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Posts posted by Foxxie

  1. I had skipped it for lack of a DS, but seeing as I finally have a 3DS, that solves my problem. I realize now that I only included GBA games when I said backtracking.

    I take no malice with what you've pointed out. It might not be the best story, or so I've heard, but the gameplay and characters will surely more than make up for it. Thanks for commenting!

  2. Couldn't think of a flashy title or anything, so that will have to do. I started with the series on my Gamecube when I picked up Path of Radiance, went on to get Radiant Dawn, skipped Shadow Dragon, and now have Awakening. I'm working on backtracking to the GBA titles to get the fullest experience possible. I love the series and hope to have some good discussions with you all.

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