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Posts posted by Bohemund

  1. "Sadie-girl" is a lame name. Never liked names that mention gender; I don't need a constant reminder, as I will remember on my own. I'd just call her "Sadie" myself. My dog is usually calm and follows me around, but she will start to raise Hell if I decide to play with her. Or she get overly excited if I say "out", "back", "walk", or "ride". Thing about dogs, you can teach them many things. Including to be fun.

  2. Why did it take so long for someone to say this?

    I was going to say this originally, but changed my mind. Note my first one was edited... and now this one too 'cause I made a spelling mistake. <_<

  3. So, to them you're suppose to be innocent little girls, eh? Needless to say, I've never had a parent thinking I didn't know shit. I mean, besides the fact my dad likes asking me completely random things I wouldn't know, nor care about, so that he can show he still knows a thing or two. As for the subject... My history is now set to automatically purge whenever I close out IE. After my mother told me snooped though my sister's IMs and whatnot once, I haven't exactly kept much evidence around just in case...

  4. Thing is, just 'cause a person works with computers, it doesn't mean they know computers. They likely are taught what to do on it to do their jobs and that's it. Recently the secretary at my dad's work called and asked if I could possibly help transfer her personal stuff from her old PC over to a new one, which she still hasn't bought. When the day comes, I'll probably just end up using my flashdrive since I know she won't have a LAN set up in her home.

  5. I lately wrote 2 of the longest topics I have ever written (not counting creative section)

    but not a single post has been made in these topics since I made them!

    of the first I can understand. It's not that interesting, more people did it. It was more to get the ideas out of my head anyways.


    the second one I actually need answers on. I am surprised nobody posted there yet.


    did people not notice the topics I made?

    or am I just that boring?

    or have you all made a pact to ignore me? :blink:

    I didn't even see those topics before. Actually I usually never look at the FE specific subforums. As for the first one, most ideas are 'meh.' I'd definitely wouldn't bother with a FE that has a 3D map and gives the ability for units to fly higher. It'd be a bit tedious to control fliers imo. For the second one: go for it. Next time make those links work automatically. Also try not to write so much unless its some creative story. Gamers are notorious for having short attention spans.

    I feel ignored all the time, but I deal with it

    If it makes you feel better I remember you from when I hung around the forum over a year ago.

    Don't worry, I feel the same in my sprite topicz across several forums.

    I'll take a look through your sprites if you really want. However, I will not be merciful in my critiques.

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