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Everything posted by Irysa

  1. 9 - Titania, Nephenee, Jill, Soren, Kieran/Ike/Mia/Astrid... (THERE ARE TOO MANY CHARACTERS I LIKE IN THIS GAME) 11 - Caeda/Shiida, Sedgar, Lena, Minerva, Beck/Jake (who needs anyone but Caeda?) 7 - Marcus, Lyn, Lucius, Hector, Pent/Harken/Nino/Priscilla/Legault/Karla (HELP THERE ARE TOO MANY AGAIN) 8 - Ephraim, Eirika, Myrrh, Seth, Orson (who cares if he isn't really playable, cool character, also all of L'Arachel's troupe were pretty entertaining) 6 - Marcus, Dieck (Rutger is a chump), Karel (the supports man), MIledy, Percival 10 - Titania, Nephenee, Jill, Mia, Volug/Soren (HM to Oliver :V Astrid has terrible taste in men in 10, Kieran doesn't do enough funny things, Ike is boring, blah blah blah I don't like RD) I think Jagen was the only Jagen who didn't make the list. Welp.
  2. Bad news: I'm dumb and was recording with my mic off for the majority of it. I did realise before I eventually got a successful run off, and will just show that instead, but you don't get to see me suffering as much (i know you were looking forward to it) Anyway, watch this space. EDIT: Vegas doesn't seem to want to render this video correctly....zzz [spoiler=Prologue 8] So much fail around this video and you dno't even get to see half of it. RIP. (I had to reencode this video like 4 times to get it to come out properly, fuck vegas)
  3. Okay on further testing, it's the silver axe bandits they pull with, not the extra hunter + bandit combo. This makes things a lot more managable, I was under the impression EVERYTHING pulled at once which was kind of impossible to deal with.
  5. To be fair, half the reason Colm has any acceptable combat in casual play is partially because of his explosive support with Neimi (and in turn that sort of makes her suck less too). FE8 enemies are generally weak and having a free + 1 atk from the getgo helps them at least be able to do things like tagteam enemies. It goes up pretty fast too. Raising a thief is easier than raising a knight or an archer, their natural advantageous matchup (bandit/pirates) are plentiful early on, suck at hitting them, and get doubled with low defence. Some games they even get an EXP gain bonus. And it can make your life easier in some chapters if thieves can actually fight or take a hit instead of having to be protected.
  6. [spoiler=Prologue 7] no prologue 8 today because I'm still trying to beat it <_< (3turned omg maybe turncounts might not suck) Probably. Cecille's str looks...iffy though especially for a cavalier. Mag growth seems amazing though (SM!Cecille with Levin Sword here I come!!!)
  7. I should have clarified, on a no grind no dlc lunatic first run, is it reasonable to beat the game without really bothering with kids.
  8. Can you beat this game without faffing about with all the eugenics shit. I think I might be getting it at Christmas with an XL.
  9. If we're entirely honest, the way Manakete's work is far more ideal to how you'd expect an "Est" character to function, in that they're kind of vulnerable but can hit like absoloute trucks where it matters. If Est's came with retarded Prf weapons and the kinds of growths Manakete's got and leveled up as fast as they did... Elincia kind of counts I guess. Flying, Prf Brave Sword, can use Staves, levels up pretty fast in PoR. But she's technically promoted and all and still didn't do much damage because of 9 base str.
  10. Zephiel wasn't really ever "insane" in my book. I mean you can argue that anyone who loathes humanity that much has a few screws loose, but look at his scenario. His dad hates him and tried to have him killed multiple times, his mother detests his half sister (who is funnily the only person in his family who actually seems to care about him) and is only concnered about him rising to the throne out of spite to her forced husband. Hellene doesn't really give a shit about Zephiel. That's already pretty bad, but then later, he thinks his father finally accepted them and then nearly fucking dies again because he was actually trying to poison him. It's not killing his dad made him insane, it's the childhood full of abuse that makes him just come to abhor people. Zephiel released the dragons because he hates humanity, and even when he dies he doesn't change (see death quote). He is pretty much the catalyst for why FE6 happens (technically it's his dad I guess). Hardin became jealous and upset and was exploited by the Darksphere, but he's all like IM SORRY MARTH and goes back to his old self before he dies. Gharnef is the catalyst for FE3. They're obviously similar but if you want "insane" look at Ashnard or something, he is off his rocker and is a borderline saturday morning cartoon character I ONLY CARE ABOUT POWER.
  11. Even just getting a Riolu from Floccsey in BW2 could wreck the game once it evolved. Come to think of it, I had like 4 friendship mons on my team in BW2, Azumarill, Lucario, Umbreon and Crobat.
