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Status Updates posted by Icarusu

  1. bruh i can smell my own cringe from years ago just because of this classy profile

  2. Uh oh they censored kamui..

    1. Naughx


      But not her dragon form!

  3. Give a like for the children

  4. You don't understand, i've been dead for 35 years, today is the day i live.

  5. You are filled with DETERMINATION.

  6. I'm sure we will work great together, agent 3

  7. Besides people making that phoenix wright anime they could do more umineko since it's the same thing but better

  8. Danganronpa 3 now

  9. I can post anything even with heart but no one even cares

  10. Until when i'll be stalked but no one says anything

  11. Breath of Fire franchise killed today..by mobile

  12. You using brs picture

  13. Kuro you need stop with that yuri shit

  14. Local dango man stabs everyone

  15. When these trap members start using pictures from the same game i start to notice theres a new bullshit happening

  16. When you actually tough someone cared, they were just lurking to take your signature down

  17. That time when mods and their friends start to stalk you for no reason..

  18. After watching a choco loli kiss a white loli i'm feeling confused

  19. Hoopa is out and nobody gave me one

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