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Posts posted by Icarusu

  1. I squealed like a school girl when Bayonetta appeared and I have to agree with some people that Azura would've been a better FE Fates representative, but there still should've been at least some other than a FE character to take up a spot.

    Yeah like.. anyone could have taken the spot, someone like one of the hundreds of classic nintendo games characters



    or Isaac if you say Golden Sun was better.

  2. Why are you all here, then?

    Why do you make yourselves suffer every day by going on a website you don't even like anymore?

    Anyway, my answer would be GaiaOnline. I used to love that place, but I grew out of it quickly. Haven't been there in years. (7, to be exact.)

    Probably until someone cares to give a crap about me

    and no i don't love you by saying that.

    Unlike you i don't have anything else to do and you probably haven't felt like without no one before due to everyone answering here like they give their ass to you.

    If you plan on starting drama

    then DONT



    Jesus christ do you guys only reply to my posts in this shit when it's something that could begin a drama?

    you guys make me sick.

  3. They really slapping to their faces its a splatoon clone like that

    and they said kids..

    it's also really bad they just made a simple coding to let you recolor things not even actually ''spray'', besides calling it squid and not even having squids

  4. Hello welcome to the forums become my friend i don't bite.

    I did also pick awakening very late so we are two, i remember i picked the shadow dragon years ago and it was fun but i was so bad at it that by the final chapter almost everyone was dead, then i revived barst for no reason

    Well anyways feel welcome

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