  12. This is the only "tutorial" I have ever played in any game where the design can actually scale properly with the difficulty. Prologue is still relevant on Lunatic because it actually is still teaching you how to play, but in a different way that is appropriate to Lunatic. That is really quite a marvel, so yes, I am enjoying these. FE11 H5 had some scenarios like this at the start of the game (one of the ones I liked the most was ch 3 chokepoint with navarre and julian) but they kinda die off once you realise how broken forged effective weapons and General!Sedgar/Wolf are. BTW, how the hell do you do some of these maps if you have Gordin instead of Athena? <_<
  13. You can basically afford to forge something every single chapter because the game just throws money at you non stop. It "seems" low early on but then you just keep getting massive dumps of it. Try to get Ike capped before chapter 27 in speed and str and have a high amount of defence. (he autopromotes after 17 so have him at 20 in or before 17) Save a Wrath and Resolve Scroll for him in lategame, but having him use Aether before then via an Occult Scroll is still powerful. You can steal weapons that are not equipped with thieves, and one of the easiest things to steal are Staves from enemy clerics, as they are not considered equipped by default even if it is their only item.
  14. I actually found out you can run multiple instances of OBS to record and stream at the same time so I was actually streaming and recording with a friend on Skype this time. Not too many interjections though. [spoiler=Prologue 5] Prologue 6 is being edited as we speak. Athena carries hard in both of these though. [spoiler=Prologue 6] My friend sucks and forgot to remind me to swap screens until like halfway in. Derp. Also, 2 turned P-6, am I pro yet?
  15. Uh not really. Quite a few of the listed Archanean characters have more than established backstory and position that conflicts with FE6s. Miledy is a Royal Guard and so is her brother, Minerva is actually a Princess and her brother is the archetype for Narcian (who hates Miledy in FE6). Tate is a Mercenary, isn';t affiliated with Miledy at all, and has no interest in Roy, she's more into Klein, no go for Catria besides the design. Zephiel's entire backstory has nothing to do with him getting corrupted or anything unlike Hardin. Guinevere is his SISTER not his wife. Thany/Shanna is mechanically a Caeda equivilant but the position as a character is actually Lilina's who is more like a mage version of Maria. Don't get me wrong, they're still obviously very similar and influenced by but it's a bit rich to say that they're the same thing. It's like saying Oscar and Kieran are the same as Cain and Abel beacuse they're the red and green cavaliers.
  16. Most of the FE6 - Archanea comparions are superficial as opposed to like, the actual characters and their position though.
  17. Underwater Space Legitimately I kinda like the stealth mission in PoR since figuring out how to get everything, recruit everyone, kill the boss and then have people get out before Ike WITHOUT FIGHTING THINGS was a fun puzzle. So...does well lit/un well lit terrain count? Could technically work for other mechanics.
  18. I accidentally had point filtering on so that's actually the reason, not the ratio. It will be fixed for future videos. I must have forgotten to turn that off. As for keys, I have a loud keyboard. I could use push to talk but then that means I can't do things whilst PTTing. I tried having a mic mute/unmute button but then I fail to turn it back on (d'oh). Also thanks for the advice on the AI. That does sound rather abusable. Is the crit thing ALWAYS a priority above all else?
  19. Titania is consistently my number 1 MVP for battles fought/won in every PoR run. Screw Marcia.
  20. I fell asleep whilst uploading sorry lol. Bottom right of vids have annotations to skip to appropriate gameplay parts when neccessary. [spoiler=Prologue 1-2] [spoiler=Prologue 3-4]
  21. Someone please tell me there is a better way of beating Prologue 4 without just unequipping Caeda and letting Ryan kill everything behind the wall. I have a feeling I'll need more Heals/Vulneraries than this strat leaves me with <_< EDIT: Okay I...well more like Ryan missing optimised this a bit beacuse now Athena gets to attack Caeda instead of a Soldier so the enemy spread became a bit less silly. I think thats enough for now, will be uploading soon.
  22. Well, I've let the poll sit for about a day, it's time to tally things! Fighter - Orphan, Strong/Kind, Honorable (4 votes [30.77%] - View) Archer - Farmer, Diverse, Honorable (6 votes [46.15%] - View) Myrmidon - Farmer, Diverse, Honorable (2 votes [15.38%] - View) Mage - Orphan, Strong, Honorable (1 votes [7.69%] - View) Archer has the lead at a glance but because LeaderR said this, I count his vote as Fighter. Which leaves us with 5 to 5 instead of 6 to 4. So to tiebreak, I'm throwing in my own vote and voting Fighter beacuse open shirt. TOTALLY FAIR AND NOT BIASED THIS RUN WILL START TODAY. GOD HELP ME.
  23. Fucking Xane AI is such a troll, he's why I killed the heroes before opening the door.
  24. If I have to go Archer without mixed it would be female archer anyway probably so I can get both there. Also, you're the one trying to get me to use a Mage MU in H4... Well yes, it limits it, but I figure I can have fun replaying this game based on MU! options alone so I think at least one playthrough without access to any of this stuff is fine. I mean, you only unlock these sets after beating hard or above once right? And you only get Lunatic boosters after beating Lunatic once. And nobody wants to see me play H2 or H1 first lol. That Myrmidon set is killed by Jagen without all vulnerary use vs mine or commonguard's that only needs 2. I personally think 4 hp is better than 1 extra strength, especially since I want more str growth and can rig the shit out of the early levels anyway.
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