could be really useful though. Lance also probably needs a few more levels, but he's getting there. [spoiler=Unit Stats] UNIT CLASS LEVEL HP ST SK SP LC DF RS WEP LEVEL ROY LORD 08.15 24 09 11 10 11 07 03 C SWORD MARCUS PALADIN ??/05.06 33 12 14 13 10 10 09 S LANCE C SWORD D AXE ALAN CAVALIER 08.25 27 10 09 09 06 07 02 E SWORD D LANCE LANCE CAVALIER 10.57 26 10 09 12 05 07 02 D SWORD D LANCE DIECK MERCENARY 13.41 34 14 14 14 08 07 04 A SWORD THANY PEGASUS KNIGHT 07.96 28 06 10 16 07 08 07 C LANCE LUGH MAGE 07.44 19 07 09 09 07 05 07 C ANIMA CLARINE TROUBADOUR 03.34 17 03 06 09 10 02 06 D STAVES SAUL PRIEST 06.66 20 04 07 11 02 03 06 C STAVES SUE NOMAD 03.24 18 05 08 09 06 06 00 D BOWS
  16. Do HM bosses get "bonuses" too or are the HM stats just fixed? If they get bonuses, do they fluctuate? Since you seem willing to game the RNG a little for spawning specific spd Nomads (like in Chapter 5), do you ever try to rig the enemy stats? I know that you can get slightly different stats if you load a different save (ie trial map), quit, then reload a chapter, but I don't know if you always stick to fresh reset loads. Apologies if this isn't the right place to ask.
  17. Best: FE11 Worst: FE7 I was actually thinking of FE7 prologue as worst (I mean at least FE9's was sort of amusing and they don't EXPLICTLY tell you exactly what to do) but the entire of Lyn mode is fucking awful to play through if you have any experience with the series.
  18. *headdesk* I can't believe I never knew that. I've always raised Astol to get enough speed to steal that shield lol. I don't think I'm going to bother redoing the map though. It is definitely the easiest source of EXP in earlygame but since I'm only aiming to beat 7 before the reinforcements show up (turn 10) so there isn't a really strict demand on another 2 or 3 levels I'd think, even without Rutger. Zealot and blessed Marcus should be able to carry me for a while yet.
  19. Are you sure? I'm quite certain I remember that you need equal or higher speed than the enemy in GBA FE to steal. Stealing the lockpick isnt for having a lockpick, it's to make Cath not go opening doors she's not meant to. Also I updated that post with unit stats and the uploaded video.
  20. Finally, a chapter that doesn't take forever, mostly because its full of loldiers and mages. I actually frapsed this so the quality isn't garbage, putting the size down to half size recording at 2x VBA makes filesizes more managable. I have an 8 turn clear of chapter 6 with all the east treasure and Sue recruited. I didn't talk to Cath though. I could go a bit slower and try to get the rest of the money and farm reinforcements for the rest of the team, and potentially talk to Cath. I dunno if it's neccessary to dump that much EXP though. Chad can't steal Cath's lockpick so she'll be annoying if I let her do anything, I routed her up the middle by blocking the stairs with Bors and Dorothy. (I usually use him a bit in chapter 3 and 4 to get his speed up, but Thany and Dieck needed more exp). The money is really not that important right now, just the exp. Marcus got speed and str AGAIN, and made it to D axes so I'm very reluctant to restart the chapter, even if he soaked up a rather large amount of exp. I never use Cath anyway and she's already banned in this run, and can still be recruited anyway. I think I "should" be okay, my Dieck is above average, Marcus is way above average, and I get Zealot next chapter meaning there shouldn't be too many problems. Do you think I should take longer and farm more exp for other units on my team? [spoiler=Chapter 6] [spoiler=Unit Stats] UNIT CLASS LEVEL HP ST SK SP LC DF RS WEP LEVEL ROY LORD 07.51 24 08 10 09 11 07 02 D SWORD MARCUS PALADIN ??/04.55 33 12 14 13 10 09 09 S LANCE C SWORD D AXE ALAN CAVALIER 07.43 26 10 08 08 06 06 02 E SWORD D LANCE LANCE CAVALIER 09.27 25 09 08 12 04 07 02 E SWORD D LANCE DIECK MERCENARY 11.69 32 13 13 13 07 07 03 B SWORD THANY PEGASUS KNIGHT 06.09 27 06 09 15 07 08 06 D LANCE LUGH MAGE 05.83 19 07 08 08 07 05 07 D ANIMA CLARINE TROUBADOUR 02.78 16 02 06 09 09 02 05 D STAVES SAUL PRIEST 05.66 20 04 06 10 02 02 05 C STAVES
