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Status Replies posted by Alvitazi

  1. For your FE12 pairing, you could use Catria or Palla. (But use Catria).

    1. Alvitazi


      It's like your Cordelia x Avatar thing. Catria longs for Marth, but he marries Caeda/Sheeda. Cordelia longs for Chrom, but he marries Sumia (canon). In the end, Cordelia (in your file) would settle for you (Sorin), so shouldn't Catria do the same?

    2. (See 3 other replies to this status update)

  2. God that sig.... amazing

  3. Severa is soon to fall to the enemy in Hurt/Heal we must...end her suffering...

  4. Gerome avatar? Instant add.

    1. Alvitazi


      He is the best child.

  5. Nice Avatar.

    1. Alvitazi


      Thanks, but someone else drew it.

      I just can't seem to find a good picture of Female Morgan.

    2. (See 1 other reply to this status update)

  6. Hey.. thanks for accepting. Just saw you were a friend of my sister, so.. yeah.

    1. Alvitazi


      Yeah... You know who I'm talking about, right?

    2. (See 3 other replies to this status update)

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