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King Marth

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About King Marth

  • Birthday 04/21/1996

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  • Favorite Fire Emblem Game
    Blazing Sword

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  1. Your HM team...it looks interesting...

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. King Marth
    3. Junkhead


      I think your team is pretty good.

      Edward is alot better than they give him credit for, in HM. He has been key for my lowturn strategies so far (despite being free), but traininghim won't be that hard if he gets Spd in every level-ups (keeps him doubling, and it's reeeeally not that hard, with that Str/Spd growth, tie).

      Neph isn't fantastic in Part 2, but she defenitely helps to have around (2-2 is dumb and you don't want to lowman that thing)

      Tibarn is obvious,...

    4. Junkhead


      Soren has great potential, if you can get him up there...only true problem I see, is when you fight Ike in 3-13 and they have a support for a massive +30 Avo/+2 Atk.

      Danved and Astrid eventually become feasible by Part 4, with a bit of work (obviously Danved requires quite less work).

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