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Posts posted by Foxxie

  1. Because Stahl is one of, if not THE nicest character in the entire cast, he doesn't have a bad support on him, he's a beastly unit with a little luck, and he's definitely in the top three for best fathers in the game.

    [/nods] Those are a few short and simple reasons.

    Also, personally, I love his confession to MU. "Milady, I may never take my eyes off of you again... unless I'm about to walk into a wall." Or something to that effect. He's nice, his gimmick is being normal and hungry (which for some reason I find endearing) and he makes a good unit/dad as Vash just said. But I can understand him fading into the background in a cast of characters who are just so diverse and encompass such a broad spectrum of funny or likeable tropes.

  2. I get the feeling that Gaius and Stahl could be close. Gaius gets a lot of vocal love and Stahl is more of a quiet favorite and he tends to do well because of his "bro status". I had to go with Stahl but it'll be interesting to keep an eye on that poll.

    As for Cynthia and Lon'qu, I think the two have fanbases that don't really overlap. I thought Lon'qu would have it for sure but when I voted for Cynthia I was surprised to see the lead she had taken.

  3. My avatar is Pheros from Awakening. She's a troubadour and the boss of Chapter 17. She doesn't do a whole lot nor does she have much of an impact on the game (like most mid-game bosses) but I still liked her design and the fact that she was such an apparently successful commander despite having a pretty easy team to wipe out.

    Are you a cat person or a dog person?

  4. I would usually fish back for my last one but I'll just jump in and steal Verdant's.

    ^Which game consoles/handhelds do you own?

    I own a non-functioning NES and SNES (though I could fix this for a few bucks), as well as a GBC, GBA, SP, and 3DS for handhelds and PS2, Gamecube, and Wii for actual consoles. Used to own a PS3 but sold it to have some money stashed away for the PS4.

    Favorite game that you recall for the N64?

  5. I'm going to pop back in here and dodge the timetravel debate (I might jump in when I wake up more) and say that when IS and Nintendo give us homosexuals in the game (besides Heather's crushes and Virion/Libra baiting) I'm sure some group will take so much offense at it that FE will be in such dire straits that they'll release another FE:A type game wherein everybody can marry everything, effectively canceling the series on a note drenched in incest, crackships, and whacked out speed caps.

    So yeah. Baby steps towards incestuous time travel love affairs.

  6. overrated Lucina.

    I know that I used a term similar to overrated in my personal analysis of Henry (which might have come off as character bashing), but let's face it. Every character is overrated to someone, I'm sure. I happen to like Lucina but I know and understand what people hate about her. I dislike Chrom but I know why others herald him as a great character. But the word overrated really adds nothing to a conversation regarding characters. Saying "I hate her because too many others like her for reasons I find stupid" is unhelpful. I'm sure people who are adamantly anti-Ricken could even argue that Ricken is overrated by some if they cared enough to.

    I for one will try to avoid this term in the future after seeing it tossed around and realizing not only how (obviously) subjective it is, but also how little it actually adds to an argument.

    Not to bash on you, Ana. I'm sure you have good reasons for disliking Lucina because you seem like a smart girl, and I'm glad to see someone else who likes Lissa, but especially one who chose to vote for her against the odds.

  7. I haven't had a lot of time to work on the fic because of some family issues that took me away from the internet for good chunks of time these past few days. Anyway, I'm dong well now so I should be able to honestly focus on it.

  8. Yay :D

    haven't seen you around here lately though!

    I've been popping into the Awakening forum to give my two cents from time to time but I've been busy with a lot of banking/shopping college-bound things and a few sick family members (most of which are fine now, not to worry). I intend to come back and be my usual shining self in the Forum Games subforum.

  9. I'll preface this by saying that I'm one of those people who doesn't mind Lucina and Owain together in a romantic context. Nobility usually married their cousins and support-wise they're a good match. I wouldn't mind sibling marriage but I can't really see Lucina opting for it. In that same vein, Chrom/Lucina was shipped very heavily when Lucina was just Masked Marth and nobody knew they were related. So, there's some spark there, but I think it vanishes with the father/daughter reveal. As much as I don't mind incestuous siblings, parent/child crosses the line for me. Uncles or cousins is just fine, though, and I know that already puts me in an odd category removed from the general public.

    I could see Morgan with his/her sibling, but it really does depend on who the other party involved would be. If there's no chemistry then there's no point.

  10. I would like Stahl/Cordelia a little more if they did more than just play the harp together. Some deep discussion would have been nice. I can't argue with the resulting Severa, of course, but it does also go against my slight preference for Stahl/Olivia. Besides, I have a hard time deciding on an OTP for Cordelia because no matter what, Severa will be a very useful unit.

  11. All this Inigo fangasming makes me not want to vote Inigo. /o\

    Henry's no better off.

    You see? Both of them are overhyped characters. I just personally find that Inigo's a much better unit (at least in my current playthrough) and he lacks the "Nya ha" bird puns and the other personality quirks that really rub me the wrong way. I don't understand the fangasming, as you put it, regarding Henry. He's not edgy, he's a hypocrite. He's not funny (barring some solid jokes, I mean his general persona in this case), he just harps on crows and blood in such a way that takes him out of the endearing category and places him smack-dab in annoying. I like dark humor probably moreso than the next girl but Henry doesn't do a thing for me and the hype clearly hasn't helped.

    I thought marrying him to MU would make me feel better, but alas, all he does in those supports are play with a severed arm, attempt to sic Risen on innocents, and then do all of MU's chores.

    It just makes it worse to know that he'll easily dominate most brackets without question. I don't mean any real offense because I know my favorites aren't perfect either, but I just wanted to say that.

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