  21. Sigh, another hourish attempt. Highly unlikely anyone will watch it so I'll recap things. [spoiler=Chapter 5] Music is messed up sorry. I attempted to take the quick route in some earlier attempts but without Rutger I don't have the power to do it. I bought like 4 door keys for the next chapter to keep my options open. Not being able to use Rutger really makes this chapter a lot more annoying since he is capable of doubling nearly everything and generally wrecking face. Taking the quick route is also actually an option if Rutger is present and he manages to dodge/crit enough things on enemy phase. I burnt rns randomly on turn 1 because if done raw, Dieck will get hit by the fighter on turn 1 EP with only 18 hit, then crits back. I really wanted to feed Lugh that kill so... Lugh managed to soak up a good amount of levels here and was generally invaluable because he's the most accurate member of my team right now. His growths were quite decent. He's ahead of the curve on mag, but behind on speed. Should even out in time. Dieck and Marcus's speed procs are already kicking in bceause they were capable of doubling fighters on this map usually limited to only Rutger. Dieck procced some def and more str, and is looking solid as hell all round. He didn't crit the boss, but Lance got the kill anyway. Marcus probably took more exp than he needed to near the end of the map but I was really unwilling to risk anyone getting gibbed by a a Brigand so he cleaned up a lot of the final stretch of the map himself. I got some hand axe uses out so he should be able to make it to D axes in time. He hit S lances but IIRC that gives no bonuses in FE6. Roy continues to impress me considering how bad he usually by now. He is actually slightly tankier than Alan lol. Lance got the brunt of EXP on this map compared to Alan, Lance is now 2 levels ahead. His skill is lagging behind a bit but he looks okay aside from that. Being able to double some enemies thanks to 11 speed is helpful. Alan seems fine and to a degree I regret not focusing exp into him since his str is better. Thanks to his supports with Alan and Roy, Lance actually had acceptable hitrate on the boss, which is what let him take the kill. Thany didn't get to contribute much this chapter because there were nomads everywhere and her hitrates and damage were generally poor. She also had less than stellar avoid. She mostly just rescue dropped people around occaisonally chipped in a bit. She should fare better in the next chapter. Wade and Lott were minorly helpful in rescuedropping/giving people around thanks to high con but didnt really do anything otherwise. Lott doubled a brigand I guess. Wolt chipped in a bit here and there to let Lugh take some kills. Bors, Chad and Merlinus camped forts to prevent reinforcements and didnt really do anything else. Clarine did healer things. Rutger ran around naked. [spoiler=Unit Stats] UNIT CLASS LEVEL HP ST SK SP LC DF RS WEP LEVEL ROY LORD 07.33 24 08 10 09 11 07 02 D SWORD MARCUS PALADIN ??/03.88 33 11 14 12 10 09 09 S LANCE C SWORD E AXE ALAN CAVALIER 06.44 25 10 07 08 05 06 02 E SWORD D LANCE LANCE CAVALIER 08.28 24 08 07 11 03 07 02 E SWORD D LANCE DIECK MERCENARY 10.76 31 12 13 13 07 07 03 B SWORD THANY PEGASUS KNIGHT 05.40 26 06 08 14 07 08 06 D LANCE LUGH MAGE 05.83 19 07 07 07 06 04 05 D ANIMA CLARINE TROUBADOUR 02.56 16 02 06 09 09 02 05 D STAVES
  22. Is there like a certain amount of speed marth needs to kill stuff with Falchion, like the final boss or w/e in this game? Requirements like that pop up quite frequently in the series so I'm typically wary of it after FE6 (I hoarded all my statboosters and managed to make Roy actually usable on my first run in the last chapters!)
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