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Posts posted by Foxxie

  1. Foxxie-

    Respect points: who the hell are you/why are we here again?

    Respect points: Groan of dread/why God why?

    Losing respect points for a bad joke's hardly something I'm going to lose sleep over. Regardless, I'm just someone who joined SF to discuss the series I like and found out that I prefer this section a little more than the main discussions from time to time.

    I can't say I know you too well either, but you've been here longer than I so I assume I will be running into you much more from now on.

  2. I actually don't mind the lack of blood. It never struck me as "haha, they're being so clean cut and it's lame". Blood wouldn't add anything to the plot. The stakes would still be high if the writing was good enough. There's enough blood in action games and a few RPGs that I can get my fix there if need be.

    But incest is the best

    Incest is best sest.

  3. Are you familiar with the Mystery Dungeon series? Like that. With a Romeo and Juliet flair, without the tradgedy.

    Okay, do the most famous romantic tragedy without the tragedy.

    So just do a famous romance between two very different families.


    Just do My Big Fat Greek Wedding with Pokemon.

    This is what you asked of me.

  4. Red
    All the above Game Counterparts, including the unused female for the originals.
    (So Manga and Game)

    I know Bianca's taken, in game form at least, and I'm fairly certain someone snatched up the early-gen manga and game player characters.

  5. I returned. And I have to write Pokemon fanfic for you? Fine.

    I appreciated your review, Crizix. Admittedly, I didn't spend as much time on it as I usually would because I was worried about their characterization and didn't want to let myself get too far off base. I plan on tackling the pairing again in a much more organic fashion since I do think they could be cute together.

  6. Yeah, that's not a problem. I assign no great love to my "waifus". Besides, say I really did feel that my avatar married Cordelia and life is great and my avatar loves her very much. Making a new avatar in FE52 wouldn't be that same avatar anyway even if he/she looked identical and bore the same name. Nor would it be me. I'm not (and my avatar's) not cheating on Cordelia if I marry some other woman in a totally different game.

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